Chapter 15: As the Crow Flies

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Opening with Tav POV.


Potential trigger warning!

Traumatic memories and death of family members. I tried to stay away from gory details.

Nonetheless, I'll add a forewarning.


The sun had barely announced its arrival when Tav rounded up the druids and 'her crew' alike. The inner sanctum was abuzz with activity. Maps, papers, and a multitude of writing implements covered the stone tables. People were in-and-out with various books or logs about the temple and its surrounding area. People were discussing and coordinating activities, organizing information, resources, and skills.

After some back-and-forth, including one-or-two heated debates, Tav had allocated jobs and responsibilities to the various parties within the confines of the agreed upon limitations from the druids.


The druids had a commendable cache of maps of the area, however they were mostly outdated, since they showed Moonhaven as a 'healthy and operational' village along with the temple - instead of both having fallen into ruin. However, the maps remained a valuable resource for logistics.

First and foremost, Tav wanted to know what is going on inside Camp Gob. With input from the rest of her crew; they had very specific information that they were lacking:

How many potential combatants were in the facility? (Lae'zel started with hers);

(Tav quickly added) and non-combatants? (Lae'zel rolled her eyes);

Who is in charge? (from Karlach, nods all around);

How many combatants with magical abilities? (this was Gale),

(followed up by Wyll's) How many potential monsters or creatures?;

Anything of value? (Astarion's comment, to which Tav and several others also rolled their eyes);

Potential location of Halsin? (from Shadowheart, several grunts of agreement);

Nyx was next, who stared at the maps deep in thought, right hand holding her chin and forefinger on her lips. Everyone was looking at her expectantly, Tav wasn't sure if she even heard the conversation.

Before Tav could prompt Nyx, she spoke up, squinting at the maps and not looking up, "How many entrances and exits?"

There were some noises of confusion, a snort, and a sigh.

"Chk!", Lae'zel made a noise of disapproval, "We already know that there is one entrance here.", and she pointedly jabbed a finger at the maps.

Nyx locked eyes with Lae'zel and she said evenly, "Yes, I agree with you. However, that is the official one."

Some more confused faces and Shadowheart chimed in, "True, all temples have at least one secret entrance or passageway."

Nyx finished, "If one of the druids finds anything that we can physically fit through to give us access, we ought to know about it. Whether it was meant to be there or not."

Tav caught onto where Nyx's head was at. Having multiple routes opens a lot of ways to attack and retreat, if necessary.


Tav was pleased with the strategy session, and she rounded up the druids who volunteered as scouts; to be disguised as ravens, rats and whatever else took their fancy. The druids' faces were a mix of equal measure excitement and anxiety at the task ahead. She shared with them the information they wanted, and she footnoted it with 'Anything else out of the ordinary or very interesting.' There were some quips about 'whether that was all' and 'wanting the whole fruit orchard', but they eagerly hurried off. Tav dismissed her crew to reconvene later once they received word from the scouts.


--- --- ---


Considering that Karlach and Nyx hadn't been to the grove before they set out to explore it together. Especially, seeing as the previous day was centred around literally getting Wyll back on his feet, followed by everyone resting or healing up after the ambush from the Shadow Druids.


Karlach did most of the talking and joking while they went on their rounds, Nyx being amused by the interactions. They met a lot of the refugees and listened to their stories. They were all tieflings from the same village called Elturel, which was dragged into Avernus during an infernal conspiracy. After it was returned to the surface, the tieflings were expelled from their village due to mistrust from the other inhabitants, who thought them part of the conspiracy.

Nyx set her mouth in a line, People can convince themselves of anything. She was sure that the tieflings had little to do with the conspiracy itself, and that it was their devilish heritage that was rather the reason for them being discriminated against.


One particularly interesting conversation was the one Karlach had with the tiefling blacksmith, Dammon. He immediately 'sensed' Karlach's infernal engine. He and Karlach discussed potential ways for him to help her 'cool down' her engine so that it was more stable. Karlach expressed her desire to 'fix' the engine to the point where she can safely touch people and things without fear of setting them on fire. Dammon nodded empathetically and asked to 'listen' to her engine. Nyx watched as he leaned towards Karlach's chest, but even in that short time and from the safe distance he kept; the heat threatened to burn him. He flinched away and proceeded to verbally work through a solution in technical non-helpful jargon. Karlach gave him a raised eyebrow, he responded with a laugh and suggested that she be on the lookout for infernal iron.

