Chapter 14: Of Monsters and Men

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Nyx was watching the ocean from atop a cliff, within the proximity of the Emerald Grove, but not inside the grove itself. The clean salty breeze was stroking her skin and blowing back the loose strands of hair from her face.

She had fled the Grove, or more specifically; fled from all the people in the grove. By the time she found the others, Nettie had taken over from Shadowheart, who was absolutely exhausted. Nettie recruited Nyx and another minor healing-able tiefling as assistants. Under Nettie's instruction, Nyx and the tiefling supported her to treat the remainder of Wyll's injuries and got him to eventually fall asleep. Once they were satisfied that the only thing that remained to do for Wyll was to let him rest, Nettie saw to the others' injuries.


After the Rite of Thorns was called off and the druids had their 'meeting' (sans Nettie as she refused to leave Wyll's side); all of the people, refugees and druids alike were showering the party with thanks and gratitude. She knows and appreciates them meaning well, but all the attention, and the 'gifts', and the errands, and the favours, and the chats were becoming much too overbearing for her.

She had barely finished eating when someone started to patch her arm, afterwards providing her with the resources to clean herself up. She was more than happy and satisfied with those three things. She barely had the chance to enjoy feeling like a person again afterwards, when she was set upon by the sea of everchanging faces and interactions. She escaped by identifying the highest cliff top on the outskirts of the Grove and traversed it with her magic to the top, much to the amusement of the children, who dispersed after she disappeared from their view and didn't return.


There is something so peaceful about the ocean.

She had never set a foot upon a ship, and wasn't particularly interested in doing so. But the ocean spoke to her deep need for space and tranquillity. She'll try to find a spot a little closer and meditate while watching the waves lap at the shore. For now, she needs to wait for her low-grade anti-magic migraine to abate. Staring at the sunset was not helping with the migraine, but she didn't care. The moment was lovely simplicity, just sitting here watching nature go about her business.

Similarly to the previous night, she heard him just before he spoke. She startled nonetheless, but she was sure her ears were getting better at hearing him approach.


"There you are, darling. Hiding, are we?", he lilted and sauntered over to her.

He was looking for me? Why?, she wondered and watched as he sat next to her, keeping a respectful distance she noted, and smiled mentally.

He had one leg dangling over the edge of the cliff and the other bent against his chest. One arm draped over his knee and the other placed on the ground. He watched the sunset as well.

Nyx was sitting a little back from the ledge, not wishing to tempt fate by sitting to close with her current migraine. If she did something stupid, it was quite the way down.

I assume he doesn't need to think about such risks with the same amount of consideration.

Then she remembered him snarling at the wolf earlier, No, he doesn't, she supposed.


They sat for a little while and he took a deep breath. She recalled that vampires had to 'actively' breathe in scents, or for them to speak. They don't need to breathe like the living do. The sun had gone golden, lighting up his face. He caught her watching.

"See something you like, my dear?", he lulled at her and smirked.

She gave him a flat look and answered honestly, "I was watching how the colour of your skin seems to absorb the sunlight, it almost looks golden."

He did seem very interested in her observation. "I'm sure you could word it in a much more flattering way than that, darling.", he lulled at her.

She rolled her eyes and smiled, Again with the vanity?

"Alright, give me a moment", she scrunched her nose and looked up to the colouring sky. She took inspiration from his comments the previous night. "I'm sure the artists of Baldur's Gate will swoon at the opportunity to capture your golden likeness in this light.", she offered with laughter in her eyes.

"Oh, very good", he purred, brushing his hair with his hand. He gestured towards her lazily, "Do continue, my dear."

She snorted.

That line didn't really say anything of substance if you think about it. She regarded him. "Is that really what you want? A sycophant to wax poetic at you?", she asked him with amusement in her voice.

"Well, you take all the fun out of it when you put it like that.", he huffed annoyed then smirked at her, "But yes, not enough people mention my beauty."

He looked at her expectantly with a raised eyebrow. She sighed and said onto him with a whisper of a smile, "You're beautiful Astarion."

"Thank you, my dear.", he seemed so very pleased with himself. Like the cat that got the canary.

Silly man, she chuckled and shook her head.


The silence stretched until the light's golden hue became orange. He shifted. "I wanted to say that I appreciated what you did earlier.", he spoke into the sunset.

What is he referring to now?, she looked at him askance.

He turned his head towards her, "For treating me like a normal person, not making a fuss about what I am. Not even after feeding on the gnome. Most people would only see the monster."

Ah, she understood now, There is immense depth to that statement like the ocean itself. Most would consider me a monster too if they knew the full extent of my nature. He gave her some time to think on her reply as she looked back to the sunset. This was a topic she was quite familiar with, in her own strange way.

