kiki age 8 - TW-ish

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there was a ruckus going on in the market, but that's not what jerked Zoro to a stop. No. The cacophony and chaos unfolding down the street was overshadowed completely by all three of his katana humming at his hip. A haki'd hand soothed the blades and he knew Sanji had caught the action.

The two men glanced over the crowd in suspicion, Zoro'd hand anxious on his blades. he'd felt this pull before; glancing to the cook, lighter in fist confirmed his suspicions.

"Captain Kidd?" Sanji guessed. Zoro grunted in confirmation.

They'd not seen nor heard anything of the other crew since Wano; but they'd had enough on their plate that they really hadn't been listen to what was happening with the other crews they'd aligned with against Kaido and Big Mom.



The pull changes to a push, and it's subtle enough that Zoro almost misses it, observation only twinging that he's going the wrong way. Sanji might mock his directional sense, but when Zoro abruptly switched directions, Sanji said nothing.

He might be wrong 99% of the time. But that still means that 1 of out 100 he's right.

Today he's right.

At least... he thinks he is, coming to a halt at the sight of two children attempting to a tall brick dividing wall. And the powerful push against his weapons that threatened to drive him back.

Given time, they two boys might be able to figure out how to get over the wall, but time is not what they have, and they are trapped and they know it.

Sanji glances out on the street - most of the chaos has moved away; they might have gotten a clean get away if Zoro hadn't noticed. The question is why is a mob after a couple 8 year olds and what happen to Captain Kidd that an 8 year old has his devil fruit - assuming it's the jikijiki no mi and not some other metal effect fruit.

An 8 year old with wild red hair like sun rays and a second boy with unruly blond bangs obscuring his face.

A blond with a painful smile and a red head with so much anger in his eyes.

"You can't have him!" the red head declared, puffed out and furious, "He's mine now. so leave us alone!"

Zoro squatted down, and carefully removed his hand from his swords. They remained quiet and still, and he help up his empty hands.

All three of them watched him, curious and caution. "The blood. Is it theirs or yours?" Zoro asked softly.

Neither boy answered him vocally - which was telling enough in it's own way. "We have a doctor on our crew," Zoro said carefully; the red head's face twisted into something ugly. Zoro nodded like he agreed, "He's a reindeer," Zoro said, slowly raising a hand to indicate chopper's height," about so tall. he's very nice, and we could bring him here to help."

"Leave us alone," the red head warned again

Sanji didn't get any closer - he'd watch the street and keep them from feeling crowed or boxed in. "Your friend is still bleeding."

This seemed to be the first reaction from the blond boy, who'd been standing silent and ridged against the wall. His head was titled to look at Sanji, left hand moving back behind him to hide the blood splattered on his sleeve.

The red head snarled, /snarled!/ at Sanji and stepped forward to -push- at Sanji, he too held up his hands in surrender and let the kid push on his lighter and belt, the arch sports of his shoes.


The blond didn't even seem like he was breathing, ramrod straight and still as death. he didn't make a single sound as Chopper stitched and wrapped his arm, not a reaction as the needle pricked his skin over and over. Even Zoro - the master of stoicism while hurt - was uneasy


Sanji studied in the knife in the boys hand, the tension in his shoulders.

"That's a Tourne Knife" he says finally. "it's for cutting vegetables and decorative garnish. Not for flesh or bone."

there's that head tilt - it's subtle, but Sanji sees it. he saw it in the alley. a part of his wants to stare back - because that's what he's doing. he's trying to stare Sanji down, protected by the fringe of his bangs. and Sanji can feel that in his heart so bad.

Sanji makes a point to look a way, so go back to his prep work. he lets the boy mull over his words, lets him exist unchallenged for a moment. Sanji doesn't know the boy's past, not even Kidd does right now. but there are things about how the boy acts, how he reacts to things that hit too close to home, too close to Sanji's own barely addressed upbringing. him come to Sanji on his own time

he glanced over at the blade, the boy's hold on it. the deadly way he held it.

he was familiar with knifes as a weapon. but not as a tool.

