Chapter 26 - Swear To Me...

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Winter 4995, 35 Ginmoth

Shon had heard Rose say she wasn't going to stay here. He'd read Lily's whine of disappointment as she followed. Still, he did no more than unlock his room, looking briefly around before shaking his head and leaving again. He had to at least check. 

He passed the others' rooms, glancing in their windows out of the corner of his eye. Tristen and Ranito's rooms were on the other side of Shon's, and Oswall's windows were drawn tightly shut. But he caught a glimpse of Ebonwing sitting forlornly on her bed, and Alena praying at her desk. The next room should've been empty but had light shining through the curtains...

Shon held his breath as he passed the door, checking the next first -and finding it both dark and empty- before returning. He exhaled slowly and knocked, but it wasn't a woman's voice that answered. 

"Come in," Tristen called. 

Shon closed his eyes and Ryuuko hissed. When he entered he found not only Tristen -his back to the door as he looked down at the tiny desk against the smallest wall- but also Ranito -sitting on the bed with legs crossed and notebook out. 

"Ah yes. We should have expected you." Ranito said, waving his pen at Shon, "Expecting a private liaison?" 

Shon stiffened, looking to Tristen, who didn't turn around. The Paladin sighed, explaining, "Archmage Ranito informed me of your... talk, on Winter Solstice, Master Sergeant, and I, in turn, informed him of your ultimatum and that it is to remain confidential." 

"It is an interesting deal you've struck." Ranito commented, "You're neither going to help nor hinder us in our secondary objective? Does this apply to the other dragons as well?"

Tristen finally turned around, clasping his hands behind his back and studying Shon as he waited patiently for an answer. Ryuuko hissed again. 

Shon opened his mouth and closed it again. He hadn't thought about it. Now that he was forced to, he realized that he didn't want to bring any of them in. He shook his head, but not in answer. It didn't matter what he wanted. He'd sworn an oath to Hengist and the Temple, it was only his equally binding oath to Lily that allowed him the ultimatum. An oath he hadn't made to any of the others. "I follow orders." Shon stated, "I will assist in bringing in the rest if need be." 

Ryuuko swiveled its head around to hiss in his ear and even tried to nip him, though Shon managed to put his hand in the way so the little dragon bit his fingers instead of his ear, and continued, "But I would much rather convince them to come willingly, and would feel more comfortable if Sir Tristen's proposal is accepted." 

Tristen nodded in approval but Ranito waved his pen in the air again, "But that still leaves the Firewyrm-" Ryuuko leapt from Shon's shoulder to fly at the Mage, making him duck as it pulled his hair with another hiss. "Damn pest!" Ranito called shaking his fist at it, "Fine, Lily. And she is the one we will be running into at the tower."

Feeling anything but social, Shon fell back into old habits and arched an eyebrow down at Ranito. 

The Mage combed his fingers through his precious hair, taking his time to straighten it before catching sight of Shon's expression and rolling his eyes, "You heard her. She'll definitely involve herself somehow. If only to stave off her professed boredom. Though I do believe the other has more sense." 

Shon scowled, but Tristen coughed into his fist, speaking plainly, "If that happens then we will take her in. We will be in a Warlock tower with no risk of collateral damage-"

"Unless she takes the captives hostage." Ranito pointed out.

Shon growled at that, but Tristen just continued, "They have admitted that there are five Warlocks, and we have six sealing shackles. I believe that I can trust your word that you won't hinder us..." he trailed off, and despite Tristen's professed faith, Shon didn't like his stress of the word believe.

His fears were justified a moment later when Tristen continued after the long pause, "But I don't know." He took a step closer to Shon, eyeing him carefully. It wasn't often either tall man could look another in the eye, but they both did so now, neither blinking. When Tristen spoke again it was quiet, calm, and surprisingly informal, "Can you swear to me, Shon? Swear to me on your patron's honor that you won't hinder our efforts to bring in miss Lily?"

Shon didn't answer. He couldn't. For a moment he saw it, Lily flat on her belly, struggling and roaring as Tristen knelt on her back, clasping her in sealing manacles. Could he really stand by and do nothing? He'd sworn an oath... two of them... and his commander was asking for a third.

"I..." He choked on the word and looked away from Tristen's gray eyes. Eyes that gleamed with a noble's pride and a god's approval. The divine spark in his soul. The spark Shon had been denied. All he had was his word and his honor...