"You being a vampire is a part of your nature, like my magic is a part of mine. I won't hold that against you. It is our deeds that define us, not what we are. I consider the Shadow Druids to be far more monstrous in their deeds than what I've seen from you, so far.", she said sincerely, and he gave her an unreadable look. She doesn't know him very well, so she can only speak to what's she has observed.

She added with a smirk, "Casual stance on murder aside", and a wave of her hand.

He laughed at that.

Besides, you literally pale in comparison to the demons I already had to face, and those I carry with me in my head, she thought privately, Excluding the parasite.

She assumed that was the same reason he had not told the others about his nature, she could relate to that as well, she hasn't told them about hers either. She realized her own hypocrisy at encouraging him to share his nature when she was unwilling to do so herself. She could think of many reasons why her secret was different and that it warrants being kept hidden. She doesn't really have answers in that regard. She knew that she'll have to start sharing some of it though, just enough to keep everyone else safe from those who may come after her. This reminded her of the Gur.


She asked carefully, "Do you think there is a risk of more Gur being sent to capture you?" She doesn't like to pry, but it was worth asking, should she be on the lookout for them.

He stiffened for a moment, then replied not looking at her, "Probably, if my master had his way, he'd sent an army after me."

Nyx raised her eyebrows. She didn't know how the whole vampire lord and spawn thing worked, but from his sudden change in demeanour it doesn't seem good.

He looked over his shoulder and asked with a frown, "I suppose you'd like to know about my master now?"

"I wasn't prying, I simply wanted to know what to be prepared for. You share what you think is necessary.", she said evenly.

"I would prefer not to share a damned thing, but it doesn't do anyone any good.", he countered with a slight snarl.

Why is he annoyed, isn't that what I said? She blinked at him. "Then you don't have to.", she confirmed again. She had been agreeing with him from the start.

This is a very sore subject it seems.

He sighed.

She realized he wanted to talk about it even if he said he didn't want to. In that case, I'll be sure to simply listen.


He spoke into the dimming sky and explained that he was the vampire spawn of a powerful noble in Baldur's Gate, known as 'Cazador'. This Cazador had 'rescued' him after he had nearly been beaten to death by the same Gur that now hunted him, adding insult to injury. After being turned by Cazador he was treated like a slave, having to endure various types of torture at failing to please his master when he didn’t bring him prey, and cruel 'rewards' when he did bring people to him.

Nyx simply listened to what Astarion felt like sharing, which was more than she expected. The more she listened, the more she was sure that it was this Cazador that was the true monster that he eluded to earlier. She also had some experience of what it took to survive such monsters, and it leaves its mark, in more ways than one.

However, few things he detailed about what Cazador had done to him made her hair stand on end and her skin crawl. Drawing her own dark memories from the black pit in her mind. The voice that resided inside would have savoured such cruelty with the utmost delight. It made a knot in her stomach. She pushed her memories away and listened to him finish.

He shifted back from the ledge and looked up at the stars briefly. He glanced at her, expecting a response, but seemed unsure whether he wanted it.

People are not playthings. It's not right.

After a moment she simply stated what was at the forefront of her thoughts.


"I have half the mind of sticking a hot poker into the eye of this Cazador", she said in all seriousness, disgust in her voice and expression.

His pitched laugh escaped him, "Oh, my dear. I'd thoroughly enjoy watching you do that. Although, the norm is to keep dirty thoughts like that to ourselves, but do carry on."

"It is completely warranted in this case", she scoffed and straightened, "He sounds like a right up sadistic bastard to say the least", with one hand on her hip and gesturing with the other.

He lulled at her with a sly smirk, "Well, it seems you've been holding out on me, darling."

"I have no idea what you mean.", she looked away, closing her eyes, and crossing her arms.

"Careful, I might start to like this side of you.", he purred dangerously leaning towards her.

"It's the same side that wanted to knife you in the ear the other night.", she shot back with a warning smile pointing at her the side of her head.

"Don't tempt me.", he said in a low tone, pupils dilating slightly, tilting his head to the side, smirk on his lips.

"I'm still fully armed.", she continued the warning with an increasingly glowering smile of her own. The only time her knives were not strapped to her was when she was sleeping. Even then her hunting knife was always within reach.

"As am I.", he countered with a wicked grin showing fangs. In contrast, he did not have any weapons on him presently. Not in the traditional sense.

Abyss take him! This conversation has taken a very strange turn. How did we get here anyway?, she thought with grin on her face that feels far too much like its mirroring his.


"Fine", she declared to deescalate whatever this was, throwing her hands in the air as surrender and she promptly stood up.

"Where in the hells are you going?", he blinked, frowning up at her.

"I am running away from whatever is going on here," she said gesturing with her hands in a circular motion vertically in front of her, but amusement remained in her voice, "Threatening each other with casual violence is not supposed to be some form of entertainment."

