
In the world of Adventures in Valerick TTRPG

Visit Adventures in Valerick TTRPG

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5: Worthy of the Mark

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      The beginning of the journey had seen the caravan find their rhythm with each other well enough in safer climes, and able to spend two of their first three nights within the safety of settlements. But now, as the sun was over them mid morning of the fourth day, they had truly entered the wilderness. Their journey was going to follow the Copperfold Byway through open scrubland and into the Teeth of the World, the monolithic range of mesas of stone they could see in the distance, dotting the horizon. Tyril was a fortified mining town of some six thousand or so, and a wealthy settlement, but it was isolated as well, by this stretch of road.


      Vondiras and Silvius were quite comfortable here however, the northern savannahs and scrublands of Kaleshin were their favorite hunting grounds, and the elf was thankful that Domo's own guards had been understanding of this fact, willing to turn over forward ranging to him and his companions. They were proper professionals that lot, and Von was genuinely enjoying working with them, particularly Kharil Darro. The burly halfman captain was well spoken, and a savvy one. He held no illusions as to the separate natures of his men versus Vondiras and his companions, and at no point tried to give them orders. From the first morning out he'd talked to them as equals, collaborated with them, and thus the division of labor and the tactical layout of both how they would travel, formation wise, as well as things like watch schedules when they had to camp, had been easy to hash out. For this Vondiras was grateful, for like all of the Sickles, he'd heard stories from his fellows about 'day-men' whom were far less easy going and far less easy to work with, seemingly intimidated or having a chip on their shoulder in regards to mercenaries. They would bark orders, attempt to treat them as little more than day-men, making everyone's working experience harder.


      He and Silvius had left Asir, the village they'd stayed at the previous night, about an hour before the wagons did, as was planned. He was outriding, or walking as the case might be, and needed that lead to stay ahead of them. His job was simply to scout the route for signs of trouble, investigate anything he came upon, but not get himself killed. If he found signs of trouble, at his discretion he could simply turn back and link back up with the wagons. If all went smoothly, his other task was to try and find a suitable location for them to set up for a mid-afternoon meal and rest, to avoid traveling and marching at the hottest part of the day.


      Yari Ashaan, the lead driver, was also well experienced and this was his contribution. They'd travel six hours, rest three, travel another six, well into the night, then make camp until just before dawn. It maximized their travel distance, helped reduce overheating by avoiding the worst of the day under the beating sun, and because of this helped manage water resources as well. Vondiras respected the halfman driver, for his experience and savvy, and was finding working with him to be quite pleasant.


      Silvius moved swiftly, the long grasses helping obscure her some, though Vondiras could find her easy enough. He moved at a quick pace as well, bow slung over his shoulders, spear in hand. Thus far, they'd seen no signs of trouble, though plenty of wildlife in the distance, even a pair of rhinoceros grazing well off the road. He had come upon a small banding of tracks, massive animals that he knew, but had yet to see, elephants. It looked to be about seven of them, including two young, though the sign had been old, likely a day, perhaps two. But outside that, he and Silvius had not come upon anything suggesting danger or risk to the caravan.


      As they crested a small rise they'd been traversing, coming down the other side of it, Vondiras glanced up at the sun, judging its position versus the distance and lead he likely had on the wagons. He would want to find a suitable place for their mid-day rest shortly, and began scanning both ahead of him, and to the sides of the road. Silvius perked up suddenly, and Vondiras calmly stuck his spear into the sandy soil, his bow coming off his back, as he nocked an arrow, scanning his surroundings. Nothing jumped out at him immediately, no movement, no rustling of grasses out of sync with the light breeze, but he watched, waiting, trusting his companion.


      Silvius was low, sniffing, and moving back towards him now, slowly at first. But then the wolf suddenly perked up, snarling and sprinting, almost directly at Vondiras. He pivoted, trusting her and having a guess what happened, and loosed his arrow as he did so, striking the leopard that had clearly been stalking him in the upper leg and torso, the shaft sinking in a good six inches, as the feline was mid leap. It crashed into Vondiras heavily, but he got his bow in front of him, kicking with his legs as he fell backwards, pushing the creature back, keeping its jaws from finding purchase Its claws raked, his chest, trying to find purchase, but ended up hooked and snagged in the links of the layer of mail within the layers of his gambeson, unable to find flesh. The powerful feline bore him down, but his bow was a major obstruction, keeping its jaws from his throat. Silvius slammed into the leopard in that moment, the she-wolf nipping and biting down on the cat's ear and head before shifting and getting a second bite on one of its front legs. Silvius shook and pulled viciously, in unison to Vondiras' own efforts, causing the leopard to lose its balance and ending up on its belly and side, Vondiras able to wiggle free of its grip. He whistled to call off Silvius, as he scrambled back to his spear, taking the weapon to grip.


      If it was the dry season, Vondiras had no doubt he would have had to fight for his life. However the leopard stared him down for a moment, before seeming to huff, turning and loping off back through the thick grasses, making no effort to hide its passing. It was a time of plenty, and such a majestic predator would rather try its luck again on less stubborn prey, of which plenty was available, rather than with something that would fight back. Vondiras let out a sigh of relief and whispered quick thanks to Boran the Bloodhound for this hunter choosing to back down, for he hadn't wished to kill such a majestic predator, and was glad he'd gotten a choice. The arrow had snapped off in the struggle, and since Vondiras did not use poison on his arrowheads, he had every bit of faith the feline would heal.