"I swear on Hengist's honor, I will try," Shon answered. 

He heard Ranito's hum and saw Tristen's nod before closing his eyes. Shon flinched as Tristen rested a hand on his shoulder, "I appreciate your honesty, Shon. And I will do my utmost to make sure we never have to put that oath to the test." He removed his hand quickly, clasping both behind his back again. Though Shon could see his arms move as he rubbed his fingers to warm them. At least he'd tried to hide it.

"You should turn in soon, Master Sergeant. We have a long ride ahead of us tomorrow."

Shon nodded, and Ryuuko returned to his shoulder as he left, listening as Ranito and Tristen followed, turning to go the other way around the circular building to their own lodgings. 

Shon walked slowly back to his room. He passed Alena and Ebonwing's doors but stopped at the sight of Oswall. The Rogue flicked one of his smokes over the balcony and turned for his room, a large bottle heavy in his hand. 

He hadn't even glanced at Shon, and still hadn't spoken to any of them. Once again Shon was struck by how this change had disrupted the team's social dynamics, and once again found himself worrying about how it might affect their combat as well. 

Shon ran his hand over his hair and groaned. He'd told Tristen and Ebonwing to give Os space. But was that really the right thing to do right now? So close to battle? Ryuuko purred in his ear, sending him an image of Madam Lilian holding Oswall's hand. It's none of our business. Shon chastised the little dragon. But Ryuuko just whistled and sent him another memory, complete with sound: Lily asking Shon to make friends. A friend would at least offer to listen. Wouldn't they?

Shon groaned, covering his face with both hands. He could perfectly picture Oswall as he bit Shon's head off and slammed the door in his face. They weren't friends, and yet despite himself, Shon found that he did care that Oswall might be hurting. 

"Shon?" Alena whispered from behind, making Shon jump. He turned to see her still dressed despite the hour, playing with her fingers before her and glancing from Oswall's door to Shon and back again a few times before she continued, "Are you going to try to talk to him?" she finally asked. 

Shon ran his hand over his hair again but Ryuuko snapped in his ear, warning him that it would start nipping him again if he didn't continue using his words. "I don't know," He answered. 

Alena looked down at her hands and bit her lip, "Ebonwing and I have both tried. I tried being nice, but you know Ebonwing, she tried being blunt, nether got more than a snap to mind our own business." She shrugged, "Perhaps you'll have better luck."

Shon highly doubted it, suspecting the fact that he'd witnessed the exchange between Os and Sasha's mother to be a large part of the problem. He ran his hand over his hair again, he was almost used to the hair tie by now. "Maybe," He muttered to fill the silence and to try and comfort the Cleric. Ryuuko whistled and cocked its head at Alena, who was now clutching her skirts as though bracing for something. "Is that why you're still up?" Shon asked her.

She shook her head, then sighed and confessed, "I was going to come talk to you..." 

He arched an eyebrow at her, "About Os?"

She shook her head, and he alternated his arched brow to the other side, glancing at Ryuuko as if it could answer him where Alena seemed to be struggling with her words. By the time she found them again, he'd wished she hadn't, "You... You weren't really thinking about... about taking the Warlock's familiar magic seriously... were you?" 

Ryuuko wrapped its tail tightly around his neck once more and Shon closed his eyes. He hadn't thought he could find something he wanted to talk about less than Os, or even Lily, but then the gods went and proved him wrong again. 

He racked his brain for any kind of excuse she might accept to deflect from her obvious, and justified, concerns. "I just thought..." he tried, glancing at Ryuuko again only to have it nuzzle his nose hard enough to turn his head, "I thought that if there were a way to save Ryuuko, just in case..." In case I ever found the courage to do what I should've done seven years ago... He tried again, "We live dangerous lives, Alena..." 

She finally looked up, meeting his eyes, seeing through the excuse, "You can't think like that, Shon," She whispered, "We need you. Need you to do everything you can to live." 

Shon turned away from those eyes, leaning against the wall and covering his face, "It doesn't matter anyway," He tried to deflect, then sighed, "I'm tired." Tired of everything, of the drama, and the effort, of being alone. Of life. "We should get some sleep." 