Nyx asked where to find such a metal and he mentioned 'smelling' some at Moonhaven. Karlach asked Nyx to make a mental note to search the area at some point. Nyx confirmed the note was mentally recorded, to which Karlach guffawed.

Nyx took the opportunity to pick Dammon's brain about the best arrow heads and whether he knew how she could 'procure' some more lethal armour piercing arrows. He seemed very intrigued by the suggestion and mentioned he had a few 'ideas' on how to make some. They agreed to settle on the price once he had 'a working prototype' and would offer a discount to her for 'testing them out'. Karlach was grinning like a maniac while she listened to their conversation.


Tav had sent some of the tiefling children to tell her crew that they'll leave for Moonhaven after lunch, and once there they’ll start with preparations for 'Operation Camp Gob'. Nyx covered her face with her hand and chuckled at the turn of phrase.

Later, they gathered for lunch and Tav debriefed everyone with the information she had so far. She confirmed Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Gale and Wyll's previous observations that the drow were indeed in charge of whatever was happening at Camp Gob. The drow and goblins had apparently 'captured' an important prisoner and he was to be escorted to some 'Moonrise Towers'. This meant that a lot of the camp occupants will be recruited for the escort, leaving the camp less defended. Many of the ogres and drow will be absent, leaving mostly goblins at the camp and temple. Everyone was very eager to make use of this advantage.

Tav's eyes were filled with mischief when she told them that there was even better news. Their ears perked up. The prisoner and their escort leave tomorrow morning and the rest of the goblins plan on having a party the day after. The druids reported that the goblins were waiting for a large shipment of goods tomorrow to facilitate the 'great celebration'. Tav wants to use the party as a cover to get Halsin out. She asked that the rest of them should chew on some ideas.


They discussed how they were still going to set out for Moonhaven after lunch and get settled. The druids agreed to bring more correspondences after they safely explored the rest camp and temple throughout the rest of today. The next day was going to be a physical scouting mission of Camp Gob, since other 'infested' people were also seen coming and going form the camp without restriction. Thus, they can make use of their 'tadpoles' to gain access and gather more information to assist with the breakout during the party that following day.

There was a buzz of conversation as people started to share ideas, Nyx listened with amusement while she finished her lunch. Personally, she wants more information before piecing together a potential strategy.




They returned to Moonhaven with hearts and stomachs full; laughing and discussing absurd ideas for Operation Camp Gob.

Moonhaven was in view when they approached its leading bridge. Nyx's magic began to prickle. Something feels off, but I can’t put my finger on it., she mused casually looking around.

Astarion lulled, "There is someone on the bridge.", and the group stopped.

Indeed, there was a figure standing on the bridge, partly obscured by the dappled shade of the tall surrounding trees. By the looks of the clothing; they seem to be a nobleperson.

A lone noble? No personal guard, no coach? Something is definitely amiss.

Tav stepped forward and called out to the traveller on the bridge. Nyx recognized the way he held himself, and how he walked. Her suspicions were confirmed the moment he stepped out of the shadows and strolled towards them in full view.

Abyss take me, she remembered Karlach's words and amended them for her situation, 'Gods dammit, anyone but him.'


The smirking noble didn't even look at her, much to her immediate relief. Nyx moved to a less conspicuous position in any case towards the side of the gathering while he started to recite that awful poetry of his.

Nyx rolled her eyes internally, He is so full of it.

The others listened with interest while he spun his cat and mouse story, captivating them with his manner of speech, and mysterious offer that he was at their service.

Fortunately, Tav had her wits about her and asked him whether he was the cat or the mouse in this analogy of his. To which he answered: that he was neither, but rather the fox. Here to reveal some secrets, which made Nyx more nervous than she'd like to admit, and he stated that this discussion merited some more privacy. Before Nyx's anxiety could take proper hold, Raphael had cast his magic and pulled the group to 'somewhere.'


They all looked around at the sudden change in scenery. They were indoors; a high-ceiling dining hall with a huge table, brimming with food and beverage offerings. The walls were lavishly decorated with curtains, drapery, portraits, and all manner of gold embellishments. Were she not familiar with his tactics, she might have been impressed.

"There. Middle-of-somewhere.", Raphael announced in front of the room's fireplace.

