Chapter 34: Stranger Things Have Happened

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Opening with Tav POV then Astarion POV. Then another Astarion POV mid-way through.

Dresden Files Easter Egg.


According to Nyx, the Underdark does mirror the night-and-day cycles of 'up top'. Both the crystals and mushrooms were indeed glowing brighter, waking to an internal rhythm of morning. Tav almost audibly gasped when she reached the campfire.

Not only was there an owlbear cub in camp, but they were petting said owlbear. She gaped at Karlach, Halsin, Nyx and Wyll sitting in a circle around the owlbear. The cub looking between them with bright inquisitive orange eyes. Scratch was relaxing a few feet away looking mightily pleased with himself. Tav closed her mouth before some bug of the Underdark decided to nest in it. They had not noticed her arrival and she cleared her throat, loudly.

They collectively cringed and slowly turned to look at her. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. They had various expressions, most reminiscent of naughty children being caught stealing the neighbour's chicken eggs.

Karlach was the first to pipe up, her shit-eating grin plastered on her face, "Hey ho! We're deciding on a name. Want to join in?"

Tav's composure faltered, and she blurted, "A name?", then she recovered frowning, "You mean to keep the cub? Where did it even come from?"

Nyx said, "It was at the goblin camp, and we set it free."

Karlach added, "Yeah, the goblins killed its mother and it’s kinda been following us ever since."

Tav narrowed her eyes at Halsin's pursed lips and deliberate lack of eye contact. She asked, "So, it has 'just simply been following us' has it? How did it manage to find us all the way down here?"

Karlach was more than happy to oblige, "Oh, Halsin helped me. He told me what to feed it and how to make him more comfortable around us."

Wyll covered his face with one hand and Nyx snickered while Halsin sighed then grinned shaking his head at being so blatantly implicated.

Tav's shoulders slumped in defeat after seeing Karlach's beaming face. She pinched the bridge of her nose and slowly walked over to them. She joined the circle, looking down at the cub who chirruped at her.

He is a cutie though.

She sighed again, "Fine"

Karlach made a restrained whoop and the others grinned. Tav tentatively reached out to per the cub. Smiling when it made cooing noises at her ruffling its feathers. The group continued their naming discussion.


--- --- ---


Astarion was watching her. She had not noticed him yet, dancing absently to unheard music while they waited for the others. His eyes settled on those alluring hips of hers. She turned and stopped. He would have pouted, but her eyes roamed over him, and a knowing smile slipped onto his lips.

Not only did he feel exquisite in his new armour, but judging by her response he must look it too. He gave her hooded gaze a wink. Uncrossing his arms and squaring his shoulders to show himself off properly.

She regarded him with a tilted head and a smouldering gaze, her fingers to her lips. Her fingers found their way between her teeth and her tongue touched their tips. He could smell her body flush and it was delicious. He took in a slow unassuming breath through his mouth, filling his nose with her scent.

He heard footsteps approach and she promptly collected herself, schooling her expression. He pouted at her this time, but Wyll made his appearance interrupting their moment.

I'll be capitalizing on this opportunity later.


--- --- ---


"It's a trap."

"Hey ho, Captain Obvious", Karlach guffawed and Wyll glanced at her sideways with his good eye.

"My dear warlock, the more prudent thing to ask is whether we're planning on walking into it.", Astarion drawled and received a cold glare from Wyll's stone eye.

Tav sighed with slumped shoulders, "I take that trade, booze and friendly faces were too much to hope for?", followed by grunts and snorts from the others. Tav chippered, "Let's go see who wants to kill us now,” and marched with exaggerated dapper into the trap. They followed Tav, weapons drawn, into yet another abandoned ramshackle village, leaving the mushroom thicket behind.


There were minor signs of struggle, tables and chairs overturned in some of the houses and stores. Blood spatter on the ground in the plaza, but nothing to suggest serious injuries. However, the stores had been emptied out of anything useful. Other than that, everything else was eerily normal. The houses were left untouched as though the occupants just upped and left without finishing whatever they were busy with. Nyx frowned at the mouldy food, left out on a fully set dinner table.

Gale remarked when they regrouped at the town centre, "It's like a story book ghost town."

Tav mused, "What would make the whole town disappear like this?"

Shadowheart suggested, "Perhaps it's best not to find out."

Something brushed against Nyx's whiskers, but Astarion was first to draw his weapons and quipped, "Too late, darlings."