Sanji wipes his hands and steps away. pointedly doesn't look at the way the blade comes up between them. there;s a stool in the corner that chopper uses from tine to tine. Killer's not much taller then their doctor. HE pulls it up next tot he counter where he's working. "come up here," he invites the kid, "And I'll show you how to do a tourne cut on these carrots."

he works by himself for a while, treating killer like a cat; pretending to ignore him completely and let him approach on his own. he felt more than saw the kid finally climb up next to him, and worked slower, giving the kid a chance to see him peal the vegetable. he worked though the majority of the batch before he held the peeler out, "trade me?"

neither moved fro a long moment, and Sanji was about to rescind the offer then killer tentatively took the peeler from him. Sanji remain where he was, palm open, until killer put the tourne knife handle in his hand.


After a few moments, Sanji bit his lip; Killer was getting it, but his movements where strange. stilted. he almost laughed - it was like then he'd first forced Zoro into helping him, years and years ago.


Actually, it was almost identical to Zoro, "Killer-kun?" Sanji hedged, "are you right or left handed?"

The boy looked at him then, Sanji making eye contact for the first time with him. cold blue eyes looking back, uncomprehending of his question.

He remember once, Zoro admitting that even his own sensei had spend most of his early years teaching him right handed moves, because that what most of the other kids were. that he didn't get real training with his dominate hand until he had advanced enough to started doing two sword techniques

Sanji tried to remember how he'd adjusted his technique for Zoro back then, reaching around the boys boys to move the little blade to his left hand and reposition it. tried to act casual once he did and the warning signs started to siren. tried to force calm and casual as killer froze up so bad he'd stopped breathing.

Well.. at least he didn't stab him.

After he was sure killer was holding the blade more comfortably, he stepped back to let him compose himself. slowly, killer moved and started trying to peel the carrots with a marked improvement.

Sanji cant hold back the grin on his face when the little boy shyly looked back at him once he's done.

"These look great!

The forever smile the boy gives back softens around the edges. Sanji realizes he's not fighting it; a real smile.

He takes one of the prepped carrots and takes the tourne knife in hand, "So - a tourne cut ensures root vegetables cook evenly..." he starts to explain, showing the boy the intricate cut.


"In the kitchen, knifes are tools, but they are also the soul of a chef. and each one has a something it is designed to do. normally, you would never use another chef's tools without asking." Sanji explains as they clean up, carefully washing and drying each knife. Killer has relaxed as they worked quietly side by side; the kid honestly seems pretty happy with the monotonous prep work.

Sanji wondered if maybe he was happy to create something instead of just destroying. he knew he was at that age.

"As long as you use them correctly, and safely," Sanji added, "You can use mine, as long as I'm here supervising. We're on a ship, on the ocean. Accidents happen, and if one does happen in this kitchen, it's my responsibility. Do.. Do you understand?"

Killer was still for a long moment, before he turned to Sanji and nodded slowly.

Nami and Kidd would come in as he and Killer were finishing up. Nami took her seat at the table but Kidd climbed right up the stool with Killer to see what they where doing. Sanji marveled at the fact the skittish boy that he'd been working with throughout the afternoon gone and he raised his arm so Kidd could squeeze in front of him to look into the pot they'd set to boil.

Sanji washed his hands, stepping away to give the boys a moment and smiling sweetly at Nami, "Nami-swan? afternoon tea? snacks?"

"Maybe some tea," she agrees, but nodded to the boys with a question


The little blond boy doesn't talk, and he certainly doesn't play. The only thing breaking up the careful blank look on his face in the wide grin, and Zoro sits with him quietly one morning when he finds the boy hiding in the storage room, quietly giggling, tears falling and tearing at his face. It's the most emotion of any kind they've seen so far, and Zoro pulls him into his lap and holds tiny little fists in his hands until he stops fighting stops trying to hurt himself.

Zoro does not feel himself to be a particularly good storytellers, but he talks in a low voice, mostly about a little girl named O-Toko and her father, and the people of her village. About how they'd been cursed to laugh, just like Killer was cursed.