       Only a half hour after his near miss with the leopard, Vondiras and Silvius came upon a fitting location, a small pond of sorts, only perhaps forty to fifty feet wide, with a few acacia trees and brush around it. It was set back off the road, with sightlines in every direction though the brush provided them cover, and thus would be defensible. The wagons could be circled, forming a defensive perimeter and those on watch for their mid-day break would have clear sight in every direction, in broad daylight. One could not ask for better conditions for such a resting point amongst the savannah. 


      Vondiras and Silvius did a thorough check of the small pool, insuring the trees showed no signs of recent leopard habitation, nor any indication of other large predators having been here with intent to return and were pleased to find that no such sign was around. Satisfied, the pair turned back, and began to backtrack so they might meet up with the wagons and their companions.

      Belle, Coris and Beliana were spread out amongst the caravan of wagons, Belle and Beliana center, flanking the wagons keeping vigilant, moving about the guards and drivers, chatting and keeping everyone loose. Coris meanwhile was acting as rear-guard with one of Domo's men, trailing the last wagon. The day was warm, the sun beating down, though still some dampness persisted amongst the plant life around them. They were moving through true wilderness now, the season of plenty in full swing. Groups of gazelle, nik-nik antelope, zebra, wildebeest and other grazing animals dominated the landscapes well off from the road. These animals returned yearly, as did many plethora of birds, for the glut of the grasses, leaving for the dry season to more food dense climes, some moving north through the Teeth to the plains at the southern edges of Rohara and Valewyr, others moving closer to Susma's western coast, along the flood plains. Others would even trek south, a massive journey around the Bala, to the verdant grasslands of Assai, the southernmost kingdom of Susma, bordering Kang-Chorath.


      It was a time of plenty, and a time when many of the predators, whom were less migratory, were far less dangerous. It was a time of year mercenaries loved for their job was no longer simply wild-life control or pest removal. Now the real threats would be from foes worth the steel, should they present themselves. The rains also brought the gnoll and anubite packs, feral canid beastmen, from the Bala and the deep within the Teeth in droves, raiding and hunting with abandon, seeking treasure, plunder, and feasting. These were the type of threats that Coris and his companions had been hired to address, should they present themselves.


      Coris enjoyed the warmth of the sun, chuckling as he thought of how much Beliana, his beautiful wife, had changed him. No more did he feel the pangs of his kindred, a thing only days before he'd discussed with Toric, the longing for tunnels, caves, and the sensation of stone above one's head. Perhaps it was her zest for live, so contagious. Maybe it was her smile, her laugh. Hell maybe it was the sex, or perhaps she'd cast a spell on him. For all Coris knew, it was some of each, but he found each day that passed married to her, he loved the open sky and the sun just a little more, and missed the dark tunnels and stones, or the howling tundras of Suranth, notably less. He watched her now, moving about, the sun sparkling off the bronze plates of her armored skirt, and playing along her caramel skin. Her hair not pinned back this day, but flowing, loose, a rare sight. They'd shared a special prayer that morning, dancing in the morning drizzle, twirling and touching as the sun rose. 


      Coris shook himself free of those thoughts and memories, reminding himself he had a job to do. He kept scanning the horizon around himself, even turning to walk backwards, scanning the road behind them. All seemed clear, as it had all day thus far, however he wouldn't become to lax. Being a Sickle meant being a professional. He was on the job, vigilance was required, not optional.


      Belle strained her eyes, thinking she saw something ahead of the wagons. It was perhaps an hour until Domo would wish them to stop, and Vondiras and Silvius should be returning at any moment. Through the haze and dust the wagons were making she saw something moving towards them in the distance, from ahead of them. A person, it had to be, and something else. She let out a small sigh of relief, for she'd been worried about Vondiras this whole time, and she knew she likely would continue to do so. They'd bonded that night back at the compound, perhaps not the same way Coris and Beliana were, but in a way that was just as strong. She felt her heart flutter with worry every time the elven hunter risked going off alone, though she knew better, with Silvius he was never truly alone. Yet he was perhaps Belle's dearest friend, though she loved Coris and Beliana dearly, and so she could not help herself. The elation in her booming voice was far from hidden, as she took off in a bit of a job, yelling for the whole caravan to hear "Its Vondiras and Silvius, approaching from in front of us, I'm going to run ahead to meet them!" she proclaimed, taking off at a jog.


      She met the elf only a few minutes later, and before Vondiras could protest, she'd smothered him in a hug, picking his light frame up, before putting him down and lightly punching his shoulder. "Glad to see your feeling like yourself again, was a bit worried, after all was your first time out alone after your back." she said, trying to mask her sudden actions. "So did you find us a place to settle in for a few hours to wait out the worst of the heat?"