They swerved around to face the same direction.


Nyx's magic whiskers only got spotted glimpses of it between the houses and she provided in a low voice, "Large animal, sizing us up."

Tav replied, "Would torches help scare it away?"

"The opposite, besides almost everything down here has blind vision." Nyx felt it round a corner and stalk down a lane behind them. She gestured to the others and moved to the front of the group bow drawn. It stopped flush against the ground, watching them silently. Then it reared and a low hiss emanated from the shadows.

Nyx recognized the creature as a giant centipede and lowered her bow. The others were nocking theirs.

"Wait.", she motioned with her hand for them to stand down, "It's not aggressive."

There were soft snorts and grunts followed by several comments declaring the opposite opinion. Before Nyx could retort the animal made another hiss, louder this time and the rest of the group readied for the assault.

Karlach boomed, "Stop!", everyone froze momentarily. Halsin added, "She wants us to help her."

Exasperated stares and glares followed Karlach and Halsin while they approached the giant centipede. It towered over them both. The others were arguing amongst themselves while Karlach and Halsin conversed with the centipede.

"Chk! We should be focused on the task at hand: Reaching the Shadowlands remains the highest priority."

Tav crossed her arms, "The least we can do is hear it out. It risked its life to speak to us."

Astarion scoffed, "It is preposterous that you are even considering talking to the bug."

Tav gave him a raised eyebrow, "No harm came from making some time to talk."

"My dear, have you already forgotten about the spectator circus we endured because of talking."

Tav pinched the bridge of her nose and declared firmly, "And yet here we are arguing about it. If I didn't see any value in diplomacy, I'd not have bothered with any of you."

Nyx pressed her lips together and shared amused glances with Gale, Wyll and Shadowheart. Astarion and Lae'zel remained unimpressed, both glaring daggers into Tav's back.


Karlach and Halsin returned with the centipede's 'proposal', which garnered mixed reactions. Tav ignored it all and gestured for Karlach and Halsin to continue. The giant centipede had been tamed by the locals of the village. They had a simple arrangement; she'll help them hunt and they'll help protect her brood. The village was attacked some days ago and the assailants absconded with the inhabitants.

Tav asked, "Does she know where the villagers were taken?"

Karlach nodded and Halsin replied, "She does, but she's only willing to 'trade' the information."

Nyx's eyebrows climbed into her hairline and quipped, "Wow. Centipedes aren't known for this level of intelligence. It was wise to tame her."

Lae'zel rolled her eyes and growled, "What does it matter?"

Nyx turned to her askance, but Gale answered instead, "If they are evolving beyond basic savagery, it would be in everyone's interest to see that her lineage continues."

Nyx inclined her head towards Gale in agreement and added, "More cooperative species in the Underdark is certainly a boon."

Tav set her jaw in determination and said onto Halsin, "It's settled then. What does she have in mind?"


Halsin and Karlach relayed that the people who attacked the village remained active in the area and the centipede took the opportunity to hunt them in return. However, the increased movement in and out of the village had attracted a colony of carrion crawlers that have taken up residence nearby. Not only are they in competition for her hunts, but they are a threat to her brood. She wants Tav and her team to help exterminate them in exchange for information about the 'recent goings on'.

Tav mused, "Sounds quite reasonable", and turned to Nyx, "Carrion crawlers?"

"Basically grubs, large and tall enough to look you in the eye. They have grasping tentacles and a paralyzing bite. Smelly and squishy."

Wyll snorted, "So, easy kills?"

Nyx shrugged, "The Underdark is anything but predictable. Either way, don't let them drag you off. If any of us do get dragged underground; we're going to be the easy kill."

Wyll nodded along with several others.




"I can't believe you talked Tav into this, darling."

Nyx gave him a flat look. They were perched on the upper levels of the tiered village waiting for the giant centipede to flush out the carrion crawlers from their mounds. The others were scattered around the base of a rock at the far side of the village, all waiting to pick off the crawlers as soon as they appear. The front line was made up of Karlach, Halsin, Lae'zel and Wyll. Tav, Gale and Shadowheart took up positions further away.

"I'm sure Tav had already made up her mind before we said anything."

He made an indignant noise and sighed, "Well, I can't believe I've been talked into this."

Nyx snorted, "I'm sure you'll survive and be handsomely rewarded after."