He didn't know how Killer had ended up eating a smile fruit, putting the pieces together in onigasimas's rooftop, Luffy's quiet retelling of Udon lining up with the snow field fight he'd had with Kamazou. Killer had been helpful to them avoiding Apoo on the live floor, and he'd held nothing back against their ill fated fight with Kaido. it had been... fun, actually, fighting alongside the other man, and while Zoro had given him a warning that he at least knew about Killer's attempt of the lives of two civilians, Killer had done nothing since to give Zoro reason to bring it up again.

Killer does not speak back to him, but the laughing eases, and they just exist together in the late morning. Kidd finds them eventually, and after a pointed staring contest with Zoro - who is not actually sure if he won or lost that one - he pulls Killer free and drags him off on some adventure or another.

Zoro talks with chopper later about the possible self harm; not wanting to rat the kid out, but also aware that it can get dangerous fast, and the doctor needs to know. Especially when some of the small claw marks are still bleeding that evening.


Chopper and Usopp work on dying some fabric, and present Killer with a small blue and striped child-size cloth mask after dinner. the little doctor explains to Killer -and to Kidd, who hasn't made his mind up if he likes this mask idea or not - that the next time he starts to get anxious, instead of clawing, he should put this on instead.

There is the fear he wont take it off again; what they didn't expect was for him to look to Kidd and Luffy as if asking permission.

Kidd has trouble listening to anyone, and seems to act out with Luffy especially (although, he does seem to listen to Nami and robin with little fuss, which has Sanji wrong footed all day). they're only lucky that Luffy is carefree enough that he rarely actually orders anyone to do anything - but killer takes Luffy's word as captain very seriously. since the moment he stepped on the sunny, killer looked to Luffy when ever he's asked to do anything.

And then, he looks to Kidd. Luffy might be captain of the sunny, but even in the jumbled head of his, Killer's captain is and will always be Kidd.

It's also strangle the fastest way to get Kidd to agree to anything Luffy suggests, and Nami wonders of the two children which one is actually in charge, feeling it's less permission Killer's seeking, and more telling Kidd to not make a big deal out of Luffy's latest whim.

Luffy suggested that wearing the little cloth mask was a great way for Killer to let the crew know he wasn't feeling good. this way, he didn't have to try and explain it; just put the mask on, and then they would know.

Kidd had immediately argued against it - blurting out Killer /always/ didn't feel good - and now because of Luffy , Killer'd never have to take it off.

It was unnerving, hearing such a statement from a child. Killer had laughed, before abruptly turning heal and trying to run and hid, Kidd right behind him.


As Kidd predicted, Killer seems unseaperatable from the mask.


Despite a love of slashing things, Zoro's fighting style is very different than Killer's. honestly, the fellow supernova is closer to some mix of Sanji and Luffy; kicks and flips and fast darts and doges. he had skill with weapons, but with his punishers he hits more like punching.

So Zoro doesn't really know what to make of the audience of two boys he gets when he does his stretches and katas in the morning. he has no idea what Kidd gets out of watching him - the boy is just as much a bare knuckle brawler now as he is an adult. but the little head tilt on killer means the boy is defiantly studying him for something.

A few days of it, and even Zoro has to admit, he's curious. he turns to his audience, and asks if they want to learn or something.

Kidd 'tchs' in derision, but pointedly does not look at killer, effectively hiding the little smile as he clearly wants something to happen. Killer starts to get up, and Zoro frowns at the mask.

"Maybe when your feeling better," he hedges, gesturing to the cloth. Kidd doesn't turn his head, but he's lazer focusing in on Zoro. Killer touches his face in confusion, tiny hand of the cloth as he mulled it over.

Hesitantly, he pulled the mask off, toying with it in his hands, before holding it to Kidd.

The self inflicted scratches are mostly healed, and Zoro doesn't see any sign of new attempts, so at the ends, it looks like the mask is working.