Nyx's skin crawled and her hair stood on end. Her prickling magic started to raise it hackles. They should not be here, she does not want to be in this predator’s den. Her body was held tense, and she had her hands hovering over her knives. Karlach gave her a raised eyebrow while they listened to Tav ask Raphael where they were.

He elaborated that they were in the 'House of Hope' and that they should partake in the meal, for it may be there last. A few in the group did seem tempted.

Looking around, Astarion noticed Nyx demeanour as well. He frowned at her askance and signalled to her from across the table.


It was a question. She signalled back not moving her hands from her knives, Yes.

He took her response seriously and adjusted his stance accordingly, casually ready for when things to go poorly. Karlach noticed their exchange and rolled her shoulders, at the ready as well. The others were far too occupied with Raphael's performance. Shortly after, the showman revealed himself fully.


Magic flared and fire illuminated Raphael in his more devilish form. There were some gasps and shocked expressions. Tav recovered quickly and asked him in clipped tones to stop playing games and state his intentions.

"Am I a friend? Potentially. An adversary? Conceivably. But a saviour? That's for certain.", he declared.

Tav asked him why he was so keen on 'saving' them and he confirmed that he knew of their 'tadpole' condition. He continued to declare that he could 'fix' their problem with ease, snapping his finger together and fire sparking from it for good effect.

Nyx relaxed her body a little; he was here to make deals. Nyx sincerely hoped that Tav was not being conned by his grandstanding. He proceeded to imply that their situation was so dire that they have no other option than to take his offer, but they were more than welcome to exhaust all other avenues first - as proof.




Nyx suddenly announced a warning from the rear of the group, “Tav, don't let him talk a hole into your head.”, interrupting Tav and Raphael's conversation, unable to remain quiet any longer. She’ll deal with the consequences of showing her hand as it comes.


“Nyx, my dear, what a pleasant surprise”, Raphael addressed her directly with a glint of revelry in his eye.

I don't believe that for one minute. You knew I was here. Just like you knew that I wouldn't remain silent.

“Can't say that the feeling is mutual, Raphael.”, Nyx said evenly.

“Oh, Nyx, you always cut me so deeply “, he mocked, hand on his chest.

He chuckled, “Especially, when I can fully appreciate how delicate your problems have become. The tadpole”, he gestured to his head, “adds such a delightful dimension to your existing, complicated situation.”

Nyx ignored the raised eyebrows and wide eyes from the rest of the group.

He was bluffing, pretending that he’ll out her secrets in front of the others so that she'll be more receptive to his ‘deal’. He had been trying for years to get her to agree to one and she has always refused outright.

She has cards to play as well. She was aware that her 'complicated situation' was one that he would want to keep hidden just as much as she does. Otherwise, not only does it lose a lot of its value, but it brings unwanted competition from other potentially interested parties.

She was about to call his bluff.


“I am well aware of the irony, but I'm not interested. Not then, not now.”, she got ahead of any games he was playing.

“You haven't even heard what I could offer you in exchange. I can, not only relieve your collective tadpole afflictions,” he gestured with a swooping motion towards the rest, “But I can also remove your very specific affliction at the same time. And I'll even keep all our previous arrangements that we made on the table as well.”

Jerk. I did not agree to any such thing.

“No.”, she said.

Raphael sighed and shook his head like disappointed parent, “You are impossibly stubborn, but sooner or later you’ll see sense. Being such a good old friend, I’ll be there to help you when the time comes.”


“I don't need your help. I'm managing well enough on my own. “, she declared with a curled lip and a furrowed brow.

“For which you keep paying such an unnecessarily high personal price. It continues to be so senseless when I offer this simple solution to you.", he gestured towards her with upturned hands.

"However, I’m in no rush at all.", he chuckled lazily pointing at her, "Especially not in your case, my dear. All good things come in time.”

Raphael regarded her with a tilted head and a smug grin like he could already relish the moment that she comes to him. Hopeless and desperate. She could feel her annoyance growing into obstinate defiance.

Fuck you asshole. I’d rather die in my own version of hell. And I’ll do it just to spite the both of you.

Black tendrils brushed against her peripheral consciousness as the interactions with Raphael tended to stir them up from whatever tainted memories they clung to.

I’ll find you again. I always do. 