"Bah!", he scoffed at first, "Unless... You're the one planning on rewarding me, my dear."

She narrowed her gaze at his grin, trying not to match it.

Karlach called out from below, "Look sharp soldiers, here they come!"


Nyx readied her bow. An increasing tide of chitters rose from the mound. The first crawlers emerged from the topmost tunnels of the mound. Nyx and Astarion's arrows reached them there. The crawlers squirmed, rolling up into C-shapes and dropped onto the floor where they were met by the other's blades or magic. There was a pause after the initial wave and then a second set emerged from all the tunnels at once.

By the Abyss! It's a massive colony, no wonder the centipede needed help.

Several crawlers scurried past the front line. Nyx sent her knives to cut Shadowheart free from one that wrestled with her over her mace, while Astarion plugged another with multiple arrows that grappled with Gale's staff. Before the front line could be overwhelmed, the giant centipede burst from the mounds tearing into carrion crawlers left, right and centre. She was able to grasp and shred several at a time. Tav yelped and dove out of the way when their tangled mass of legs and squirts of crawler ooze flailed onto the ground below. It looked like the Underdark version of a tavern brawl, and the carrion crawlers drew the short stick.


A low rumble was its only warning. A bulette erupted in the middle of the fray, severing a carrion crawler in half and dragging another underground when it burrowed again. The centipede released her prey and scurried up against one of the houses while Halsin bellowed, "Bulette! Make for the ramparts!"

Nyx and Astarion were already in the clear. Nyx wrapped her legs in magic and flitted to the wooden beam bridge one level down, softly landing next to Wyll. They shared a nod. The others had dispersed as well. All except for Lae'zel, who continued to plough through crawlers. The bulette breached again. Lae'zel's battle cry sounded, and she intercepted it.

Why can't she listen to good advice?

Lae'zel's swung at it and her great sword was swallowed by the bulette's armour plating, becoming lodged there. The oversized half-shark half-tortoise seized Lae'zel by one of her legs. Its massive, sharpened beak held fast while it brutally trashed her around like she was a rag doll. The centipede leaped from the roof of the nearby house, her sinusoidal motions wrapping around the bulette, and she sunk her head between its plates. The bulette roared, flinging Lae'zel off into the distance. Nyx grimaced when she heard Lae'zel crash somewhere out of sight, and the bulette retreated underground once more. The centipede returned to her hunting spot atop the roof, her long antennae searching the air.


Nyx reached out with her magic to a broken crate, dragging it along the ground towards the bulette's ambush zone. The centipede's antennae quivered, and she fixed her alien gaze on the moving crate, lifting herself off the roof in anticipation. Nyx's magic prickled when Wyll readied his own. As soon as the bulette slammed into the crate from below, Wyll set off multiple Eldrich blasts in rapid succession, temporarily dazing the beast. The centipede pounced on the bulette, landing another bite then retreated when the bulette roused from its daze to counter-attack.

Nyx, Wyll and the centipede repeated this tactic. Nyx used a different combination of objects and movements to lure it out, followed by Wyll's blast and the centipedes' bite. After a few rounds, no more coaxing seemed to work. Nyx huffed in annoyance sharing a glance with Wyll. However, the centipede slithered from the building and partly into one of the bulette's tunnels. She reversed, pulling the bulette's body free from the hole. Her intelligent eyes surveyed the bountiful felled prey scattered around and her mandibles chittered in delight.

Karlach's voice boomed through the area, "Yeah! That was awesome!"

Wyll high-fived Nyx and they made their way down.


--- --- ---


He was flirting with her.

Rather poorly at that.

And yet, Wyll's advances were getting on Astarion's nerves. He turned his attentions to Halsin instead, who was practically hand-delivering an affronted Lae'zel to Shadowheart for healing, having slung her over his shoulder. Halsin was either oblivious or impervious to Lae'zel's descriptions of his own mortality, which according to her would be coming to an end quite soon, once she was able to relieve him of it.

Nyx was particularly amused by the show. She glanced in Astarion's direction, and he winked at her, she promptly abandoned Wyll's side. Much to his own satisfaction - It would have been more so if the obtuse idiot had taken any notice.

Too much to hope for. No matter. I got what I wanted. He watched Nyx walk over to him.


"So, what now?", he drawled, placing a finger to his lips, "Oh. I know."

She gave him her narrowed amused look.

"You promised to reward me, darling. Quite handsomely, if I remember correctly."