Kidd takes it, sitting up straighter to watch, and tiny little Killer faces off against Zoro; who admittedly, had been wanting a rematch, but this was far past his scope of imagination. as he walks Killer through his excersizes, he can tell immediately the kid has had some kind of training already; his stance needs no corrections and his balance is far beyond what even Zoro's was at that age.

He finally starts to get somewhere when he ask Killer to show him what he already knows and is fascinated by the fluid set of moves that as pure muscle memory for the child. Kidd is watching, but he's watching Zoro, meaning that this is something he already knows.

What Killer and Kidd remember is a jumble at best- but it seems like they are pretty set in the memories that they had at 8. so Kidd knows Killer, but Killer doesn't know Kidd, not really. he's running off instincts at this point, but seems to trust Kidd completely in a way only children can.

He doesn't move the way a child should though, and Zoro fights the frown he can feel trying to furrow his brow, and understands he needs to choose words carefully. he wishes robin was here instead.

"You are very talented," he does with in the end, "you must have worked very hard to learn that set."

Killer's bangs and forever smile make it very hard to judge his face for a reaction. glancing up, Zoro saw Sanji smoking on the deck above, face just as blank.


Zoro approached Sanji after lunch, under the guise of cleaning up after the meal. once he was sure the youngest of the group where out of earshot, he casually dried the plate Sanji handed him. "You have thoughts."


"This morning. you saw it too."

"I saw two sword dorks training."

"He doesn't move like a kid should."

Sanji stopped, looking in the soapy water. "No. He doesn't'"

Zoro thought about Kuina; she'd kicked his ass soundly at that age. With a sword, she'd still probably win, but Killer had hand to hand training, and to the extent that he moved without having to think about it already. It took years to get to that point.

Killer does not move like a child who been trained form a young age; Killer moves like a child who was trained and was /using/ those skills from a young age. a child solider taught to kill before pesky things like morals or empathy were learned.

Sanji scrubbed harder a the plate in his hands if only to keep his hands from clenching in anger.

 // you can't have him, he's mine now // Kidd had said.

And while Sanji had been running away because he /wasn't/ a child soldier, he remembered the cruelty of his brothers.

Nothing like the stoic child that followed someone as rambunctious as Kidd. Still and quite.. and forgotten. A stealth killer.

A child who followed Kidd, but didn't know him yet.




Despite his disdain for Luffy's captain ship, Kidd gets on with him far to well for the general comfort of Luffy's crew. Luffy and Uospp were already a set of pranksters when left unattended, Kidd is 10 times worse, because there is no healthy Usopp level of fear to hold him back from the truly stupid plans

Meaning anytime someone catches Killer solo on the ship, it's an immediate rush to find Luffy and Kidd before one or both of them falls overboard.


KIlelr uneasy with nami



Its a surprise to all of them to find Luffy /sharing/ his seat with Kidd more often then not. at this age, Kidd's hair is strikingly similar to the Sunny's figure head, and Luffy seems to find that reason enough to let Kidd in his special spot.

Luffy was never one for needing to hear someone justifications or reasons for their actions; he didn't need to know the whys. but just that asking for his help being reason enough.

But neither Kidd nor Killer had asked for help; more that his crew had essentially abducted them, and held them as somewhat willing prisoners until they figure out how this had happen and where their crew was. and for as quiet as Killer was, Kidd was loud. like he felt he had to talk enough for the both of them.  and he talked endlessly to Luffy.

For two that would be rivals as adults, Kidd seemed to loose any animosity to Luffy very quickly into their stay. there is a startling similarity that the crew sees as the days go on. just how similar the two where are heart.


It seemed any good will made is gone now, an angry stand off between Kidd and Luffy, with poor Killer unsure of his misstep that has everyone upset. Things aren't free, and Luffy had seemed to have no interest in using Killer in a fight, leaving him with the second thing ship captains used him for, and had only meant to pay his and Kidd's passage.

But Kidd had freaked out, and had looked ready to throw them both in the ocean before he let Luffy anywhere near them.