      Silvius nuzzled up to her, and Belle absentmindedly reached down, scratching the wolf's ears, much to her delight. Vondiras chuckled, shaking his head. "You are a terrible liar Belle, absolutely atrocious at it. Never go gambling, your face reads like a book. But yes, dearest, I did. Had a near miss with a leopard, but I am fine, I'm unharmed!" he added, swiftly raising his hands, making a calming gesture, before scooping up the spear he'd dropped when he'd seen Belle coming. "Didn't even get cut, just tore a bit of the fabric over the mail in my tunic, Silvius and me saw the beast off."


      Belle swore, shaking her head. "You just attract trouble and danger don't you Von. Its a talent you have. Glad you escaped unharmed though, so what's this spot you found us look like?" she inquired, as the pair continued on to rejoin the approaching wagons. 


      "A small, shallow pond or pool of sorts, with a few acacia trees and other shrubs and brush growing around it. Good sightlines in every direction, easy to circle the wagons on one of the banks, create a sort of defensive barrier." he explained. "Roughly a mile and a half from here, maybe a touch more."


      As good as his word, not long after, perhaps but a half an hour, the caravan, lead by Vondiras, rolled up to the small pool. It was a little ways off the road to the east side, though it was a trade road, so pulling off when choosing to stop was simply good manners. Myrin set about organizing the wagons, directing the drivers along side his lead driver Ashaan, as Darro and the guards got to work setting about a perimeter, moving around the small pool and getting the lay of the land. Once this was done, Darro joined the Vondiras and his companions, whom were setting up a small cook pit near one of the wagons. "Seems defensible enough, good work Vondiras." Darro mentioned, as he sat cross-legged with them, a small stick in hand. He skillfully and swiftly sketched out the small pool and the encampment. "So on doing rounds with my men, we've decided to have five men with rifles take up resting on this small rise over to the left of the pool some two hundred feet here." he sketched out. "As well as having four sentries patrolling around the pool and camp in a wider circle, in pairs. I presume you'll take duty in pairs as one part of that?"


      Coris nodded, voicing his agreement "T'is sound Darro, aye, we'll do t'at. Meself an' me wife will take first 'our an' a 'alf, Vondiras, Silvius an' Belle can take second. Ye got 'nough men ta 'andle t'e others?"


      "Yes, the four men on the rise will only be keeping vigil as a pair, they'll all just take their break up there, they are making a small cooking fire as we speak." Darro replied. "This'll be the plan then, I'll leave you to it."




      The three hours passed uneventfully, and were relaxing. They all ate light, rations of jerky and bits of dried breads and sun-dried fruits, things that could be kept for a lengthy period of time, even in the heat, but would keep them going. They relaxed, lounged, some men choosing to soak a little in the pool, once it was confirmed safe, Belle volunteering to wonder in to see if any larger animals were making their home here. Unsurprisingly, given its lack of rivers or other nearby larger water sources, they were not. Some played games, with simple wooden dice, or crude cards. Domo sat reading some manuscript or other and swapping jokes and stories with Ashaan, seeming right at home talking to the man as a friend and equal, an odd trait that Beliana could not help but clock. She could see why he was generally referred to as the misfit amongst Kalesh's merchant lords, for he did not carry himself with any air of superiority nor was he stuck up or cold shouldered. He was friendly, jovial, down to earth, or as much as one might hope for someone so wealthy. A rare breed, this halfman.


      A little over four hours later, with the sun now well past its zenith, with afternoon and evening approaching the air slowly cooling, they were back on the road, with Vondiras once again having left an hour earlier, Silvius in tow. So they would repeat the experience, the elf also now hunting for game for the camp's evening meal, should they be so lucky to have something fresh and not just dry rations to work with. Yet in spite of that and in spite of knowing they'd be sleeping on naught but thin blankets, amidst itchy scrubgrass and sawgrass, and the risk of snakes, scorpions and worse when camping in such away, and despite all the other obvious dangers, as Beliana watched Vondiras and Silvius leave, and as they followed not long after, she was all smiles. The ugly parts made the beautiful parts better after all, and she wouldn't trade this life for the greatest luxuries of any church or cathedral, not now, not ever.



      Vondiras and Silvius moved more carefully now. They neared the end of their journey and besides the incident with the leopard, two days previous, they'd not seen much to concern them. However the pair had seen sign, days old, of a gnoll warband only yesterday around mid-morning. It hadn't been much, just some paw-prints, but the distinct shape and stride, as well as the stance told them it was no animal, but gnolls and anubites, a war band of likely some twenty to thirty creatures. A band that large was without a doubt hunting either very large game, or more likely, looking to raid a trade caravan or small village, whichever they could find first that was vulnerable and available.


      Everyone had been on edge for the rest of the day and all night after Vondiras had reported that information, and they'd done double watch duty, even the drivers taking shifts that night. However there was no sign or sight of the foul beasts, though Vondiras and Silvius both had heard their yips and laughing like shrieks, barely, brought to them on an ill wind. As they'd meandered down the Copperfold Byway and into the edge of the Teeth of the World, most of Domo's men had begun to calm down. Now on the afternoon of their third day on this long stretch of road, with but one more night to camp and one more day's travel to the gates of Tyril, most had been in high spirits when they'd taken their mid-day break.