But then he jumped as Alena reached up and took his hand away from his eyes. She didn't let go despite his violent flinch, clenching his cold hand in both of hers. He could feel her skin growing colder as she held him tight, locking his eyes with hers, and repeating, "We need you, Sho-"

"You don't." He interrupted her, "I'm expendable. Just another soldier." Ryuuko hissed, but Shon shook his head, "If we were talking about retirement, if I told you that I wanted to leave the team because the work was too much, would you try to convince me to stay?" Alena squeezed his fingers, trying her best to hold on, but her skin had started to turn red from the cold and Shon continued, "You wouldn't. You would wish me well and find someone else. The same thing will happen if..." He hesitated, and filled the gap by removing her hands before continuing, "we have a dangerous job, and accidents happen." 

Alena jerked her hands away from his, though more in anger than from the cold, "It wouldn't be so dangerous if you didn't take so many unnecessary risks! That isn't what this is about, you know it isn'-"

"I'm tired, Alena!" 

Ryuuko squawked at the outburst and Alena took an involuntary step back. Shon leaned back on the wall again, tilting his head back to stare at the bare tree branches and avoid her eyes, "I'm trying. I've been trying. And I'm tired. But I'm not planning anything," He looked down at his hands and her's, clenching her skirts again. They'd seen the truth of his question right away. He should've known there would be no avoiding this conversation and should just be grateful it wasn't a full intervention with all the god touched of this damn team.

He ran a hand over his hair, "I have a mission, a job, as long as I have that to focus on I'm fine. I'm functional." It was why he'd never requested leave for the five years after his denial. Had always taken job after job with no rest in between. That would've just given him time to think. Until Lily... He saw her smiling face and wave again and remembered, 'It was nice to see you again, Shon. Maybe we'll have more time to talk later.' If he lost her... If she ended up captured and hating him for doing nothing, for breaking his oath, his word, the only thing he had left... "I swore an oath, to the Temple and Hengist, and I will serve them until I can't anymore." Until I can finally rest. 

Alena's hands moved slowly this time, reaching out to take his. He let her and finally looked up to meet her eyes again. "Okay." She whispered. Then for the second time that night Shon was asked for another oath, "but swear to me, Shon, swear on Hengist that if you're ever too tired to continue, that you'll come to us. To me. That you'll ask for help. Even if we have to take you to the Church of Lune." the Church of Secrets. The kingdom organization that dealt with confidentiality and those in mental distress. 

And for the second time that night, Shon hesitated. He looked down at her fingers clasping his again, then up at her lips as she tried not to tremble and shiver. Did she really think that they, that anyone, would be able to convince him after a god had already declared him unworthy? Lily had managed it, but if he lost her too... Finally, he freed one hand enough to rest over hers for only a moment before pulling her free, "I swear on Hengist's honor that I will try." 

Ryuuko let out a slow sad whistle, but Alena nodded, "I'll take that. For now." She managed to force a smile, "We should get some sleep."

He nodded mutely, looking away. Alena hesitated, but eventually stepped away and turned back towards her room. She made it a few steps before stopping, "You should know..." He still hadn't faced her, but Ryuuko sent him the image of her turning back around, "Even if you did retire, and we had to find someone else, they could never really replace you." She smiled, though the expression was sad, "Goodnight, Shon." 

Shon didn't know how long he stood on the balcony after Alena left. Eventually, he did push off the wall and continue past Oswall's room to his own, only to have Ryuuko nip him and leap for the Rogue's door, latching onto the handle and cooing at Shon. 

Really? He asked it mentally, Still? It whistled in response and Shon sighed. Running his hand over his hair again before dropping it to rest on his bag. Might as well get all the uncomfortable conversations over tonight... maybe if he made things tense enough with everyone they wouldn't want to talk to him for a few days.

Reaching into his bag he pulled out a stiff folder and the only excuse he really had to try and talk to a surly Oswall. Ryuuko whistled again, leaping from the door back to Shon's shoulder as he approached to knock, silently praying that the Rogue would ignore it or was already sleeping. 

He was just about to thank the gods for at least answering one prayer when the door opened.

Oswall squinted at him with blurry bloodshot eyes, snapping, "And what do you want, soldier boy?"

Shon sighed but held up the folder with Oswall's commissions. The Rogue huffed, but reached out to take it with the hand still holding a now half-empty bottle, grumbling, "Come in then."

Before Shon could think of a reason to escape, Ryuuko flew in after Oswall. It landed on his desk sniffing the bottle and chittering in concern as the Rogue set it down and fell heavily onto his bed to open the folder. Shon sighed again, but came in, closing the door behind him. 

He walked in and stood by the desk chair as Oswall examined his work, "Only needed one..." he mumbled, flipping through the pages. 