Luffy, who had not understood at first what they thought he was going to do, until Kidd's profanity drenched ranting finally started to make sense. Killer had


Luffy picked Kidd up, and held his hand out for Killer to take, walking them to the mens cabin.

"This is my hammock," he told them, dumping Kidd into the mesh netting. "Nami took the captain's quarters. honestly, after Sanji joined, it wasn't worth fighting her over it. beside, I like sleeping with everyone."

He picked Killer up next settling him in the hammock next to Kidd.

"We have great naps together."

Luffy hauled himself up next, and with some dangerous swaying, he got settled in with a child on each side. He felt a little bad splitting them up like that, but Luffy needed them to understand that no one on his crew would ask them for /any/ payment. Certainly not something like that.

"And we just... take a nap.." Kidd said suspiciously.


It was clear from how quite the boy was that he still didn't understand, and Luffy looped his arm around Killer so many times he was mostly rubber arm by the end of it. Kidd had not looked happy, but Luffy wasn't really sure which of the three of them he was most unhappy with.


Killer had dozed off, and Luffy wasn't far off, only still awake because he could hear Kidd thinking.

"You really mean it, don't you," Kidd settled for finally. Luffy looked down to see him looking at Killer's sleeping face - maybe the drool puddle his friend was leaving behind on Luffy's vest.

"I'm sure one day, you'll both have a lot of fun with sex, but we don't use that as currency on my ship. we wont ever ask that from either of you. sex because you like someone and want to have some fun. or hate someone - I'm never really sure with some of the people Zoro picks."

Kidd is looking at him now, face set in a deep frown.

"But you need to be like.. twice as old as you are now first."

"That's not .." Kidd seemed to rethink his statement, "You're really weird for a pirate captain."

Luffy shrugged. "Is it bad that i am?"

"... No." Kidd says finally. Luffy wrapped him up like he had Killer wrapped up in an arm and he grinned

<><><>insert that great thing about Luffy and udon prison that the web ate T_T

Franky had a strange look on his face at lunch, watching to the two south blue boys across the bench from him. they ate mechanically, woodenly, methodically.

there was no .. joy.. in the act.

they were 8 - he expected roughhousing or something. hell, maybe compliments were far fetched but at least some complaints.  Kidd clearly did not like the dish - he looked relieved when Luffy stole half of it, only to scowl when Killer replaced the pilfered food with a scoop off his own plate.

still - he said nothing.

Franky realized, Killer - as quiet as ever - was also completely blank faced at every meal, at least as much as the SMILE fruit allowed him to be.

they hated it - he realized with shock. hating anything Sanji made was a privilege seemed to be saved solely for Zoro when he was feeling particularity spiteful and contrarian. but no - Franky had been watching, and there was not a single spark of joy on the faces of either child.

they ate because they had too.

it wasn't even because they felt some from of obligation. they ate like they didn't expect a meal to follow so they better take advantage of the food in front of them.

it was made even weirder by the fact Killer seemed to enjoy helping sanji prep food - and Kidd was often underfoot when he did.


The eureka moment was with dinner - a wonderful rich dish with all the love and care and flavours Sanji was best at. the two boys seemed even less enthused than ever before.

"cookbro, can i make an odd request?"

he asked after, as the rest of the crew wandered off to their own after diner routines.

Sanji nodded for him to go ahead, stacking plates to wash.

"i just wanna test something - what are the chances you got any short noodles on hand?"

"I've got a few styles, sure. What did you want me to make?"

"Actually.. i thought i might make something. wanna test a theory I've been mulling."

"Will these be eaten after your test?"

"Of course!"


Franky picked some simple elbow noddles, and even if he was nearly twice the man's age, he did so under Sanji's supervision.

they got tossed in some plain butter. nothing more. nothing less.

Sanji had a whole list of ways to fancy them up, but Franky insisted this is what he wanted.


"If.. If im right, you gotta not be mad, okay?"

"Right about what?"