      Vondiras could not shake a nagging feeling however, and he could tell Silvius was battling the same, the wolf's ears near constantly pinned, her head on a swivel, her nose working overtime, even as she kept low. There was much less cover, no long grasses or the like now, the terrain having become much sandier and rockier. Sightlines were worse to, with the jutting monoliths of limestone, ranging in heights from seventy feet to a select few towering several hundred feet or more. Each one unique, yet each one confusing, this whitewashed sandstone or limestone shard, protruding from the ground at a strange angle and shape. The cliffs and outcroppings as well as crevasses and caves of these goliaths that dotted the landscape, giving the region its name, offered a lot of dangerous cover for unseen dangers to be lying in wait. Vondiras just could not shake this feeling within him that they would not escape traversing even this short stretch of the Teeth without getting bitten.


      However no evidence presented itself, and the hours passed, as he continued to scout, to stay ahead of the caravan. The sun was pushed to the west now, clearly readying to set, they had perhaps two, maybe three hours of daylight left. He needed to find a place they could set up a defensible camp. As they moved further along this more westward stretch of the Byway, the breeze shifted, its direction changing, guided by the Teeth. Silvius perked up, pivoting and facing off the road to the north, growling, her nostrils flared, teeth bared. Vondiras peered out that direction, trying to see if he could catch sight of anything at all, to see what had gotten his packmate's attention, however even before he saw the forms moving about the monolithic stones, just barely catching sight of the moving tawny shapes against the backdrop of the limestone monolith some of them passed in front of, he heard it. The shift in the breeze carried the sound of hyena like laughter, though deeper, and more guttural, a dozen, no more like two dozen individual creatures making such sounds, yipping and howling with excitement. They were heading towards the Byway but at an angle that would likely bring them to small gulch the road wove through in perhaps a quarter of an hour, maybe less. Which would be more or less right in line with when the caravan would be passing through the gulch.


      Vondiras did not hesitate, turning on heel and running, urging Silvius to follow. They had the straighter line but not by very much, so it would be a close thing. He recognized those strange guttural noises well from hunting smaller bands all through the dry season. Gnolls, a war band. "Shit, fuck fuck!" Vondiras swore with a hiss as he stopped running for a moment, realizing that he needed to warn the caravan from here if possible. He pulled a special arrow from his quiver, even as he urged Silvius to keep rushing back to the wagons. They were going to need to move swiftly, they'd likely get there as battle would be joined. He dropped to one knee, a dagger and a piece of flint lighting the bundle of dried sawgrass he had tied to the arrow, an arrow with a hollow metal shaft that had cunning pinholes drilled in it. Pulling back his bowstring, he fired it almost straight up, hearing the piercing whistling sound it let out, which echoed off the massive stones all around him. Even as it rose and the sawgrass flared and burned brightly for a few moments before the fuel was consumed. The arrow kept shrieking even as it fell though, as good a warning a Vondiras could offer from this distance. He rose to his feet, running after Silvius, thankful at least that the sun was slowly trying to set. Soon enough shadows would be plentiful and long indeed, a circumstance that at least favored his ability to move around and help in such a battle, even if he would arrive to late too set up in a favorable position.




      Coris saw the flash and heard the screech like whistling and sprung into action immediately, knowing that Vondiras would not have signaled so obviously unless he knew the danger was near immediate, with no time for the elf to get back and warn them properly. The dwarf called out a warning to the men around him, moving swiftly forward from his position as the rearguard towards the lead wagon where Myrin Domo would be found. He was pleased to hear Beliana and Belle similarly reacting, having seen and heard the signal as well. "Ach form up, ye four get 'em rifles loaded an' ready, rest o' ye prepare yerself, trouble's comin'!" he roared, shrugging loose of his harness, freeing his claymore, tossing the harness and sheath into the third wagon as he passed by the back of it. 


      Belle moved ahead of the wagons, as her height and stride best suited for having a chance to see what was coming. The light was fading, though the sun had not set yet, the shadows thrown by the stones all around both blocking sightlines and obscuring vision by their shadows as well. The sun was setting however, and Belle had no intentions of fighting blind, so she freed the dark-sight elixir from her belt, quaffing the tonic quickly. The taste was bitter, earthy, almost chalk-like, however the effect was near immediate. Her pupils dilated, her vision sharpened significantly, making her head spin for a moment. Once she'd adjusted, she scanned the horizon ahead of their position and after a moment or two saw movement, saw the creatures fanned out, approaching. The first sounds of their excited yipping calls, hyena like, but harsher, more sinister, reached her ears. "Gnolls!" Belle warned, as she swiftly moved back amongst the wagons.