She snorted and declared, "I don't recall making any such agreement."

"My little delegator, I would be most distraught if you're going to rescind your offer.", he pouted touching his hand to his chest.

She failed to keep the smile from lips and replied mischievously, "Let me reconsider. Perhaps I'll change my mind. You'll have to check in with me later."

He grinned and lulled, "I hope you won't make me wait too long, my dear." He could smell her blush even if it didn't colour her cheeks. Then she frowned and looked past him.


He turned, following her gaze and found himself face-to-face with a large floating jellyfish. He blinked and suppressed an incredulous laugh. If Nyx hadn't seen it too, he would think he'd gone mad. Before he could ask the multi-eyed tentacle freak what it wanted a voice emanated from the slit in its head. Its green glow fluctuating in intensity while it spoke.

"Excuse me, good sir. I don't mean to interrupt your courtship ritual."

Astarion leaned back as though it had spat at him. Nyx snickered.

"But would you be so kind as to inform me; whom of these gentlepeople goes by the name of Gale Dekarios?"

Astarion gaped.

Nyx answered unperturbed, "Right this way, my good gentle-Flumph."

It proceeded to float past him, its glow changing to white. Nyx winked at Astarion, and she continued the pompous pleasantries as though talking to a self-important jellyfish was the most normal thing in the world.

"I'm Nyx. It is good to make your acquittance. May I ask your name?"

"You may refer to me as Leo, milady. Might I add that your civility is most refreshing. Manners are in such short supply down here."

Astarion scoffed and Nyx shot him an amused smirk over her shoulder. His disbelief melted into curiosity, and he wandered after the two.


--- --- ---


Tav was not only adept at organizing a group of misfit adventurers, but she was masterful at keeping a cool head even when things went downhill rather unexpectedly. This included convincing a still-injured Lae'zel to stand down from wanting to slice the Flumph in half after she declared it to be a mind-flayer spy. Leo lit up red like a threatening volcano at the accusation. It took the collective efforts of Tav, Gale and Nyx to deescalate the situation between them. Halsin and Karlach had to intervene when the centipede started getting fidgety at the unwarranted display of aggression between Lae'zel and Leo.

Nyx puffed out her cheeks after the situation eventually settled.

Tav turned to Leo, "I would like to extend my apology at the less than welcome reception. Please allow me to rectify the situation."

Leo's glow eased back to green, "No need milady. It is a common misunderstanding. Our neutral association with mind flayers is often mistaken for cooperative alliance."

Tav inclined her head and informed Leo that she'll be concluding her dealings with the centipede first. Leo bowed - or jiggled downwards - then continued his discussion with Gale.


Karlach and Halsin facilitated the conversation between the centipede and Tav. The surrounding village had been a deep gnome settlement belonging to the Ironhand clan, who mined the surrounding area. They were attacked by duergar and those who survived were taken across the lake. Some escaped, but the centipede has not seen them since.

Tav frowned at the lakeside dock then turned her attention to Leo and Gale.

Gale eyed Leo, who glowed pink. Gale sported his own amused expression nodding while Tav summarised their exchange.

"Mystra had sent Elminster to relay her wishes to Gale. Elminster then summoned Leo, over here, to fetch you and bring you to him while he's staying at a Myconid village."

"Colony.", they both corrected.

"Myconid colony," Tav repeated smiling, "Where he would elaborate on his important message."

Gale and Leo made sounds of confirmation.

"All things considered. Stranger things have happened.", Tav remarked, and the others chuckled.

Tav asked Halsin whether the centipede knew how to get to the Shadowlands and the reply was in the negative. Tav fidgeted with her braid, "Gale, would Elminster be able to point us in the right direction?"

Gale replied promptly, "If he can't, perhaps someone at the Myconid village can."

Tav frowned briefly then said onto Leo, "Lead on."




Nyx was trying her hardest not to stare. She had heard and read much about the fungus folk, but this was the first time she actually laid eyes on them. They were a diverse group of humanoids in their own right. The two guards at the front were a prime example. One reminded her of a Amanita mushroom, complete with a striking red cap and dotted white mantle speckles. Nyx presumed it to be equally toxic in nature. It stood elegant and tall against its counterpart. The other was reminiscent of a puffball, squat and plump. The large round cap incapsulated its face giving it a comical swollen appearance with tiny beady eyes nestled between the spongy texture of its body.

They are fascinating.

She was vaguely aware of Tav conversing with one of the adults. Nyx was taking in the towering mushrooms sprouting from the enclosed cavern around them. Everything seemed majestic, glowing and rich in colour. It was like visiting a foreign nation's capital hall, the only difference being that material things and decorations were replaced with living counterparts. From flat carpet-like lichen on the floor to barrel-stalk fountains and intertwining nightlight stems to create standing lanterns.

Tav turned to them, "Apparently, Elminster is speaking to their king; an elder mushroom named Sovereign Spaw.", and she grinned, "We'll have our 'audience' after they're done. In the meantime, we are free to roam around as long as we don't cause trouble." Tav gave Lae'zel and Astarion a pointed look. Astarion pretended not to have noticed and Lae'zel rolled her eyes.

Gale offered his arm to Tav and she hooked hers with a smile. They wondered down one of the mushroom lined corridors. Wyll and Karlach made wolf whistles after them, which were completely ignored. The others followed suit to explore.




Nyx meandered along, creating a mental map of the colony and admiring the variety of fungal growths. The denizens had collectively retreated elsewhere, likely for melding; a ritual amongst their people to maintain colony harmony. She found herself in a large open area, a mushroom garden of sorts. Nyx leisurely inspected the different horticultural techniques used by the myconids. There were fairy circles, oyster logs, vertical bracket shelves and even mushrooms suspended from air plants dangling overhead. It had an enchanted greenhouse appeal to it, albeit a bit alien. She retrieved her pack and rummaged for her sketchbook.


Nyx heard him take a breath behind her and he greeted at her shoulder, "My sweet."

She turned her head and replied, "Bellinor", while he made his hands full with her, gripping her hips. She took in a deep breath, her body replying to his touch, heat coursing through her. He kissed her nape and softly made his way to the crook of her neck. Her one hand settled over his at her hip and the other brushed over his face, lacing his ear between her forefingers. He smiled into her neck.

She turned around in his grip. Her hands drifting down his chest as she traced the outlines of the intricate stitching in his leather armour. She informed him in low tones, tracking her fingers, "You are terribly distracting in this."

His smugness replied, "Are you sure about that, darling? You were blushing the whole day yesterday. Well before I found this little number."

Nyx narrowed her eyes at him and pointed into his chest, "You know full well how attractive you are - without even trying."

He chuckled and continued with his wicked grin, "I do so enjoy it when you blush for me."

Her cheeks burned as though summoned by his words. She huffed at him with amused annoyance, but before she could turn her face away, he captured her mouth in a kiss.

He pulled away and purred, "My dear, you're practically burning up."

She smiled coyly, "Oh? Whatever are we to do?"

"I do believe I have a remedy for this fever of yours. One that indulges all your passions, my dear", his hands roamed to her thighs.

She raised herself to her toes and returned a kiss before replying, "I'll take you up on this offer, and return it in kind."

He smiled into her mouth and said between kisses, "I'm sure you'll steal yourself away tonight. I'll find you. We'll explore each other. Forget about everything else."

He set her down and they grinned at each other for a moment.

A voice remarked, "I knew it! Did you two come here to snog?"


Astarion grimaced as though someone had stuck a lemon into his gums. He snapped his head around to scowl at Shadowheart, "Really? What are you? Like, twelve?"

Shadowheart snickered and he returned his gaze to Nyx then asked, "Is that what you'd call it, my dear?"

He chewed on the word with indignant distaste, "Snog?"

Nyx pursed her lips, making up her mind. He smiled out of the corner of her eye. Her arms were draped across his shoulders while he held her around the waist. She decided, "Sophisticated fun with a dash of dangerous living", and he chuckled.

His wicked grin was spreading on his lips again, "A considered assessment as always, my dear. Should we demonstrate the difference?"

Shadowheart made a face, "Ew, no! I'm leaving.", and Nyx watched her go.

Astarion sighed and lulled, "Camp is going to be ripe with gossip."

Nyx shrugged, "Gossip is for the petty and feeble-minded."

He barked a laugh, "My dear, you say the sweetest things."



Flumph Glow Colours:

Pink: Amusement

Blue: Sadness

Green: Curiosity

Red: Anger

White: Neutral


Creature concept art (In order: Brynn Metheney, Sheppi Tsrodriquez, Saidhbhin, Forgotten Realms Wiki)

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