Franky just shrugged, before asking robin to call their two child guests back into the kitchen. She'd been watching from her spot at the table curiously, and was more than happy to see this play out.

soon enough, Killer and Kidd were in the door way, and Franky gestured to the table.  Kidd looked suspicious, but Killer climbed up, and so he followed.

Franky put the bowls of plain noodles down. Sanji went to grab them forks, but Franky held up his hand for him to wait.


the two boys looked at the food, and then at Franky. it was the first time he'd seen them show /interest/ in the dish since the first few days.

"I was trying something," Franky explained, "thought I'd get some unbiased input. let me know what you think."

Killer didn't seem to have the first idea what he was suppose to do with that information, where Kidd just shrugged as he grabbed a fist full and shoved it in his mouth.

it was messy; Sanji was appalled. Killer seemed to finally accepted he wasn't getting a fork, and began to pick up one noodle at a time. he ate with the same methodical precession he had every meal to start with, but then it was a picking up a new piece before he'd even finished the one in his mouth, and Franky only then let him have a fork.

Kidd ignored the utensil - his hand worked just fine. Killer seemed to take great joy in trying to stab as many pieces on to the fork as he could, or tried to thread the noodles on each prong first.

Kidd make to grab some out of his bowl only for Killer to laugh, and take his bowl with him as he slid off the bench and on to the floor.

Sanji looked baffled. Robin wasn't even pretending to read her book anymore, watching in fascination.



the adults didn't say anything until after their two guests had finished eating and been sent to go wash up. Franky was quiet, gathering his thoughts while poor Sanji just looked bewildered.

"so.." Franky said finally, "you gonna have to use that culinary mastermind to figure out how to make that a nutritionally balanced meal, but uh... i think i figured out the problem."

"the food is too complex." Robin realized.

"I've fed plenty of kids before, this wasn't a problem!" Sanji tried to argue

"Your food has gotten much more extravagant in the last few years - is it possible you might have been subconsciously trying to show off to the other captain?"

Franky let them mull it over, "So.. so i didn't always live with Tom." he admitted, "there was a time - after my parents ditched me, where it was just me. not for long. but....." he shrugged. "i admit - i had my fair share of meals out of the trash. you eat what you can find and you don't complain."

Sanji and Robin had both understood that on some level, but Franky could also se that they didn't get it. not really.

"looking at they way they are right now - i don't imagine they'd had real food before we found them. Killer-bro, maybe, but nothing that was meant to taste good. kid eats so methodical. like it's just another chore. probably soldier rations or some thing. nutritious but no taste.  and Kidd-bro's probably eating from trash bins or whatever they can nick of a stand, raw fruits and veggies. maybe some street food if they get really lucky, but i have my doubts.

"closest thing to a palate either of them have is probably knowing what molds are going to make them a little sick verses what molds will probably kill them.

"cook-bros stuff is just too much . and Kidd barely seemed to know that forks where for eating, so i was starting to think - he probably'd never used one before. spoons probably the same - just drink it from the bowl, and pick the food up with your fingers." he looked at Sanji, "like the talk you have to have with them back on day one - knives being tools on our ship, not weapons. completely new concept to the both of them."

"they're doing their best, but those kids have been miserable at ever meal since the beginning. make em some rice balls or something - i be they'll love those. simple finger foods, one or just a couple ingredients.



From the railing aover looking them, Robin Franky and Kidd watched the littel group. Kidd's face was quared, thoughts kept to himelf, but at no point made any effort to intervien, letting his tiny second in command work though his jumbled thoughts o fhte strawhat navigator on his own. sanji would occationally bring Robin new drinks, having begrudingly taking the woman's advice to let nami be for the time being



Sanji brought the boys a snack later that afternoon, along with drinks for the ladies. he felt he should be jealous, but unlike Momo, neither of these boys seemed all to interested in antagonizing the rest of the boys with what they could get away with. if they even noticed the lovely breasts, they didn't pay them the slightest mind.

Sanji doesn't know if that's better or worse.

