Chapter 42

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Eldrick woke to find himself in his bed. Still fully clothed, he rose and stripped. He decided he wanted to try on one of the gowns which Beth had given him the day before. Going through his bag he pulled the rose gown out. Shaking it in an attempt to remove wrinkles, a small slip of parchment fell out. Placing the gown flat on the bed, he bent down to retrieve the parchment. Unfolding it, he scanned the neat fine script. 'There is something about you that I find irresistible. I am not normally attracted to men. If you would be willing to join me for tea sometime please let me know. Bethany'. There was a faint odour of roses on the parchment. 

Placing the parchment on the bed, Eldrick gathered the dress and put it on. Glad he had chosen this gown for there was no need to ask for help in tying it up. Once he had it firmly secured, he was astonished to find the fit was perfect. Twirling around he giggled as the skirts flared out. Knowing that he couldn't wear the dress around the castle he stripped it off and carefully laid it back out on the bed. Grabbing trews and a tunic he quickly redressed in preparation for the day ahead. His gaze lingering on the bed, he felt a tightening of his chest. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he turned to the door and left the room. 

"'Bout time you got up." Sergei's gruff voice startling him. "Eat quickly, you need to spend some time reading before leaving for the house of healing." 

Eldrick looked at the trays, his stomach tightening as the thought of food made him nauseous. Grabbing a dry piece of toast, he sat and picked up one of the books and began his studies. Looking at the title intrigued him, 'The Fae Courts'. He hoped there was at least some information that could prove to be beneficial within its pages. Then again Sergei and Amaryliss had vetted the book so there had to be something. He ate his toast, set his breathing, grounded himself, and slipped into a trance. 

He felt a hand on his shoulder. Sergei was standing behind him, books placed in two piles in front of him. 

"Did I really go through four books? How long was I in trance?" 

"Eldrick you've been studying for hours. You need to eat quickly or you will be late for Amarna's instruction." Matching actions to words he carefully removed the tome from Eldrick's hand while replacing it with a platter of food. "I expect you are going to need this. Remember what happened the last time you entered this trance and didn't eat. I don't think a single piece of toast is enough. A young person such as yourself needs sustenance even if you don't think you do." Sergei sat himself down in his chair and proceeded to pick up his platter of food. "I know you well enough to know that once you get there you are likely to go back into trance to study her library if she gives you a chance. Now eat up." Munching on his own food. 

Eldrick felt a sudden hunger he hadn't noticed before. Looking at the platter he noticed it was full of his favourite foods. The biggest shock he had was the sight of the pickled eggs, a rare treat at the best of times. Hearing Sergei's voice bouncing around in his head 'You need to eat or you will be late', Eldrick ate. The meal was both filling and exquisite. Cleaning his platter and using a piece of bread to wipe up the juices from the sausage, he popped it in his mouth. Rising, he placed the empty platter on the sideboard, waved to Sergei and left. 

The halls seemed emptier than normal. He couldn't dwell on that fact at the moment, he had to get to the house of healing. He hated disappointing any of his teachers. He loved learning, he had recently discovered. Remembering the tasks of tanning hides and crafting his travelling clothes had him thinking.  He needed to check the library for any books on clothes making. He doubted such a vaunted hall of learning would carry such a thing, it is considered a trade with the knowledge passed from master to apprentice. He gave his head a shake. 

"Quit musing. You have serious things to think about." He looked around to see if anyone had seen him talking to himself. Laughing when he recalled his initial impression of the halls when leaving his rooms. Come to think of it he hadn't seen anyone in the halls at all. No pages delivering messages, no guards at stations. He froze, the hair on the back of his neck rising. He checked his shields, solid and ready. Letting his senses flow out he noticed two voids slowly approaching him. Voids how can there be voids in the tapestry of Corrigenda. 

He felt like he had a barrel of ice water dumped over his head. His heart began racing, his hands grew clammy. He stood frozen in place, waiting for the voids to reach him. He knew without a shadow of a doubt the attack would be physical. His shields were useless against a physical assault. He lacked training in the arts of self-defence, and without an energy signature, he had no way to target his assailants. Waiting as the assassins approached, his knees started knocking. Taking a deep calming breath and letting it out slowly, he dropped to his knees. 