"You're paying for twice that," Shon argued. Oswall glared at him but Shon just arched an eyebrow in response. At least with Os's recent attitude, he didn't feel like he needed to talk more than necessary. Os didn't want a free suit, so there was no way he could argue against Shon at least giving him his money's worth. 

Oswall grumbled incoherently but didn't argue, going back to looking through the drawings. When he reached the last two he hesitated. The first was in the style of a traditional noble's portrait, with Madam Lilian sitting primly in a seat and smiling softly out of the page, scar-free like the rest. The last was similar but included Sasha leaning over Lilian's shoulder, their cheeks pressed together as if she'd just surprised her mother with a hug from behind. 

Os took a long drink right out of the bottle, and Shon arched an eyebrow again, though the Rogue didn't look away from the drawings. Setting the bottle back down he ran his fingers over Sasha's face, and whispered, "Have you ever been in love, ice man?" He was definitely drunk. 

Shon didn't need the image of Lily Ryuuko sent him. He really didn't want to talk about this, and yet it seemed like Oswall was actually opening up. To him of all people. A friend would try to help, wouldn't they? Would Oswall even remember this conversation in the morning? Shon sighed, pulling out the desk chair and sitting down.

They could at least commiserate together, "Once." he answered. 

Oswall took up the bottle again, but after taking another swig held it out to Shon, "Yeah? And how did you fuck it up?" 

Shon took a drink of the hard liquor before answering honestly, "I took this job." 

"That'll do it." Oswall gestured for the bottle. Shon thought about keeping it, Oswall had obviously had quite enough, but the Rogue was still fast, snatching it from his fingers to take another swig, before asking, "Regret it?" 

Every waking moment and most sleeping ones, "Sometimes," Shon answered. 

Oswall huffed, passing the bottle back over, and using his free hand to stroke the drawing again, "Better to regret the fall." He mumbled. Shon shook his head, he could never regret that, but Oswall looked up and continued more clearly, "I didn't push her away you know... but I should have. Should've never got close in the first place." He reached for the bottle again and Shon couldn't bring himself to deny him.

Oswall took a deep drink, whipping his lips before falling back on his bed to stare at the ceiling, "Guys like us... We're better off locking them all out. They're better off not getting involved." 

How many times had Shon told himself that? And yet he couldn't imagine it being true for Oswall. He remembered the Rogue passing out cigars and weaving tails that were obviously lies but entertaining nonetheless. Of his banter and friendly fights with Ebonwing. Of the team's concerned faces over his new attitude.

Shon shook his head, but Oswall wouldn't see. He was too busy looking at the ceiling, or more likely, his own memories. "That's not true." Shon tried.

Oswall huffed, "Rich, coming from you." He covered his eyes with his forearm, "It doesn't matter. It's been over for years. She found out, and now there is nothing left to repair..." as if realizing his mistake he arched his neck to glare at Shon, "And I'm not going to tell you so don't fucking ask."

Shon brought up his hands and shook his head, "Everyone has secrets," Oswall huffed and Shon reached for the bottle again, taking a long drink that burned all the way down. Whiskey. When he looked back down it was to find Oswall still glaring at him, though if Shon wasn't mistaken the man was more angry at his slip than he was at Shon for hearing it. 

Secrets. Os had tried to keep something from Sasha. Sasha. Of course, she found out. Shon was half convinced the damn Rogue woman could speak to rocks to learn what she did.

Not being particularly experienced, Shon felt he had no right to lecture, or even try to help Oswall. And yet he spoke anyway, as if he could feel the pull of one broken heart to another, "Everyone has secrets, things most people don't need to know." he shook his head but continued, "But mine almost ruined everything before I even knew how deep love could go..." Images of Lily's furious face swam before his eyes, so he closed them, focusing on the memory of the after, "I thought I was protecting myself, and her, from something she didn't need to know. But what I was really doing was assuming to know how she would feel. I took her ability to choose for herself from her-"

Shon cut off as Oswall swung his feet into the air and used the momentum of bringing them back down to sit up. He took the bottle from Shon, swirling it before taking a drink and handing it back with a whisper, "She found out?"

Shon took another long drink, trying to convince himself that he was drinking to lessen the amount Os would finish on his own and not because his own heart was aching. "No." He answered, "I told her." Shon placed the bottle back down, tapping the lip and repeating Oswall's declaration, without the profanity, "And I'm not going to tell you, so don't ask." 