Kidd is sitting in Nami's lap, the two chatting amicably as Nami painted his tiny finger nails hot pink. Killer is watching; they'd already painted his nails and he's holding them put like he's afraid to smudge them, sitting in Robin's lap as she uses her abilities to turn the pages on the book they might be reading together. her and Killer's nails are a deep royal purple

Killer's head is pillowed in Robin's tits and Sanji really wants to be jealous, but the kid doesn't seem to even notice something is amiss, so Sanji is certainly not going to bring it up. he also doesn't have his mask on, and Sanji can't help but find some happiness for the kid in that.

the chatter dies off as he approaches, Nami resting her chin on Kidd's head as Sanji places the drinks in a flourish. Kidd looks at him like he's an idiot - heathen clearly doesn't know now to treat a lady - and curiously, Killer twists around to look at Robin to see how to respond.

"where is my drink?" Kidd demands, open palm hitting the table next to Nami's drink, fingers still carefully stretched out to not ruin her work. Nami just smirks at Sanji.

instead, Sanji puts down little sandwiches, crusts already removed, for the four of them. "i can get you some juice, if you are thirsty?" he offers.

"maybe some lemonade?" robin suggests, and Sanji turns to see she has crouched over slightly, looking at Sanji, but listening to... Killer, who has sat up and looks to be whispering to robin. "but not as sweet this time?"

Nami looks surprised, but Kidd looks like he's about to burst of of his skin in pride, grinning ear to ear in a way only the rubber-skin of Luffy seemed to be possible. "yes!" he demands, beating on the table, "lemon drink!"

Nami says something to him, and he looks back, grin gone for pure offense. before Sanji can question it, she wags her eye brows, cause Kidd to roll his eyes so hard his whole body moves in her lap.

"lemons, please," he intones are dully as he can, before going to grab a sandwich.

no one stops him, but he pulls his hand back, and starts to blow furiously on his nails, poking them tentatively so see if they're dry yet, only for Nami to tut when they clearly are not. Robin saves the day by holding one in from on of Kidd with a blossomed hand, and he bites into it with such a fereosity, Sanji's surprised he didn't get fingers in there.

Sanji goes to get the boys some lemon-aid, wondering if these are Killer's first words since this whole things began, or if he's been talking to Kidd. Kidd's reaction could put it in either direction.





It was a nice day, marred only by the lack of wind. The crew whiddled away the time with little side projects, ad Nami found herself sitting out in the grass, hair pick in hand, carefully smoothing out Usopp's hair while Zoro napped next to them under the shade of her trees.

She'd been at it for some time now - when they'd first started to sail together, Usopp had walked her through how to comb out his curls without frizzing them up after their first night on the Merry. It taken him forever to wash the blood out, and she could only watch him try to rework his hair alone for so long before offering to help.

It was one of the very few things she didn't charge for.

As she had worked, somewhere around the half way point, the trio had been surprised by Killer, Kidd and Chopper. Their play had taken Kidd & Chpper running past, but Killer had stopped and just watched them for a long moment. Nami did her best to not stare back, and just focused on her work, and it was finally Zoro who tilted his head to the study the small boy. "You coming or going?"

"Can.. Can I stay?" his voice was small, uncertain. A new thing they where all trying to get used to.

"Of course you can stay," Usopp reassured him.

They'd expected him to keep standing, or maybe sit with Zoro as he found the other first mate an acceptable nap partner. Instead, he climbed into Usopp's lap - with some help from the sniper - and stood on his thighs, watching Nami work from over Usopp's shoulder. After some hesitation on Usopp's part, Killer accepted the sniper's hands casually resting on the back of his calfs to help stablize him even if the boy's sea legs had come in quick enough. In turn, Killer had tucked into him, one hand around Usopp's neck in a half hug, the other under his chin on Usopp's shoulder, watching the the rapt attention a child has when witnessing something fascinating for the first time.

"Do.. Do you want to help?" Nami offered, disappointed when Killer looked at her, an uncertain surprised look she was addressing him at all, before quickly shaking his head 'no' and trying to hid between her and Usopp. But he didn't run away this time, and Usopp drummed his fingers against his legs in what he hoped was reassurance.