As his body collapsed, he heard a swishing in the air above him. Then a rending sound, a sound he had heard out in the field when they were destroying artifacts, it was the sound of blades cutting flesh. Diving forward as best as he could from his awkward position, he felt the crushing weight of bodies landing across his legs. Craning his neck to look, he noticed laying across his legs were two very large men. Their weight preventing him from moving. He couldn't roll over to try pushing them off. He was pinned, making him an easy target if there were more about. Panic forming, he couldn't call for help nor could he remain here. Pushing himself up onto his hands and knees gave him some leverage to extricate himself from the situation. Reaching behind himself he tried rolling the top corpse off. He let his senses roam again just in case, but the hall remained empty. Now with the first body was off of his legs he could shift enough to get free. Once out from under the weight of the would-be assassins, he jumped to his feet. Breaking into a dead run, he knew his only chance if there were more would be to get to the house of healing. 

He ran as fast as he could, using the walls to help him turn corners without slowing down. He threw open the door with a backward glance to ensure he wasn't being chased. 

"Assassins in the castle! Assassins in the castle!" he shrieked. Causing heads to turn in his direction. His right arm gesticulating behind him pointing to the door. 

Guards looked his way, seeing him running hellbent for the house of healing. Their gaze following his arm toward the still-open door. Checking their swords, they headed off in the direction of the castle. 

Amarna came out of the infirmary her healer's bag in hand. "Anyone injured Eldrick?" she asked. 

Eldrick stopped in front of her panting trying to catch his breath. "Just," deep breath, "just the two who attacked me that I know of." Still panting he continued, "halls were empty. Not sure who else may be injured or dead. No guards, or pages to be seen. That is what warned me. Go, you may be needed. I am just going to get something to drink and sit down." With those last words, his legs collapsed out from underneath him. 

"Henry, Jane, can you come attend to Eldrick I fear shock has set in. Claire gather some of the others and follow me." Amarna headed out a look of determination on her face. 

Eldrick felt hands under his arms lifting him to his feet.  Looking left he saw concern written on Henry's face.  Turning his gaze to the right, Jane's bright smile lifting his spirits.  Right until he glanced down at her bright-coloured gown underneath the pure white apron.  Once again he felt tears start forming in his eyes.  He let them help him to the bench in the atrium.  Henry ran off for water, leaving Jane to sit down beside Eldrick. 

"Ok, I know shock can be a real issue.  But I have never seen it result in tears.  What is wrong?"  She leaned in, hugging Eldrick. 

"I don't know.  Lately, I find seeing certain things just causes me to cry for no apparent reason."  He tried smiling only to have his face fall yet again.  "I am unsure where Amarna wanted me today but I think it might be best if I returned to the library until she returns." 

"Not until you get those tears under control.  You wouldn't want to smudge the inks now, would you?" 

The thought of ruining any piece of information from a library causing him to shudder. "Ahh, no, no I wouldn't." 

Henry returned with a tumbler of water, handing it to Eldrick. Taking it carefully, Eldrick took a deep drink. The cool water flowing down his throat, easing knots as it flowed. He downed the tumbler in a few swallows. Handing the glass back to Henry, with a half-smile. He tried to rise but felt the gentle pressure of Jane's hand on his shoulder holding him down. Turning to look in her direction, he saw her give a slight shake of her head. She took his left arm in her hand, pressing ever so slightly. Giving a nod to Henry, who started tapping his foot, she began counting silently. Eldrick could tell she was counting only by the slight movement of her mouth. He sat there patiently while this was happening when he heard Henry say "Time." 

"Fifty-three, not bad. Okay, you can go to the library but I will keep you company. You seem fine. but there is a chance the shock hasn't entirely passed yet and so I need to observe, at least until Amarna returns." Jane looked very concerned. "Henry, please gather a pitcher of water and another tumbler and bring them to the library, I would appreciate it." Rising to her feet she offered Eldrick a hand. "Shall we be off? I need to look something up anyway. Every so often I need to refresh my memory, on herbs not native to my homeland." 

Eldrick taking her hand rose to his feet. Together they climbed the stair and entered the library. Eldrick closed the door. Giving his limbs a shake, rotating his neck and shoulders, and bending over to stretch his back, he sat on the floor cross-legged. Reaching over to the bookshelf he gathered several tomes, scrolls, and loosely bound books. Placing them in piles on his right, he slowed his breathing and began slipping into a trance. 