      Beliana, as Belle moved forward looking to catch some glimpse of what was coming, had swiftly gotten up on the driver's bench of the lead wagon with Ashaan. She yelled back to the other drivers, after confirming with Ashaan, "Alright, circle the wagons it'll be dangerous for the camels, but we need some sort of cover to defend ourselves from! Quickly now!" she ordered, leaping down and allowing Ashaan to drive, as the skilled lead-man also barked out orders in Halish, directing traffic. In a matter of minutes, with the sounds of gnolls getting ever closer, the wagons were circled, creating a half-moon shaped blockade, backed against the base of a limestone monolith. All the drivers, guards, everyone was behind the wagons, the gunman taking up positions kneeling in line with gaps between the wagons, so they could fire upon approaching foes. Coris, Belle, and Beliana all had their backs to a wagon, as did the other six guards, ready to flood the gaps between the wagons and try and hold the barrier when some inevitably got that close. Ashaan and two of the drivers had mounted camels, driving the animals away at speed, knowing they could be herded back. They posed to much of a risk to leave them connected to the wagons, and losing the animals would not be ideal. The gnolls would not chase the camels, for the foul creatures preferred the flesh of sapient beings.


      Their hyena like laughter began to roll over the caravan, a foul melody, taunting, threatening, terror inducing. Almost daemonic, as if the gibbering madness of creatures out of the most deranged imaginings of the most foul of nightmares. It sent shivers up spines, caused hearts to race. The magick of these calls was palpable, their effects undeniable. Two of the drivers began to shake, going to rise, as if to flee. Beliana felt it keenly, but was able to fight back against it, steeling herself through muttered prayers, the warmth of her holy symbol on her chest like a beacon, as if a bit of the sun given to her to dash darkness with light. She glanced to Coris, whom was against another wagon, his teeth gritted, his eyes wide, though she could read it was not fear, but fury. He was keeping his anger in check, though it was a struggle, knowing it was not yet time. He locked eyes with her, as she held his focus, allowing him to use her presence to help him keep focus, keep control.


      Belle saw the two drivers, both young men, human, shaking, and saw them beginning to rise, as if to flee, foolishness she knew. They'd be run down. She too felt the barbs of these calls, meant to incite and force panic and errors from prey. However her confidence, her own ego, the ego of a champion of the sand circle, was simply too great to give in to such parlor tricks. "Hear them laughing, simple beasts, nothing more. They think to incite brainless panic, like a gazelle or antelope. Do not listen!" She yelled. "They seek to treat you like cattle, believing men and women so Susma so easy to scatter like grains of sand. Fuck that." With that Belle roared, and began laughing, her deep titan-blooded voice echoing around the wagons and off the rock face they'd set their backs too. "Flea ridden mangy stray rat-dogs!" she shouted, before letting out laughter that boomed and echoed like a rock slide, her titan blood showing in her laugh. "Come my friends, let them hear you. Profanities, laughter, loud and proud. Let them know the pettiness of such simple minded tricks!"


      Beliana couldn't help but feel her own confidence rise, Belle truly had a gift with crowds. A brawler she might be, but in her own way she was a performer, forever the prize fighter, and was truly in her element. Beliana could see the confidence washing over everyone. Domo, whom was clearly not your average noble, against the wagon beside Belle, looked up at her with a small grin on his lips, clearly appreciating her presence in this moment. His men and women at arms, the lot of them, seemed to steady themselves, the two drivers found their control, slowly lowering themselves back into the protected well of the wagon's bench seats, coach guns ready. Beliana and Coris both followed Belle's lead, as did Domo, and eventually the rest, laughing and swearing as loud as they could, shouting insults and profanities unto the wind at the approaching beastmen. "One hurdle overcome" Beliana thought to herself. "Now comes where we earn our keep."


      Belle was ready, and she heard the bestials closing in. Soon they'd be in range and sight for the riflemen, and just as swiftly, some would be pushing the gaps between wagons. She hoped Ashaan and the other two drivers had made enough haste. They had no way to know if the bestials would split off a small group to pursue, and no way to help if they did. She also found herself, in spite of her own views on faith, muttering a small prayer to Varis Tomain for Vondiras and Silvius to be safe, and to not be long in arriving. She, her friends and these men would hold, that she did not doubt. However she worried for their friend, and just as importantly, knew the cost of holding would be far deeper without Vondiras' arrows supporting them from afar, and without Silvius' domineering and opportunistic presence in the clash.


      The creatures came rushing forward, the small volley of gunfire from within the wagon barricade dropping three creatures. Two of them the smaller jackal headed creatures, similar in size to a dwarf or short human, known as anubites, the third a true gnoll, seven feet tall, three hundred plus pounds of muscular hyena-humanoid beastman. Suddenly they were everywhere, yipping, snarling, yelling in their guttural language as Beliana and her companions, along with the day guards, filed in trying to hold the gaps between the wagons.


      Gnolls were thankfully an uncommon, but dangerous threat across Susma, at least in large numbers. Massive hulking monstrosities, a cursed hybrid between humanoid and hyena. Feral canine eyes and snout, vicious jaws with massive canines, mottled and spotted fur of tawny yellows and sand with darker spots and stripes. Towering between six and eight feet tall, all hulking, three hundred more more pounds of muscle and sinew. Hands that had claws, canine like feet and legs. They fought with reckless vicious abandon, and were oft also carriers of a potential variety of diseases. They had thumbs, and were capable of wielding weapons, oft choosing to wield simple bows, javelins, as well as crude spears, axes or clubs and maces. The smell of rotting meat lingered about them, as the fighting swiftly devolved, the gaps between wagons flooding, as some of the creatures flopped down to crawl under the wagons or began scrambling trying to climb them. 


