Cognoscente Progress Report

Cognoscente Progress so far

5168 words 51.68% completed!

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Come discover Nuone with me!

I have been a D&D Dungeon Master and world builder since 1979. In 2018, my home burned down and I lost everything! Now, I am rebuilding my world from memory. I am also adding a Fifth age to my timeline where my current adventures will take place. This will be built by cooperative adventuring to discover the unknown regions of Nuome.

Interests & Hobbies

The Grateful Dead, all kinds of outdoor woodsy stuff, Backwoods self-sufficiency

Favorite Movies

Any Lord of the Rings, Any Star Trek, Any Star Wars, The Princess Bride, Willow, Any Conan, Any James Bond

Favorite TV Series

Any Star Trek, Lost, The Sopranos, Zena

Favorite Books

The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings The Deryni Chronicles The Pleistocene Epoch The Belgariad et al

Favorite Writers

JRR Tolkien, Katherine Kurtz, Tracey Hickman & Margaret Weiss, Julian May, R. A. Salvadore Howard Eddings

Favorite Games

Any and all Dungeons And Dragons Runequest Goodman games

Latest Loved work

Dialogue 3: Character Voice

WorldEmber 2021 Pledge

The Lair of Àncéarmâr