He felt a hand on his shoulder, breaking his trance. Looking up from the book he had been studying he saw many faces looking at him. Henry was standing just off to the right of the door, his jaw hanging open, the pitcher of water forgotten in his hands. Glancing around he saw the same expression on every face. Looking down, he noticed more than half of the books had moved from his right to his left. Rising and giving a quick stretch, he gathered the manuscripts from the left side and returned them to the shelves. 

"What?" he dragged out the question. "Do I have something in my teeth?" 

Jane returning the tome she had taken, approached. "What happened to you?? You wouldn't answer anyone when they tried asking you questions. You were reading the books so fast. I don't think you could have even understood half of what you were reading." 

"I can remember it all."  Eldrick's eyes glanced around the room.  "Want me to prove it?" 

"Well I don't, but I know Amarna will test your knowledge.  Which is why we all come to refresh our memories from time to time."  Jane gestured to the assembled healers.  Since there is no one needing our assistance now is the time to study."  Clapping her hands gathered the attention of everyone in the room.  "Henry you may wish to place the pitcher on the table before you drop it.  The rest of you, you came to study I suggest we get down to it.  Eldrick is trying to catch up to us in knowledge," she let out a giggle, "we have had years to study.  He will be leaving soon and his master wants him to have as much skill and knowledge as he can get in a limited time."  She gave a shooing motion scattering the onlookers to the shelves. 

Eldrick, noticing he was slightly parched, gathered up his tumbler filling it halfway.  Drinking it quickly, he set the tumbler back on the table.  Turning to settle himself back down, he heard a door close.  "Amarna and Claire are back."  Glancing around the library, he slapped his hand against his forehead.  "I should have known they were back."  Regaining his feet, he replaced the unread tomes and left. 

Taking his time, to decipher the atmosphere as he descended the stairs.  As he let his senses roam through the building, he was shocked to sense a void.  Focusing on the location of the void he determined it was room-sized; Sebastian's room to be precise.  Now, why hadn't he noticed that before?  Stepping off the bottom step to the floor, he made to head over to the room, when he heard his name called.  Turning he saw Amarna standing in her office door, beckoning him to come over. 

“Claire went to check on you when she returned.  She told me you were entranced and turning pages quickly.  I would like to know how much you have learned, please enter and we shall begin the interrogation."  Her smile did not travel to her intense eyes.  From the look, Eldrick knew he was about to get grilled and he had better know the information or he was going to have to read the books again, normally this time. 

Entering her office Eldrick took a stance behind one of the seats as Amarna closed the door and walked around the desk.  "Sit and we shall begin."  Matching her actions to her words she sat down as well.  "First I need to know just how far into the library you have gotten." 

"Well, Lady Amarna, I believe I have gotten through the first set of shelves and was just starting the second when I heard the door close.  Well, that is when Jane brought me out of trance with a hand on my shoulder.  I was about to start back into my studies when I heard the door close again." 

"Okay, that gives me a place to start.  What are the uses of feverfew?  What other names is it known by?  Which uses require which method of introduction?"  Her eyes narrowed in expectation. 

"Uses for feverfew are, fever, migraine headaches, joint inflammation, stomach ache, toothache, fertility, moon cycles and difficult childbirths."  Taking a breath he continued.  "Feverfew is also known by the following names: altamisa, bachelor button, camomille grande, Chrysanthemum parthenium, featherfewfeatherfoilflirtwort, midsummer daisy, Santa Maria."  Pausing momentarily before he finished answering her questions. 

The questions continued in the same vein for a few hours, with Eldrick answering correctly each time.  By the time Amarna had finished quizzing him, Eldrick felt as though he had been through the wringer.  Once dismissed he left in search of something to wet his whistle.  Opening the door he almost ran into Henry, as he fell into the office.  Eldrick caught him on the way down.  With a shake of his head, he stood Henry back up.  Skirting past him, Eldrick left.  Standing in a semi-circle around the door were the expectant faces and bodies of the entire healing staff.  Eldrick just shrugged and wove his way through the crowd. 

Jane stood off to the side with the pitcher of water and a tumbler.  "So??  You were in there for quite a while.  What did she have to say?"  While speaking she poured Eldrick a glass of water.  "Drink before answering.  I know how intense those interviews can be."  Handing him the tumbler, she set the pitcher down and sat. 