Oswall managed a grin and rose his hands to mimic Shon's own response. Shon sighed, running his hand over his hair and looking at the door so he wouldn't have to look at Os, "I was sure I was damned either way. But I'd never seen her so angry. The only thing she'd ever asked of me was to trust her, and by not letting her make her own decision I was proving that I didn't. Keeping the secret was hurting her more than the information itself. So I told her." He shrugged, "I figured that if it was over anyway I would at least give her what she wanted." 

Oswall shook his head, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands before him, "But she didn't leave..." 

"No... She accepted me." Where Hengist had found him unworthy, Lily had loved him more. And he had repaid that love by leaving her to fend for herself against Warlocks and the kingdom. Shon took another long drink, finishing the bottle. He really was the worst kind of human. 

Oswall seemed to read his mind, or maybe it was the way Shon had downed the rest of the liquor. Os sat back, crossing his arms, "But it ended anyway." He shrugged, trying too hard to be nonchalant, "It was inevitable. It's not worth it to-" 

"It was." Shon interrupted, and Oswall froze at Shon's glare, "I will never regret loving her. And this job won't last forever. Anything worth having is worth fighting for." 

"And what if they don't want you? If the knowledge is too much?" Oswall snapped, even standing to return Shon's glare. He swung his hand through the air, as if trying to cut away Shon's argument, "It's too late! We've made our peace. We're professionals, colleagues, and contacts. You don't know-"

Shon didn't stand, didn't even raise his voice, but he silenced Oswall nonetheless, "Professional contacts don't hand make expensive suites for last-minute royal balls." Oswall fell back onto his bed and Shon continued, "colleagues don't commission heartfelt payments they will treasure for the rest of their lives." 

Oswall covered his face and fell back to lay on his bed again, mumbling, "Bastard..."

Shon shrugged, he'd been called worse, and it was true either way, "Everyone has secrets," He said again, "But if there is one person in the world who has the right to know everything, it's the one holding your heart, and trying to hold theirs back in turn."

Oswall's words were muffled by his hands, "You sound like her..." Shon arched a silent eyebrow and Oswall finally looked up enough to see, "The firewoman said basically that." He explained. 

"I imagine she was more blunt." Shon tried to sound carefree, even managed to force a shrug. 

"Damn woman... and damn you." Oswall snapped at him, then groaned as he sat back up, holding his head and mumbling, "I shouldn't have said anything. Why are you so damn easy to talk to?" Ryuuko whistled in pride but Oswall snapped his fingers at it, "That wasn't a damn compliment." He sighed again, letting his hands drop limply to his lap, "How do you do it? How do you manage to block everyone out?" 

Shon stood, he was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol and needed to be careful. "I lock my emotions in and that locks everyone out." he answered despite himself, "I'm trying..."

"Why bother?" Oswall grumbled.

"I made a promise."

"Yeah?" Os looked up at him, "Then stop it. You suck at it." 

"I know," Shon grumbled, jerking his head for Ryuuko. The little dragon lept for his shoulder and whistled, but Oswall seemed to be done talking. He closed his eyes and sighed. 

Assuming the conversation was over, Shon started for the door, only to have Oswall call as his hand hit the nob, "You won't tell anyone?" Shon shook his head, but yet again, was demanded an oath, "Swear it, Hengist man." 

At least this was a promise he could make without hesitation. "I swear it, Os." 

Shon left the room, closing the door and leaning against it to cover his face. He glared at Ryuuko through his fingers, "Can I go to bed now?" he grumbled at the little dragon. Ryuuko whistled and nuzzled his cheek, so Shon pushed off the door only to fall back again as a crow perched on the banister changed shape.

He groaned. Ebonwing. It looked like he would have to talk to all of them tonight, whether he liked it or not.

"You talk to Os?" she asked, still perched on the banister. 

Ryuuko chirped. "Yeah," Shon answered shortly.

"And he talked back?" she jumped down to lean against the banister, crossing her arms. 

Shon nodded, but Ryuuko snapped its jaws so he said, "Yeah," again.

Ebonwing sighed heavily, staring at the closed door. "What did he say?"

Shon sighed, letting himself sink down to sit on the ground. He ran his hand over his hair telling her the only thing he could about his talk with the heartbroken Rogue, "He said I shouldn't bother trying to be social and that I suck at it." 