      Two of Domo's men fell swiftly, a javelin flying through the gap and plunging near clean through the chest of one of the riflemen, as a second warrior, she was bowled over and her throat ripped out. Beliana felt divinity within the chaos and felt her husband's rage flood over her, as they both moved into the fray. Beliana's weapon glowing slightly, her focus tightening, calling as she had before upon guidance and blessing from Vosana. The first foe she came upon was an Anubite, the smaller creature, feral and fast, but no match, as she swept aside its crude handaxe, forcing it back a step and burying the spear tip of her halberd several inches into its chest. Two quick stabs had the beast fallen and bleeding to death. She pivoted, facing a hulking gnoll, with a deft twist and flick she maneuvered her halberd, knocking the monster's spear thrust barely wide, feeling it catch one of the plates of her armored skirt. She swiftly brought the head of the weapon around, the axe blade slamming into its extended forearm and wrist, cleaving a vicious wound, causing the monster to fumble and lose its spear. Beliana was focused on the battle, her body in a divinely inspired rhythm for at least a short time, a warrior blessing gifted by her goddess. To her eyes her foes all gleamed as if bathed in sunlight, marking them clearly. So as a gnoll pulled itself out from under the wagon to her right, snarling and salivating, ready to latch onto her leg with one of its clawed hands, she had already marked it for death. Her halberd swing simply continued, as she twisted her wrists, adjusting the angle, and half lunged forward, leaning down to drive the spear point of the weapon clean through the bestial's head.


      However that brief moment nearly cost her, the gnoll she'd disarmed worried not about its weapon, leaping at her as she committed, ready to force its smaller opponent to the ground, to rip and tear. She felt its weight strike her body, and off balance as she was, she did stumble and fall, expecting the jaws, the pain, perhaps even death. But it did not come. She felt the body shudder from two impacts and as she freed herself from underneath it, and scrambled to her feet, she saw two quivering shafts one in its side, deep enough to have it a lung, the other just under the base of its skull. She could not see him, but she raised her halberd in salute to her friend, the hunter in the darkness she knew had arrived.




      Belle fought with the power and fury of a titan. She seemed unconcerned with the crude weapons or teeth of the foul beastmen, though she did not wear armor. The first gnoll whom leapt at her leapt right into the bone crunching force of her right fist, a simple strike, fracturing its jaw and knocking loose at least a couple teeth. Bleeding profusely, stunned and frightened, the blow to the mouth having caught it entirely off guard, it tried to fall back, to allow two of its allies to take its place against Belle. However the tantur was simply not having it. She knew part of her role was to help keep confidence up, even as she heard the coach guns roar, and one of the drivers go down screaming. Panic would break them, they needed to hold. "No, you won't be leaving!" she roared, rushing the wounded beast, flinging aside its allies, their crude axes wounding her, on her left shoulder and near her right hip, two nasty gashes.


      However she simply flung her arms out, basically flinging them both aside and thudding into the wagons on each side of her, then ignored them, grabbing the one she'd punched in the jaw in a bear hug. "See how easy they break, hold them back, I got no intention of being chow for a foul bunch of flea ridden rugs on legs!" she roared, as she hefted the beast high, in a bone crushing embrace. She flexed, exerting herself, crushing the gnoll against her. The beast panicked, swatting and snarling at her arms, trying to get her to let go, drawing blood from the claws, though they were not deep cuts. Belle did not even truly feel them. She squeezed ever tighter, feeling ribs fail first, then a collarbone, and then finally the spine, once, and then twice. Savagely she hefted her prize, roaring in victory as loud as her lungs would let her, so that any of her allies nearby would hear and hopefully see her display. She tossed the broken corpse like a discarded play thing, striking two more gnolls trying to close in on the wagons with the shattered body of their dead packmate.


      Those beastmen near her paused a moment, another dying to a shot from Domo's revolver, though another of the drivers was injured or dead, likely dead based on the blood and state of him, having been pulled from the wagon. Yet despite that Belle smiled, for she heard something over the combat and din of violence and the screeching and yipping of the foul beasts. A deep, pure, and ever threatening howl. Not the guttural noise of a beastman, but the howls of a true predator of nature, a lupine howl. "Just in time you two" she thought to herself, as aloud she roared "We've help outside the ring, rush them now!!" as she rushed out to seek combat beyond the wagons, smashing into the gnolls with ferocity that could only be equaled by one other on the field.




       Coris wasted no time being defensive, that was for those other combatants who did not fight as he did. The dwarf did not wait for a bestial to try and breach his gap, with a feral roar of his own, a warcry of rage, he rushed out to meet the coming threat head on. "Blood an' Death!" The dwarf's rush found him a quick victim, an Anubite whom was no match, did not even get its weapon or shield up to defend itself properly before his claymore opened the monster from shoulder to hip. He pushed past this body, accepting a blow to the head from a crude stone mace, and though a trickle of blood flowed, he seemed to barely notice. "Ach ye damned fool's nae a clue. Hittin' a dwarf in t'e 'ead just be a good way ta die!" he snarled, removing the offending creature's arm at the elbow, even as he was struck a second time, this one an axe that opened a deep cut along his collarbone. The impact might have fractured it, he was unsure, and in his fury he simply did not feel it.