Eldrick drank the water gratefully.  Setting the glass beside the pitcher, he too sat.  "I don't think I made any mistakes but then I couldn't tell from her expression one way or the other.  Is she always so implacable during these interviews?" 

"Yeah, she is.  I have heard some of the others crack and start doubting their knowledge.  I think she does that because, in a crisis, there is no chance to run to the library to check so you need to be certain."  She glanced Eldrick over.  "You are going to need to bathe today before going anywhere and change your clothes.  But we don't have anyone here your size I don't think."  She glanced over the assembled crowd.  "Well, not of the men at least.  This means one of the ladies, but I fear we don't have any trews, just gowns and blouses."  Eldrick's face lit up at the mention of gowns. 

"I guess I will have to borrow a gown and risk being seen in it.  I am hungry and tired, but I need to get back to the suite."  Eldrick scanned the hall for someone about his size.  "I am not thinking very clearly right now.  Lead me to the tub so I can wash up before I keel over, please."  Rising to find his legs were a bit wobbly.  Placing his hand on the wall to steady himself. 

"Come on, let's get you in a tub.  I will find something for you to wear once you get out."  With care and concern, she led him to the bathing room which already had water heating for a bath.  "Strip out of your clothes and get in.  I will add hot water until you say it is hot enough." 

Eldrick following her instruction disrobed and climbed into the tub.  True to her word she added the hot water, a bit at a time so as not to burn him.  Handing him soap and a scrub brush, she left.  A few minutes later a couple of healers entered.  One took the brush and soap from Eldricks slack fingers and began scrubbing his back.  The other lathered her hands and started scrubbing his hair.  Eldrick was so exhausted he didn't mind the help.  About half an hour later they helped him out of the tub and wrapped him in a towel to dry off.  Jane returned just as he finished towelling off.  A drab brown shift and bodice slung over her arm. 

"I think this may fit you."  Holding the shift up with a thoughtful look.  "Caitlin, Amy give me a hand getting Eldrick into the dress please, and no giggling.  I am sure this is embarrassing enough for him." 

With the three ladies' help, he was soon in the dress.  It wasn't as nice a fit as the gown from Beth, or the ones being crafted by Francine for the mystery lady.  Still, he did feel better in the gown than in his old clothes.  Trying hard to hide a smile, he turned to get a feel of the rise and fall of the skirt. 

"Ladies, I do not think I will be able to make it back to the suite unless I get something to eat.  I do believe there is a meal being served in the dining hall as we speak."  He licked his lips in anticipation. 

"How do you know that?"  Amy asked.  "I mean the meal was being prepared when Caitlin and I came to assist you in getting clean.  And a good thing we did too.  You were about to fall face-first into the tub." 

"I thank you for the timely rescue.  Wait you came to help me while the meal was being prepared?" 

"Actually, we were kicked out of the kitchen.  Amy and I have a reputation for burning everything but medicinal concoctions.  So every time a meal is being made we are told to go find something else to do."  With a giggle, she offered her arm.  "And you sidestepped my question, how do you know dinner is being served?" 

Eldrick grinned, "I have this sense for good food especially when feeling physically drained."  He offered his other arm to Amy.  "Shall we?" 

With a curtsy and a grin, Amy accepted the offered arm.  Arm in arm the four of them left the bathing room heading for the dining hall.  Giggling and chatting about herbs and poultices.  The dining hall was a raucous place at the evening meal.  Everyone was in good spirits this day, there hadn't been any real emergencies requiring overnight watches.  Eldrick learned this from overhearing snippets of conversation as he passed the diners.  Reaching the end of one table he noticed there was enough space for the four of them, two on each side.  Food was being passed down the table even before they were seated. 

"Reach back and tuck into your knees before sitting," Amy whispered into Eldrick's ear as they were sitting, demonstrating the action.  "It is the ladylike thing to do.  I know you aren't a lady but I think you should try to emulate one if you are going to wear a gown.  I want my dress back in one piece." 

"Wait, this is your dress?"  Eldrick blushed.  "I hope I do it justice.   I really don't have the right frame for filling it out properly though."  His voice hitching in his throat. 