Raphael gave her a knowing look. Nyx proceeded to ignore him, and everything else for that matter. She closed her eyes, lightly meditated instead, but remained aware of her general surroundings. Her growing anger was leaking into her magic and those two do not mix well. She gave her warning about Raphael, and the rest of them will do with it what they see fit.

Nyx was vaguely aware of Raphael listing the symptoms of their transformation and how they have managed to avoid it so far through some chance of luck. And once it ran out, he'll be there. She could feel the shift in the environment as Raphael returned them to their previous location.


Nyx could feel her magic lowering its hackles and she blew out a slow breath. She opened her eyes to find everyone staring at her, various expressions of concern or curiosity. She sighed.

They expect an explanation. Of course they do., she did not have the capacity for it right this moment, Just not now.

She looked at Tav and said genuinely trying to be clear about the terms of the discussion, "You'll have your answers tonight after dinner. I am in a poor state of mind for explanations presently."

That seemed satisfactory to Tav, who nodded once. Some of the others accepted Tav's response in the matter, whereas Lae'zel and Shadowheart regarded her with suspicion. Astarion was smiling at her slyly. Nonetheless, she was grateful that none of them pressed the issue. They continued to Moonhaven and setup camp in their ‘usual spot’.




After her early evening hunt, Nyx returned with the prepared deer to camp and handed over the meat to Gale. He mentioned that her contributions, although appreciated, weren't necessary considering all the provisions they'd received from the druids.

Nyx wasn't concerned either way, the routine of hunting helped to calm her fidgeting. After handing over her spoils, she retreated to her tent once more for another round of meditation, but this time for courage and sorting out her thoughts.

The group was back to their usual banter and laughs over supper, which settled Nyx, but the knot in her stomach would not abate. She waited patiently for them to finish up and like a coordinated dance, the group fell silent and watched her expectantly. It was equal parts amusing and nerve wracking.


She took a deep breath and started with some ground rules from her side, "I cannot tell you everything." That garnered glares from Lae'zel, which Nyx ignored, as Lae'zel herself has been 'sworn to secrecy' on many aspects of her creche. Nyx regards some of her information in a similar light.

She continued, "What I do tell you will be truthful, but I will only tell you that which places you at most risk. That which places me at most risk; I am not willing to share. If it does become a problem later on, I will come forward with it."

Some of them shifted and nodded, serious expressions all round. Nyx realized her statements do sound very ominous, but this was an especially difficult and dangerous topic for her.


"My magic is volatile and disproportionately linked to my emotions.", Nyx provided and paused considering her words. Looking at her hands in her lap. She looked up.

"I have techniques to keep it under control, but considering the journey we've had so far I'll assume that we'll have some more dangers to face still. This means there is a chance I may...", she doesn't want to use the words 'lose control' as it sounds a bit fatalistic - it’s not like her magic has a switch when it comes to control.

She settled on, "...slip.", and gestured with an open hand then she motioned with her index finger, "When that does happen, you'll know, and you'll need to trust me to bring it back under control."

She thought on it for a bit longer, then decided that she said all she wanted to say. She smiled at the curious faces who allowed her to make her speech. Gale looked like he was going to burst with questions.

Thus, she inclined her head and said with amusement, "I'll take your questions now."

She understands that she can't provide the information she did without having to answer a few 'follow-up' questions.

Besides the better they understand their risk, the more they'll respect my boundaries.

Gale took a breath to speak, but Tav beat him to it, much to his feigned dismay.

"You said your magic is linked to your emotions, which makes sense considering your, 'reserved' nature.", Tav started. Nyx smiled at the diplomatic 'reserved' part. Tav continued, "Does this include all emotions?"

"It used to.", Nyx brushed the creases in the fabric of her pant leg with one hand and recalled how her magic developed. "When my magic first started to 'mature', pretty much anything that set me off would cause a 'reaction' of some sort. With training and time, it became less volatile and only certain emotions trigger it now."

"Such as?", Tav ventured cautiously.

Nyx looked up at the stars trying to think of a few and pressed her lips together, "Hmm, fury and sadness were, and remain favourites. They make me channel too much energy at once.", she could see Tav nod slowly out of the corner of her eye. Nyx continued.

"Then, I suppose situations that trigger specific memories relating strongly to those emotions.", she added.


Tav took another breath to speak, but Karlach beat her to it.