      Swiftly he stabbed the beast he'd disarmed, pushing its dying body aside, turning to catch another gnoll, axe raised, and opened its belly hip to hip. Two arrows thudded into his back, his armor saving him here even as they punched a hole in the chain, between the mail and the gambeson, they sank in and drew blood, but not deep enough to be life threatening. He drew upon his battle-fever then, his wounds almost seeming to bleed less, his presence seeming to create heat, the air around him shimmering. His battle-fervor flooded his veins, he felt no pain, his blood loss slowed, he felt naught but fury and battle-lust. He rushed another gnoll, taking one of its legs from under it before beheading the creature.


      The gnolls pressed on however, though their numbers dwindled, they could smell blood and weakness, and knew their prey could not last forever. Coris stumbled, but kept his feet, however his fury was fleeing him. The initial burst of it had powered him forward and sheer dwarven stubbornness kept him on his feet. His wounds, though not serious individually, were swiftly becoming problematic and now he was on the defensive, doing everything in his power not to be overwhelmed. Things seemed desperate, he heard Beliana call out to him, trying to tap into her faith, and he felt the warming embrace of Vosana, felt some of his smaller wounds sizzling and sealing, the blood ceasing to flow. But the dwarf was surrounded and knew it. Four gnolls were on him, an Anubite as well. He might have pushed to far. However then he saw something out of his periphery. A shadowy figure, as an arrow, then another, sprouted from the throat of two of the gnolls fighting him.




      Belle saw the few bestials left around her were contemplating flight, and she rushed one, not content to let half the number flee, not after they'd killed some of her charges and hurt her dear friends. She caught an Anubite by the scruff, lifting the smaller creature high, slamming it to the ground head first with enough force to shatter its skull. Silvius arrived at this moment, the wolf tackling a gnoll, catching it unawares. As they tumbled, the she-wolf got grip on its throat, ripping open its jugular and carotid. She extricated herself from the tussle nimbly, leaving the gnoll to bleed to death, as she rushed another victim, one of the beastmen surrounding Coris. She leapt onto its back, biting again and again at its head, neck and shoulders, basically driving it forward onto the dwarf's blade.


      Arrow after arrow struck home, necks, chests, stomachs. Four gnolls and two anubites fell, injured or dead, to the archer of shadows. Vondiras kept moving, his friends all saw him now, as he'd gotten closer. He turned to pick off a few more stragglers out of those attempting to flee, the fight having turned, the beastmen beaten back. Of the nearly thirty monsters, none escaped without injury, and only perhaps four or five escaped alive. Belle raised her fist, roaring in triumph, a big smile on her face, as she saluted Vondiras in the distance, a gesture he returned.


      Beliana's voice rang out, commanding, as she quickly took control of the situation. "Any whom are uninjured go around to the creatures. Stab them, shoot them I care not. Every body, confirm its a body. Then we shall burn them all, cursed things. Those whom can walk with their injuries, get back inside the circle of the wagons, those whom cannot but are conscious, yell out I will come to you! Anyone not conscious you find check for a pulse, if there is one, yell for me. We've won the fight, now lets try and limit the price!"




      Very few of the caravan escaped uninjured, though it was a point of pride to Belle, as she leaned against the wagon beside her, that Domo had been one of the three. Beliana seemed another, and one of the coachmen, Ashaan's right hand and brother Herkhal was the last. Belle leaned against the wagon, catching her breath, feeling the wounds on her shoulder, hip, and the dozen or more claw gashes all up and down her forearms. She sighed, feeling the bleeding, but knowing she was in no danger, merely uncomfortable, she pushed herself off the wagon, moving back behind them all to find somewhere to take a seat. She'd pushed herself a bit in that short but chaotic battle, and though she could still feel the hum of her own Vitae within her, Belle knew she'd nearly tapped into it all. She needed to get these wounds patched up, but then she desperately needed to sleep soon.


      She had a seat with a few of the guards, including Dorro, who's left hand was mangled. The older guardsman looked like shit, he was bloodied, and his clothing and armor disheveled, his shamshir missing, his pistol broken. Yet despite the pain he was smiling when she sat down. He nodded to his left hand, "Beast got a grip on my hand and gun, when I shot it, the jaws tensed and broke my pistol." he said, holding up his hand. Looking closer the damage was extensive, he likely had many broken and shattered bones in his hand and fingers. His third and fourth finger on that hand might very well be so mangled as to be beyond repair. "Killed two of them, before that happened, one of the men here saved me, though in the mess of it all we honestly aren't sure who." Dorro looked up into Belle's eyes, and she could see the mystique, the wonder, that belief she'd hoped to inspire, still there in his eyes. "But we all saw you." he saw her brand, shaking his head as he locked eyes with her again. "You might be indentured, but not in the view of Domo or the rest of us. We all saw your display and felt it. You lent us courage and for that we thank you."