"Nonsense, you seem to be filling it out just fine."  She cocked her head slightly to the side.  "After the meal, we need to do something about your hair before you go traipsing through the castle."  She proceeded to dish out food for both of them.  "I have a couple of ideas and I am sure Cait and Jane would be willing to help."  Looking across the table she gave them a wink. 

Eldrick nodded as he ate.  The conversation at his end of the table degenerated into the pros and cons of various hairstyles.  The ladies glanced in his direction and then returned to the conversation.  Eldrick had the feeling they were discussing what to do about his hair.  As the meal progressed, he started feeling more, and more anxious.  He knew that after the meal he was going to have to head back to his suit through the castle, past all those big burly guards and staff. 

"Eldrick, are you finished eating?"  Jane's cheerful voice cut through his morose musings.  "Come on let's see what we can do about that rat's nest you call hair." 

Amy shifted to let him up.  As he got to his feet, he was quickly surrounded by a gaggle of giggling girls.  He thought it was just going to be Amy, Jane and Caitlyn, but it seemed like every female healer except for Amarna and Amaryliss decided they wanted to help.  He saw ribbons and shears, pins and combs.  Now when had they had time to go gather those up?  He was swiftly ushered back to the bathing chamber.  A stool was produced, which they had him sit on.  A cloth was thrown around his shoulders and pinned into place.  His hair was gently tugged free of the cloth.  He didn't remember it being so long.  Then he remembered the last time it had been cut was just before the avalanche which had brought Sebastian into his life. 

"Eileen, you have experience with trimming hair, see what you can do." 

A tall, slightly heavier brunette stepped forward with a pair of shears.  Her smile was broad and warm.  "I don't plan on removing much, just getting rid of split ends and evening things out."  She placed the blades of the shears against her lips, "hmmm.  Ladies, bangs or no bangs?"  She began combing his hair forward.  It fell to his chest. 

He noticed there was more shine to it than he had remembered there being before.  Oh right, Amy had scrubbed his hair while he was in the tub earlier.  Eileen not waiting for a response, began trimming the ends and making sure the length was even, then she progressed around the stool to end up behind him.  He couldn't see her but he could feel the tug on his hair as she combed it out.  Cursing under her breath for the knots she found there. 

"This is going to take longer than we had expected but it will be so worth it.  Greta, grab a comb and start detangling the other side, would you?  Start at the bottom and gently tease out the knots.  Small clusters at a time we don't need to rip his hair out." 

Eldrick could feel the combs working through his hair slowly removing knot after knot. It almost felt like a tug of war on his head with each one taking turns, or so it seemed to him.  After a few minutes, he could feel the combs running smoothly through his hair. 

"Well, it seems there isn't as much damage as I had feared.  It looks like the last time it was cut off with a knife or a sickle.  What a barbaric way to trim hair."  She hmm'd and haw'd over the results of the combing out.  "Okay, time to trim and even this mess out.  Actually, looking at the flow of hair I think I can taper the sides and keep the back length."  The snippety snap of the shears was all that could be heard for a few minutes.  "Jane, his hair is actually better than yours was when you got here." 

Jane turned a bright red and quickly hid her face.  Eldrick was about to get up to go comfort her when he heard Eileen's voice. 

"Don't move! I do not want to cut your ear off."  That was when he felt the cold metal of her shears brushing his ear.  Pulling them back without cutting.  "I really don't want to cut it back just yet.  Please wait a moment."  She walked over to the group and began chatting with them in hushed tones.  After a few moments, she nodded and returned.  "Right, we agree.  Keep all the length, no bangs."  Taking her comb, she pulled the hair out from his head and continued snipping little bits here and there. 

He sat still for what felt like an eternity before she placed the shears on the side table.  Gathering up several lengths of the ribbon which the girls had brought she started placing them near his face.  Handing some to Amy and others to Jane.  Curious he opened his mouth when she waved Jane off. 

"Claire, you and Amy are the best with braids.  Have fun."  With that, she wandered over to the group and sat down to watch. 

"Amy, three, four, or five?" 

"I think four, but six sets.  Two in the front, two on the sides to the back and two in the back.  Then braid the four in the back to make a larger plait." 

"Oh, the close to the head style?  Okay.  I am not good at those but I can do the front and back.  If you would do the sides.  Should take us about the same time to get them all done." 

Amy nodded, pulling pins from her apron.  "Let me just pin up the hair I am going to need on the sides before you start.  This way I know I am going to have enough." 

Claire just grinned.  "Of course.  Now Eldrick I would suggest leaving it up for a few days.  This way you can wear the dress back tomorrow and return it.  Your clothes should be clean by then." 

"Uh, I have an appointment with the seamstress tomorrow morning.  Sergei has me fitting gowns for someone else who is about my size according to Francine." 

"Francine!"  The chorus of voices was almost deafening as everyone there shot to their feet in excitement.  Then without saying anything else they all sat back down again to chat amongst themselves.  Eldrick heard snippets of the conversation from time to time. 

"Eldrick, I am jealous."  Amy was just finishing the pinning of one side.  "Francine's work is legendary.  Whoever the gowns are for is a very lucky lady."  She walked around him and began gathering hair to start braiding.  "Okay, Claire, front first then the back." 

The two ladies fingers flew through the braiding process.  Eldrick could feel the braid forming along the side of his head in a very intricate pattern, though it seemed to lay flat against his skull.  In the time it took her to do the one side Claire had finished two tight braids down the side of his face, tied off with rose-coloured ribbons.  Amy had pinned her braid to the top of his head. As they shifted positions Amy gave a nod of approval.  And so the task began again.  Claire pinned the braids to the top of his head instead of tying them off with ribbons this time.  As Claire walked past Eldrick, on her way to the group of watchers, she threw him a wink.  Amy unpinned the braids and swiftly plaited them together, tying them off with a ribbon.  Once her task was completed, she called out. 

"Jane, Caitlin, bring the mirrors please." 

The two girls rose with hand mirrors.  Caitlin stopped in front of Eldrick holding the mirror up so he could see the results.  Jane walked around him angling the mirror so he could see the reflection in the front mirror.  His jaw dropped in surprise.  He didn't see a man in the reflections but a young lady.  Not sure how that could be.  Without prompting Eileen and one of the ladies, he had not caught the name of, approached him.  They carried flowers and jewelled hairpins.  With agile hands, they wove the flowers into the braids and placed the hairpins strategically. 

“You are going to have to take the pins and flowers out before you sleep.”  Eileen turned to leave, “oh, the pins are yours to keep.  I have a feeling you will need them in the future.  I don’t know why but I do.” 

"I couldn't accept these.  They are too fine a workmanship."  Eldrick examined the ones he could in the mirror.  "They have to be worth several golds at least, each." 

Greta just shrugged, "Well, Daddy just makes these for me.  Every year he sends me a dozen pins and clips.  I tell him he doesn't have to, but he insists.  He says I can sell them to pay for my education as a healer."  Her face turning a delicate shade of pink.  "He doesn't understand the healer training here is paid for by our work in the art of healing, or that the crown pays us for our services."  She bit her lip in thought for a moment or two before continuing.  "I am not from Herigmark.  And well, there is no way to explain to a jeweller and whitesmith from Shay, that an education is not something that has to be bought and paid for in coin.  I am just glad that once I have completed my tenure here, I can return home to practice.  Our healer died three years ago.  I am almost done training as are about half the people here.  But it is getting late, and I need to sleep and I am sure you do as well," bowing her head with a slight twist she patted his arm and left. 


Sergei rose from his chair. "What's happened now?" he muttered. Gathering his coat he left to find out. Entering the hall he was assailed by the sound of gossip. 

"--healer died--" 

"--heard the house of healing exploded--" 

"--amassing are we under attack?--"  

Ignoring the gossip since he doubted there was any truth to most of it, he continued on his way.  When he encountered a guard he asked what was going on.  The response sent a shiver down his spine.  A magical blast in the house of healing had sealed one of the rooms trapping the occupants inside, a group of guards had been dispatched with a battering ram to free them.  Thanking the guard he continued on his way to the house of healing.  Not knowing how his presence would be taken, he held back, watching for a while.  In all his years he never truly felt right entering the establishment, except to assist in some manner.  This was Amarna's realm and he had no business there.  As he wasn't a healer or learning to become one, whenever he entered he felt like an interloper.  There was not much he could do in this situation except be underfoot. 

He stood there watching as the guards left with a battering ram.  A number of others left to run errands of their own.  A couple of minutes later, a squad of guards returned carrying shovels and other implements.  Deciding he had waited long enough he followed the guards into the building.  Glad he had remained behind them when he heard Amarna's tone.  Slowly so as not to draw attention to himself he edged further into the foyer.  Seeing Sigmund standing stock still in shock caused him to chuckle. 

"About time you showed up."  Amarna stood at the entrance to her office giving him a baleful look.  "I do believe this is your fault.  Come in here and explain a few things to me."  She cast her gaze around.  "I do believe there are things that need to be tended to.  Now git to it before I decide to throw the lot o' you out on your ears."  Holding her door open for the two she had summoned to her office, tapping her foot. 

Sigmund and Sergei exchanging looks, quickly followed Amarna into her office.  Slamming the door behind her, she turned to scowl intently at the two of them.  Walking around her desk she sat with the regal presence of a queen ascending her throne. 

"What type of trouble have you dropped in my lap, Sergei?"  She cast a glance at Sigmund.  "Don't think I have forgotten about you either, Sigmund.  There is more going on here than I know, and I am quite sure the two of you know what it is."  Folding her hands on top of her desk she leaned forward.  "I want answers.  I believe I am entitled to that much since I have just witnessed the impossible twice today.  One of my best rooms now looks like a hurricane tore through it."  She sat in silence waiting. 

Both started speaking at the same time. 



Cutting themselves off as their faces turned crimson.  Sergei took a deep breath as if to steady his nerves, while Sigmund swallowed convulsively.  Looking at each other in silent entreaty.  Sergei nodding began speaking once again. 

"Eldrick is not what he seems.  He is my apprentice, yes, but he, isss not truly a he.  He was a foundling in the village where my daughter lives, wandering the fields just outside the forest.  I was looking for a new apprentice.  My daughter brought the child to my attention since there was something about her.  As you know I take finding an apprentice seriously.  The problem is Veldar's proclamation.  'There are to be no women in the order.  Anyone caught teaching a girl child the mysteries of the order would be sentenced to death, along with the child'."  He paused, wiping his brow.  "I couldn't let such a brilliant mind rot.  I asked her if she would be willing to take a chance to become a druid.  Servalin held no such opinion as to the lack of worth in anyone.  She agreed knowing there would be a chance of discovery.  I told her I knew of a spell which would help, but she would live as a male until the time was right to revert to her natural form."  Licking his parched lips to regain composure.  "She agreed, though, neither of us knew what might happen.  I fear her subconscious is trying to re-establish her true identity."  A pained look crossed his face.  "The spell began failing a few months ago, and, I strengthened the magic to keep it in place." 

Sigmund's jaw fell.  "Are you saying you cast the spell multiple times on the same person to maintain your secret?"  His eyes darting toward the door.  "Does Sebastian know?"  Starting to rise he was stopped short. 

"Sit your ass back down!  Well, Sergei, answer his questions.  This could be the cause of Sebastian's irregular energy fluctuations and his latest outburst." 

With a gulp, "The answer to both questions is yes.  I made him promise not to tell Eldrick.  He agreed but added a caveat that if asked directly he would not hide the fact.  What he doesn't know, is Eldrick willing accepted the spell." 

"How old was she at the time?"  Amarna's face was beginning to turn a brilliant scarlet.  Sergei looked about, trying to find an escape route.  "Well, I am waiting.  HOW OLD WAS SHE?" 

"Six I believe.  It was twelve years ago."  Sergei sank lower into the chair.  "There is a drawback to the spell.  If it's broken it rebounds on the caster.  I hope she can last in her current form until she is ready to challenge Veldar.  If she is successful she can change the order for the better.  What I do not understand is how she has so many different energies flowing through her."  Pulling himself upright, he donned the mask of a master druid.  "She carries all four magical signatures.  It shouldn't be possible." 

"I can understand one or two signatures maybe three but all four?"  With incredulity in his voice, Sigmund sat up straighter.  "The only way that could be possible was if her parents were crossbred dragons.  I have never heard of a dragon mating with any of the Eldritch." 

"Be that as it may.  It doesn't solve our immediate problem."  Amarna turned her attention to Sigmund.  "Now what were you about to say?"  Her fingers drumming on the desk. 