"It's called having fun, darling.", he lulled at her over his shoulder when she moved to leave.

"I'm allergic to fun, remember?", she quipped over hers.

He sighed dramatically, "How could I forget", he lilted into the darkness.

She snorted and made her way back to the grove without him.




She found the others in good spirits and health. Wyll was looking like his normal self and Shadowheart was also more at ease. Tav mentioned the druids' had requested they stay the night and indulge in their hospitality. Nyx rolled her eyes, as long as they afflict the majority of it onto the others, she'll be fine. While Nyx was gone it seems that Gale had revealed a secret of his own to those present at the time. Apparently Tav already knew, but Gale only thought it pertinent to share it with the rest of them tonight.

Karlach brought Nyx up to speed as they looked for appropriate seating. Gale has a 'condition', in addition to the parasite, that requires him to absorb the weave from magical items. He wasn't forthcoming about what causes this condition, but only that every so often he would need to consume an artefact's magic.

"And what if he can't find one?", Nyx's brows furrowed at Karlach.

She shrugged, "No details. Something 'bad' would happen.", she wiggled her fingers.

Nyx made a face at that.

This group is overflowing with secrets, hidden conditions and who knows what else. By the Abyss! And they don't even know about Astarion or me. I wonder whether Lae'zel, Shadowheart and Tav also have some strange or wonderous secret that is yet to be revealed.

Nyx shifted in her seat, "So, we have a barbarian with a hell's engine", and she motioned to count down on her fingers, starting with her pinkie. Karlach listened with a wide grin. She continued.

"We have a warlock now turned devil.", on her ring finger.

"We have a wizard who needs to slurp up magical artefacts.", she added to her middle finger.

"And collectively enough tadpoles between us to start our own mind-flayer colony.", she finished with her fore finger. She looked up at Karlach whose grin had become progressively wider as she went on with her list.

"Did I miss anything?", she asked her with a smirk holding up her four fingers.

"No, that sounds about right.", Karlach said taking a bite out of the food that the druids had started to serve.

Apparently, the druids even helped Gale with his 'arcane hunger'; happily giving him a few doodads that they've been hoarding and weren't particularly attached to. Gale acquiring them all under the guise of using it for 'experiments and scholarly purposes'. Nyx's eyebrows reached her hairline, Wow, talk about turning over a new leaf.


The rest gathered quickly when the food started to arrive, sitting on stools, rocks and whatever else would suffice. Astarion joined on time, taking up a seat further away, amusing Nyx while he churned the food in his bowl, but not really eating anything. While the rest ate, Tav expanded on a plan she started to hatch with Rath. The druids have agreed to provide additional support to rescue Halsin, but within limits.

Why would we expect any different? Why would they risk their hides when we are so willing to do it for them using ours?, Nyx set her mouth in a line.

Come the morrow, they were going to discuss a more in-depth scouting operation with the druids. Tav wanted more details on 'Camp Gob' - Yes, the name is official now, Nyx could only shake her head and smile - and the druids offered both resources and people to assist. The limitations being that none of the druids were to be placed in harm's way and if they got the slightest whiff of things getting hairy, they would fall back. This would allow Tav's group to prepare accordingly and improve the chances of Halsin and everyone else making it out alive.

Nyx noticed Astarion sneaking his share of the food to Scratch. Astarion caught her eye, and she pretended not to have seen anything looking back at Tav, covering her smile with fingers, hand on her chin, pretending to think over Tav's plan.

After Scratch scoffed down Astarion's dinner for him, Scratch came over to her with pleading eyes. Clearly Astarion's share wasn't enough, and she showed Scratch her empty bowl pouting at him. She'd already finished hers. Scratch looked rather disappointed with the results of his scavenging. She rubbed his ear instead, but he wasn't really interested in that. He made his way over to Karlach and barked at her. Karlach guffawed and shared some of her second helpings with him too.




Gale announced that the 'scouting team' has still not heard the story from the 'swamp team' and the encounter with the cursed oak. There were more sounds of agreement from the rest of the group. The enthusiasm drew the attention of a few passerby druids and tieflings.

That is likely to bring an even larger audience, Nyx observed.

Gale asked who will be doing the honours of leading the story telling.

Before anyone else could answer Astarion lulled from his seat, "I think Nyx should be the main storyteller seeing as the cursed oak took a particular interest in her."

What!, Nyx froze for a brief moment and all eyes turned to her. She frowned and then glared at Astarion, who wore a self-satisfied smirk.

Why, you! That's just, low. Low, low, low. I see what you're doing silver fox and it’s not happening, she was waving her spoon at him in her head while she thought of a way to get out of it.