Ebonwing hummed, lifting her finger to tap her lips, "That could be the new attitude or the old one... To be fair, he's right." 

Shon groaned, gripping his head and feeling tipsy, "I know... and I hate it."

To his surprise, Ebonwing laughed, "Then he's right, stop." Shon looked up to arch an eyebrow and she snickered, "I know Alena appreciates the effort, but it's just not who you are. Why are you doing it anyway? Honestly?"

Shon didn't want to pursue this line of conversation. He had drunk too much and was already feeling overwhelmed and tired of secrets, tired of everything, "I made a promise..."

Ebonwing surprised him again by not asking to whom he had made such a promise and instead asked, "and what exactly did you promise?" 

"That I would try to make friends." He grumbled. 

"Ah," She pushed off the banister and crouched down before him, cocking her head like a cat, like Lily, "Then all the more reason to take Oswall's advice." Shon arched an eyebrow and she laughed again, "You don't have to be a social butterfly to make friends, Shon. And if you did then they wouldn't be real friends, would they? Since you're not being yourself." Ryuuko squawked in surprise. 

"Because that's worked great so far." Shon countered. 

But Ebonwing just shook her head, "You haven't been yourself though. We were just starting to get used to you when you started to change. You went from quiet but expressive to an emotionless automaton." She shrugged, "I don't know what changed you this time, but take it from a Druid, you need to find a balance. Be sociable, but in your way. We'll adjust."

She stood to grin down at him, hands on slim hips, and all Shon could do was stare up at her. This entire night had been a runaway carriage of different conversations and emotions. Tristen and Ranito were focused on the mission and Lily, challenging him and his ultimatum. Alena was as concerned and kindly as ever, wanting to address his depression as if it was something that could be fixed. Oswall had been the strangest, talking about love of all things. And now Ebonwing was laughing at him and trying to teach him how to make friends. He felt like a wet blanket being whipped about on a drying line by a sudden storm.

He hadn't managed to find any words when Ebonwing crossed her arms and looked over his head to glare at Oswall's door, "I can deal with one introverted companion, but not two." She hammered on Oswall's door shouting, "I want my friend back, damn it!" 

It was clear she didn't expect Os to answer because she sighed and sank down to lean on the door next to Shon, continuing, "No offense, big guy. You and Alena are fun to tease, but Ranito always has his nose in that damn notebook, and Tris has a holy avenging club shoved almost as far up his ass as you keep your sword. Oswall is the only one who ever plays back, and I miss him..." 

Shon felt the handle turn before the door opened, so managed to brace himself while Ebonwing fell back to look up at Oswall from between his boots. "The hells you shouting about out here woman?" he glanced from Shon to Ebonwing and back again, before lifting an unlit smoke and mumbling, "You two ladies want to have some girl talk you can do it outside your own damn rooms."

Shon stood, intending to take that as a great excuse to go to bed. But Ebonwing just grinned, saying, "Too bad you don't wear a skirt, Os, I'd be getting a great view right about now. Considering you've been acting like someone put sand in your vagina all week." 

Shon groaned while Oswall pretended to give the snickering Druid a kick to the head, only to tap her gently then stumble to catch himself on the door frame. "Blasted woman, you're not going to leave me alone are you?"

"Nope," Ebonwing rolled over and climbed back to her feet, brushing off her pants and grinning, "I consider it my divine duty to get all of you in proper alinement with yourselves and you are not as big an ass as you keep trying to be." She nodded in Shon's direction while Ryuuko chuckled its quiet dragon laugh from his shoulder, "Even Shon's going to try to be himself. Aren't you, big guy?"

Shon ran his hand over his hair, using the end of the motion to push Ryuuko off his shoulder and onto his sword, "I'll try." he answered, just wanting to go to bed. 

Oswall huffed, finally managing to light his smoke, "About time." 

Ebonwing's sinister smile turned to an honest grin, and yet she still demanded, "Swear it?" 

"What is it with you people and oaths all of a sudden...?" Shon grumbled. 

Ebonwing shrugged, "We've learned that's probably the best way to get what we want out of you. Besides orders of course. So?" 

Shon threw his head back and spoke to the sky. For the fourth time that night, he made a promise, "I swear I'll try." 

Oswall grunted, leaning over the balcony to smoke. Ebonwing grinned, "That's all anyone could ever ask," before leaning forward to whisper, "I don't know what you said but he's back!" then she spun around to join Oswall on the banister. And finally, Shon could go to bed.


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