"Sebastian is my nephew.  It seems that he and Eldrick have soulbound.  Because of this Eldrick's turmoil is causing his."  Sigmund shrugged.  "I am not too sure just how he is being affected but suffice it to say things are going to get interesting.  Not just for them but everyone around them.  There is an old dragon saying, 'May you live in interesting times.'  I cannot think of any more interesting a time in my life than right now."  Cocking his head while giving it a scratch.  "I came looking for Sebastian to warn him of the threat to our people.  It seems someone is raiding dragon nests.  We do not know who or why, but the Council of Wyrms is angry."  Shamefacedly he looked at the floor.  "I fear there is talk of war, and I know not how many are in favour, but if war is called I will refuse.  I have already prevented one war.  War only serves to destroy all those who partake.  I will have nothing to do with war." 

Amarna raised an eyebrow at hearing this news.  "Are you telling me there is a war brewing between dragons and humans?  I highly doubt the fae would have anything to do with raiding dragon nests, and the Eldritch are beyond such pettiness." 

"I fear I may know who the culprit is, though, why he would raid a dragon nest is beyond me.  There is a spell that can be used to reverse the effects of ageing.  Veldar discovered it and has been using it which is why he has ruled the Conclave for nearly three hundred years.  I got my hands on a copy of the spell, well potion recipe actually.  I find it appalling.  The main ingredient is dragon blood taken from a young dragon in sacrifice."  Sergei's voice seemed to stick in his throat as his body shook uncontrollably. 

"This is news that Daividh needs to hear.  This kingdom is a safe haven for dragons.  I am sure the Council of Wyrms knows this.  Which means they may try to launch attacks from within our borders.  We are going to need to defend ourselves if this is the case.  Whomever the dragons declare war upon will assume we are taking sides and attack us as well."  Amarna folded.  "I need to consider everything you have told me.  Now get out.  I hope we can accomplish what is necessary soon so you can be on your way.  I know the Feast of Servalin is fast approaching and you need to be in the Grove before then."  She raised her hand waving them away. 

* * *

With their departure, she lowered her head to the desk.  Tears streaming down her face.  She sat like that until Amaryliss found her several hours later. 

"What has set you into such a state?"  Settling her hand on Amarna's shoulder.  "I have never seen you lose your composure so completely."  Concern flowing with each syllable.  "I have done what I can with young Sebastian, it seems there is more coming from outside him.  I don't have any means to deal with it." 

"Mentor of mine, it seems there is much more going on than we are aware of.  The Council of Wyrms is talking war.  This frightens me.  A good majority of the council were involved in the unending war which Servalin brought to a close.  It seems the very order which is supposed to maintain peace is causing it to fracture."  Sitting up and wiping away the tears, Amarna peered at her old friend through bloodshot eyes.  "I have much more work to do than I originally believed.  I must ensure we have enough supplies for a lot more wounded.  I need to call on the weavers back home in Daerville.  They may be backwoods folk, but they make the best linen and in vast quantities." 

"You never told me where you were from when you came to me for training all those years ago."  The look of melancholia quickly suppressed did not go unnoticed by Amarna.   "Petal, I need your wings." 

A tiny head popped out of Amaryliss' hair.  The little cherubic face of a sprite, with wide eyes and neverending smile, glanced down to meet Amaryliss gaze.  "Petal help?" 

"I know there are many of your kind in the area as is their wont this time of year.  With all the plants in bloom, I am sure you can pass a message along for me.  Though I am unsure who the sprites trust in the human settlement of Daerville to give it to.  But it needs to be someone important who will be listened to and not a child." 

"Petal, like children.  All sprites like children.  Maybe there be a hedgewitch or herbmother to tell.  Message?"  As he spoke Petal flew off to hover in front of Amaryliss.  His wings fluttering fast enough to be nothing more than a blur. 

“The message is 'The house of healing in Herigberg needs linen for bandages.  War may be coming." 

Petal gave a high-pitched shriek.  "WAR!!  No, no war, war kills flowers.  Petal not pass message." 

"Petal we don't want war, but it may be coming nonetheless.  We need to prepare or there won't be anyone left to plant new flowers.  Please pass the message so we can prepare."  Amaryliss held out a small cube of beet sugar. 

Petal smelling the sugar darted in and took it from Amaryliss' hand.  "Petal pass message."  With those words, he shot out of the room. 

"There, the message should reach Daerville before sunrise.  Sprites are notorious gossips."  Amaryliss flopped into one of the chairs and started dozing.

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