      Beliana did her best, saving two lives whom seemed on death's door, though she felt the spark of divinity flickering and fading. There were many lesser injuries, and plentiful serious ones too. She would have her hands full for at least a few hours to even stitch and bandage them all, those she could not heal. Her divine sparks, this gifted power of her faith, had limits, she could only be a vessel for so much of it, and that fight had used a lot. As she brought a third, one of the two younger drivers, back from the edge of death, she felt it sputter out. "Damn." she muttered, upset more with herself than anything else. If she hadn't used so much of it, expended so much of that gift in the battle, she could help more. Now at best she could do triage, and it meant their last day, and likely the return trip, would be short handed.


      Domo found her as as she helped the last person she'd helped back into the circle of wagons. "Are your own talents expended? I have sent three of the least injured up the monolith, to find a clear place with a satchel of wood and a bit of oil so they may light a bright fire, one Ashaan will be keeping his eyes out for. However we shall likely have to camp here in the open tonight. I had bought the stock for the mines, they like to keep some on hand, however I think our need is more dire. I have some ten or so small healing elixirs. Do we require them?"


      Beliana nodded. "You may consider that our combat bonus, Master Domo, the guild mentioned such a thing. However I think that is more prudent than coin. Fetch them if you please, so I can get those too injured to move or rest at least recovered enough to find sleep, so that they may be capable of being moved on the morrow."


      Domo shook his head, "I'll not hear anything of the kind. You've all earned that bonus, with distinction. You showed honor and a professionalism that does your guild credit and befits the guild's reputation. It is the very least I can do for those employed to protect myself and my wares." The halfman scanned the injured, chuckling, "Besides most of the injured are mine, my employees directly. Would not make much sense to charge you for healing my guards, that would seem to be backwards. Hold here a moment, I shall fetch them."




      Coris stumbled, struggling to keep his feet. He'd heard Beliana's voice, but he had pushed farther than anyone else from the wagons, almost a hundred feet. That felt like a mile now. His head was swimming, he could feel the blood around his ear, having matted his hair. His body ached, he knew he had arrows in his back, but couldn't reach them. The world swam, and he'd tried to call out, as his wife instructed, since he was conscious....right? Coris blinked, unsure, and fell...


      Or started too. Something caught him, he had felt himself fall, his legs weak, his adrenaline tapped, his body exhausted, though he still refused to drop his blade. He heard a voice, familiar, like a breeze through bushes and trees. "I've got you Coris, I've got you. No going to sleep now, come on, we need to get to the wagons. Your wife is waiting."


      "Vondiras, t'at ye, lad?" Coris tried to ask, though it came out more slurred than normal, so much so that even he didn't fully understand his own words. He chuckled, or tried to though the sound that emitted was far more of a wheeze. "I took a wee smack on t'e 'ead. Seems ta 'ave me a bit scrambled."


      Vondiras tried to keep calm as he half carried, half dragged and half walked Coris back just inside the wagons. "Beliana, here quickly, he took a blow to the head, he needs help!" Vondiras called out.


      Beliana did not hesitate, and was at their side swiftly. She immediately rummaged in her pack for the special case she carried where she kept the healing draughts, and pulled forth one of the bigger ones. Carefully she helped him drink it, holding her breath. There was no good way to be sure how the body and the enchanted fluids of an elixir would react, how they would prioritize injury. Thankfully, as Beliana sighed with relief, this time it seemed the head was first. The bleeding stopped, the swelling reduced drastically, and the concerning slurring and confusion in Coris' words faded as he became more understandable. "Ach, I've a 'ell o' a 'eadache, but if'n I'm talkin' ta ye m'heart an' t'e elf, I assumes we won?"


      Beliana smiled, and he could see the concern in her eyes, but also relief. "We did lover, we did. Now I'd embrace you, you were giving me a scare there briefly, however I suspect you'd find that uncomfortable. You are going to need to lay down on your front, I have to pull two arrows out of your back."


      Over the next three hours, Beliana ran herself ragged, stitching, cleaning, bandaging wounds, as well as educating any whom were bitten about what to watch out for. Gnolls and Anubites both carried Famine Fever, a brutally unpleasant illness, one that had devastating consequences if left unchecked, and one way or another would almost always result in death. Thankfully the bite victims were surprisingly few, only five total, though Dorro had lost two fingers, something that was an excruciating process, for they'd only been able to do limited amounts for his pain. Night had fallen and was well and truly under way, the moon high, the stars bright, when Beliana was finally finished. Everyone whom had been injured, via medicine, faith or elixirs, or some combination there in, could travel and at least walk under their own power, or would be able to by the morning. Beliana finally was able to lay down beside her husband, ready to sleep, exhausted. It did not take her long at all to fall asleep, with the last thoughts on her mind the words Myrin Domo had said in regards to herself and her companions, words that but a tired but satisfied smile on her face. Honor and professionalism, two words that would have made Guildmaster Daveed very happy to hear a client use in person, very happy indeed.

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Dec 17, 2024 04:16

Edit: caravan fight : two of Domo's men fell... .... she. pivoted and faced a hulking (Gnoll).

Dec 17, 2024 10:33 by Keon Croucher

You are most correct, thank you very much I will edit shortly after my breakfast :)

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization