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TychoRoc Progress Report


"He's not dead yet, my lord Chamberlain"

225 words

OSC1: Rime of the Psionic Mariner (END)

“The selfmoment I could pray; And from my neck so free The Albatross fell off, and sank Like lead into the sea.”

1444 words

The Rewylding

414 words

Earth Omphalos

To earth, then, let us assign the cubical form; for earth is the most immoveable of the four and the most plastic of all bodies

352 words

Cannibals (Draft 1)

A draft of Weis the Wyld's first attempt at field work. This account served as the preface for his famous 'Diaries of a Deadman'.

2903 words

On Cabochon: Random Q&A

Some clarifications for players

721 words


219 words

Mayor Gimbal

Portreeve of Du'chan and gnome autocrat

379 words

Aether Omphalos

Lo the fifth, being pentangle in nature, encompasses aether. Aether bind moveable and immovable, preternatural and supernatural.

217 words


157 words


156 words


317 words


537 words


"No one asked your opinion, you filthy Mudblood."

348 words

Brother Marcon

Monk that looks a lot like Billy Blanks

331 words


189 words


That which makes Dungeons so perilious

303 words

TychoRoc Progress so far

10591 words 105.91% completed!

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I'm a neophyte author and world builder. When not doing laboratory work, I enjoy DMing and writing short stories.

Interests & Hobbies

World building, reading scientific papers and ancient mythologies, and writing when inspiration comes.

Favorite Games

Most staple Nintendo titles, Diablo I/II, Legend of Grimlock I/II, Fallout 1-3

Latest Loved work

Kestar Skrill Geree

Adulthood pilgrimage