Nami tried not to feel hurt and instead focused on finishing up so she could leave, no longer enjoying the quiet time. She could also feel zoro studying her, and she refused to look in his direction either.

"Does it hurt?"

Nami glanced up to see Killer had inched back up to watch her work again, but was turned and whispering to Usopp. Usopp couldn't look at him from where he was without moving his head - and Nami's hold on his hair prevented that. "Not at all, Nami's very good at it," he reassured the boy instead, his bounced his legs a little, the boy giggling with the motion.

"But it's all tangled..."

"It was all tangled, sure, but our Nami is very patient, and she's getting the knots out for me." Usopp moved one of his hands to Killer's back and pulled some of his finished hair around his other shoulder "and then, she helps get it all fixed so it wont tangle later, see."

Killer braced himself one handed on Usopp's shoulder, other tiny fingers holding the coils that Usopp offered. He studied to tight coil that Nami has curled his hair into, fingers rolling it abit and messing up her work.

His eyebrows furrowed, the forced smile pinched and he ducked under Usopp's chin. hiding, he held out the hair he'd messed up over Usopp's shoulder; presenting it to Nami.

Zoro was no longer pretending to sleep, sitting up to watch, though his position remained relaxed.

Nami sectioned off the area she'd been working on over Usopp's shoulder, Killer's whole body flinching where it rested against his other arm now twisted up in Usopp's overall straps. Killer wasn't looking directly at her, but she knew from experience he was very aware of her every move right now. "well that's no good," she said softly, holding the offered hair, hand not quite touching the little boy's "Lets see about getting that fixed for Usopp..."

Killer peaked up at her then, blue eye barely visible between Usopp's body and his own blond hair. Nami gently took the offered hair, and worked it back into shape. "See," she handed it back, "All good now."

Killer withdrew back around the front of Usopp, studying the fix. He then showed it to Usopp. "I told you, Nami is very good."

Killer seemed contemplative, remaining tucked in and studying the lock of hair. Nami and Zoro shared a look, where he gave a shrug and settled back into his nap. with nothing more to do, Nami returned to Usopp's hair.

She was nearly done when she heard Killer whispering at Usopp again; well, at first only hearing Usopp's answers, the boy's voice dropped too low.

"As long as it takes." Usopp was saying. she heard the murmur of Killer asking something, but not the words. "No no, of course not."

"what about when she pulls?"

"she doesn't pull on purpose, and she'd very gentle. doesn't hurt at all."

"What if she can't get the knot out?"

Usopp frowned, "it might take a bit, but she'll get it," he reiterated; while worded a little different, the boy was starting to repeat his questions. like he as trying to catch Usopp out on a lie and Usopp was .. well, he wasn't offended, but he'd thought he'd done pretty well in being mostly truthful with the other pirate crew of two - at least on the important stuff.

"but what if she can't?" Or maybe Killer was trying to ask something else, and just hadn't found the right way yet....

Usopp rubbed his back, the boy sighing, thudding his head against Usopp's collar bone, "Nami's very smart, she'll figure something out. once, i got my fishing line so knotted up it was as thick as my arm. you could have used it to pull up the ancher. But Nami got it untabled like it was nothing." and maybe that wasn't exactly true, but it was close enough.

Killer muttered his next question into Usopp's chest - he felt it more than heard it, and bounced his leg a little, jostling the boy around.

Killer took a breath and repeated himself.

"I dun' wan'er to cu'my hair."

Ohhhh... Usopp understood now. At least, he think he might. "I don't think there's ever been a know Nami couldn't untangle. She would never cut your hair just to get a knot out."


"Cross my heart."

Killer was quiet for a time, and Nami bit her lip from saying anything. She finished up Usopp's hair, and gathered it all back, making sure it wasll all even and laying right.

Zoro spoke up then, eye still closed, but clearing talkign tothe little boy. "Nami would naver do anything you didn't want he to do. if you tell her you odnt want y our hair cut, i promise you, she won't cut your ahir."



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