"So what? You can't get angry? You just need to squash it all down? That doesn't seem right.", Karlach frowned with a curled lip. Nyx smiled as she assumed a barbarian, whose power comes from rage would find the concept rather bizarre.

Nyx chuckled, "No. 'Squashing' it down tends to cause a build-up and then things get, uh, very scary once something eventually does set me off."

Nyx wrinkled her nose trying to think of how to put it, "I can, and do feel anger or any other emotion for that matter. I've been taught techniques to recognize and 'process' them without necessarily 'embracing' them in a way that potentially disrupts my magic."

Karlach was still frowning at the whole idea, but it seemed that Nyx had answered her question, regardless.

Gale took another breath to speak, but Tav was ahead again. He huffed.

"So, when things do get 'scary', is there anything we can do to help?"

Nyx smiled at that too, it was kind of her to offer, "Unfortunately, no. The process to regain control sits all up here.", Nyx tapped the side of her head. It was a bit more complicated than that, but getting into the details was not going to add value to the conversation.

Gale spoke quickly before he lost his chance to someone else again.

"What are these techniques you mentioned?"

Nyx shifted as she got them lined up in her head, "Various different breathing and meditative techniques. Then there are a few methods derived from the schools of my mentors; one being 'control' techniques of the Stormlords, and the other 'monastic' techniques from The Way of the Sun Soul."

Gale, Wyll and Shadowheart's eyebrows climbed through their hairlines.

"Talos?!", Shadowheart blurted, "You worship Talos?", she asked incredulously.


Nyx barked a laugh at that one. Some of them jumped at it.

"Ah, no.", she laughed a bit more and smiled, "No, I don't. My mentor let me, uh, 'borrow' techniques from the order. I do not worship any god for that matter."

"Why is the devil so interested in your magic then?", that came from Astarion standing just outside of the fire light.

Nyx narrowed her eyes for a brief moment, This line of inquiry is rather delicate.

She shrugged, "I don't pretend to know the mind of Raphael and I don't want to. He tends to grate me the wrong way."

"So we've noticed.", Tav chuckled.

Nyx continued, "My magic has a lot of destructive potential, and he probably wants to use it for some… bargaining chip most likely.", she waved her hand dismissively leaning on one hand and crossing her legs.

"So why not give it to him?", Astarion lulled from the shadows with a tilted head. He seemed awfully interested in the answer.

"The price is too high.", Nyx voiced in a manner that communicated she was unwilling to elaborate.

Wyll tested the matter anyway, "What where these 'other arrangements' he referred to?"

Nyx started evenly, "It is simple: there were none. It was one of his tricks to make me more agreeable.", her was jaw set and she frowned, "He was talking shit out of his ass, the prick."

The last line got a few snorts and chuckles.

Before Gale could ask more questions, Tav intervened and waved him down with one hand.

"I think Nyx has been more than gracious with her explanations. We should let her off the hook now.", Tav suggested, and Nyx let out a breath of relief at how well it all went. She was able to protect the core of her nature, while setting their minds at ease at the same time.

Well, mostly, Nyx was sure Gale had a lot more questions on the magic side of things. He'll likely come knocking at some later time. For now, the discussions went back to preparations for tomorrow and everyone dispersed. Nyx retreated to her tent once more.




Nyx was trapped in a memory; a nightmare. One of which she was unable to escape from no matter how hard she tried.

It was dark and she was hidden away in the closet of her adoptive parent's home. She can't even remember her adoptive family's names. She remembers the screams.

By the graces, the screams.

She held onto her younger sister, locked in a hug to keep her quiet, her sister's legs wrapped around Nyx's waist. Her parents had stowed them in the closet and told them to keep quiet. Told Nyx, in urgent hushed tones, to keep her sister calm. The attack happened so fast; one moment they were sleeping, and the next, being shoved into the closet.

She could see through the gap between the door and the closet proper. She could only see the silhouettes of her parents, their faces long forgotten because of her youth and the passing time. The attackers were swift and merciless, they had forced their way into the house. The scuffle at the door lasted but a moment. Her parents were farmers; the attackers were trained killers.

They cut down her father and backed her mother into the closet door as she cried for him. The same closet in which they hid. Her sister froze in her arms when her mother screamed. Nyx cradled her sister's head into her neck so that she would not see the sword blade that slid through the wood of the closet door just above them. Drenched in blood, her mother's blood, its warmth dripped onto Nyx's face, and she squeezed her eyes shut. She rocked her sister, stroking her hair with gentle whispered shushing until her mother stopped struggling against the door. Nyx also stopped rocking her sister, she didn't want to give them away. Then that long, terrible, silence followed. Her sister frozen, in terror, against her chest.

She could hear them moving again in the room, near silent foot falls. They spoke to one another in a strange language while they searched the house. Nyx's heart was beating so loudly she was sure they could hear it along with her and her sister's scared ragged breathing. Eventually, she heard one of the intruders move towards the closet. She saw the shadow move closer through the gap.

The door flung open, and her screaming sister was ripped from her arms. She tried to grasp at her sister, clawing to get her back. Screaming, biting, and kicking at the assailants, but they tore her sister away. That was the first time her magic manifested; before then she did not even know she had any magic abilities whatsoever. She remembers the sudden excruciating rush of power and more screams from all of them; including her own throat, her sister and the assailants. Afterwards the world, and her mind went dark - both lost to the void.


She fought through her nightmare, through the squirming tadpole and awoke in her tent. Her heart was racing, she was drenched in sweat, her throat closing up and tears were streaming down her cheeks. She felt overwhelmingly claustrophobic in the tent, and she stumbled out of it as quickly as she could. She started to feel lightheaded while her shallow panic-stricken breaths stole air from her lungs.

Focus on where you are, came Keetjah's voice and teachings.

She blinked at her surroundings; she was in camp. Everything in her was still trying to flee from the all too real memories. She was bent over, her hands clutching at her chest for breath. Her mind continued to yell at her to run, to just get away.

Stand fast and open up your airways, Nyx closed her eyes and stood upright, lowering her hands and squaring her shoulders through the heaving and the tears.

Focus on something tangible, Nyx started to move her shaking legs and forced her attention on the feeling of her bare feet walking on the solid ground.

Now breath through it, Nyx placed one step in front of the other and timed her breathing accordingly.

One step, one breath.

By her fifth step her mind began to settle on what was truly real and her body didn't want to flee anymore. She raised her head and continued to walk normally, focusing on her breathing. She walked the panic attack off by the time she got to Moonhaven's plaza.

Only then did she have enough presence of mind to realize where she was and stared up at the starry sky above. It was cold, the was air crisp and still.

The wee hours most likely.


She closed her eyes and breathed out a long breath through her mouth.

By the abyss.

She opened her eyes and looked around the plaza.

No one here, nothing happening. Peace and quiet, not a care in the world. The memory and its fear feel so distant in comparison to a few minutes ago.

Faint echoes and vague figures were all that was left of the memory. That dull bone deep sadness trickling down her body and into the cold ground below.

She scowled into the night, What had brought that on? I can't even remember when last I had an episode like that.

A smirking devil's face appeared in her mind's eye, Raphael? I mean, yeah, he is very unpleasant to speak to, but nothing to that effect.

Then she remembered the squirming in her head when she woke.

Nyx focused on the tadpole, Was that your doing?, she asked the entity in her skull.

Nyala's whimpers touched her thoughts, and she shook it from her head.

No, don't you start that again, she told it firmly, Keep your..., she didn't know what to call it, ...claws, to yourself. You are the liability here. If you keep messing around with my memories; you are going to kill us both.

No response. It was either ignoring her or seeing reason, Nyx wasn't holding her breath for the latter.

Something huffed next to her. Nyx's heart almost flew out of her mouth and her magic jolted around inside her.


It’s only Scratch, Nyx closed her eyes and clutched her chest once more while her heart raced. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She turned her head to find Scratch looking up at her with a lolling tongue.

"Good morning to you too.", she smiled, and he huffed again, "Checking up on me? I'm alright now, thanks. That's a good boy."

She rubbed his ears and ruffled the fur on his head. The breeze picked up and she shivered, sweat cooling against her exposed skin on her arms and through her loose thin sleepwear. She was far too jumpy to go back to bed, she needs to do something else to settle herself. She brushed her hair out of her face.

"Yuck!", she said when she smelled Scratch on her hand.

"You", she put a finger on his head, "Need a bath, my friend."

He looked up at her expectantly and she chuckled, "Come on, let's go get cleaned up."

She returned to her tent for her knife, soap, and a clean change of clothing, heading out for a midnight wash with Scratch in tow.

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