She schooled her face, "But that would be most inappropriate, I'm merely the hunter of the group.", she placed her hand on her chest and continued, "Storytelling honours should go to the one most qualified in that regard", she started to gesture towards Tav. Tav watched the exchange with amusement.

Nyx turned to Tav proper and finished with an incline of her head, "Maestro Tav, would you regale us this evening?"

Tav's eye lit up and she smiled widely. She stood and the audience already started to applaud. She took a quick bow and said, "It would be my pleasure, let me get my lyre."

Tav left with a grin almost akin to Karlach's followed by exited yips from the audience as more people flited closer in anticipation.

Nyx blew out a breath, puffing out her cheeks. She doesn't mind having to tell a story to a group of people. However, in this case there were just too many people already gathered, besides their usual group. She won't be able to stand upright by the time she'd given away all her energy to 'entertaining' them all.

I know where my skills are best applied, she mused.


Word had spread like wildfire about Tav's 'performance'. By the time she had returned with her lyre, it was crowded in the circular enclave of the cavern that housed most of the refugees in the Emerald Grove. Nyx was squished up in her seat between a grumpy looking tiefling and his siblings, Nyx assumed, considering how they squabbled at each other over her. She decided to relinquish her seat instead, opting to stand next to where Karlach sat as no one else wanted to risk getting burnt. Nyx decided that the risk of an elbow to the face was greater, if she remained in her previous seat, so the trade-off for more personal space was worth it.


--- --- ---


Tav strung a few notes on her lyre, adjusting and testing the sound. The cavern's acoustics were very receptive. The resonant notes were amplified well, some distortion on the higher notes, but she'll adjust for those using her magic. She made herself comfortable for the performance and the crowd picked up on her posture. They settled down.


She rested the tailpiece of her lyre on her left knee and started to pat out a beat on her right thigh with her hand. Once she got the tempo, she kept timing with her foot. She strummed a few more notes, harmonizing her voice with them. Given the topic of the story she would have liked to use a bowed lyre instead, its haunting sound would have lent itself well to the swamp and the cursed oak. But I'll make do.

She heard the drum beat in her head, keeping timing with her foot as she built the background music for her tale. She decided on a singsong style seeing as there were children in the audience. She kept the music light-hearted for the introduction. She projected her voice speaking slowly punctuating groups of words with brief pauses.


"Why, would the weary travellers, not rest their heads?"


There were whoops from the crowd and someone remarked, "It would have been so much easier to stay at home.", along with a few laughs.


"Why, go down to the swamps, of blackened death?"


'Oohs' flited up from the audience. Tav smiled, she enjoyed a well engaged crowd. She decided to only use the lyre for background music and dramatic effect seeing as the audience was participating so eagerly.


"Only to find dark secrets left behind. Oh why, did the travellers not stay in bed?"


Nyx mumbled, "I've been asking that myself all day", and those around her snickered.


"Something was afoot, and they decided to have a look", cue 'aahs' of understanding, "Even found themselves, a conspiracy to boot!", followed by more 'oohs'.


She altered the notes, playing a darker and moodier tune, "With innocents traded for darker companionship.", and some people whispered for additional effect. She inclined her head to them.


"The travellers knew that it was, a dire situation.", she strung a few staccato notes and some of the children's eyes grew.


"Return from the swamps was the first course of action", she held a finger up to the audience and circled in around. "A sound idea", came a voice and several people coughed and rolled their eyes.


"But", Tav then pointed the upheld finger towards the children in the front of her, who gasped, "There was one who would not let them leave". "Oh no", a small voice quivered.


"A great big tree, of fallen disposition, rose from the earth to punish the travellers’ transgression.", she drew out her last notes and quickened the pace, strumming more strings at a time in rapid succession to signal battle. The children shifted and squirmed, the rest of the audience intrigued.


"A cursed oak it was, with glowing yellow eyes", Tav made a face at the children and some of the children hid behind their hands or friends next to them, "Like an animal on all fours, it searched for its first victim to gore!"


"It was blind, and stood silent at first", Tav could see the crowd was transfixed and she shortened the pauses between her story lines.

"Waiting for the weary travellers to make a move, then ensnare them with vines."


"Then, BASH! Them into the ground, to fertilize the moor.", several people jumped at her emphasis.


"As secrets come and secrets go, the travellers sneaked just so.", she slowed the pace of her tune, changing it to a softer, lower register.


"Singing the beast to sleep, they tippy-toed on their feet", the children giggled when she looked down at them.


"Out of danger. Or so they thought.", more gasps from the children.


"For the bridge was rotten, and the waters the only way out."

"Smelly, putrid and festering with leeches", faint sounds of disgust from the audience and a few frowns, "The travellers’ braved their breeches", a few laughs sounded.


"Just as they took a breath of freedom, the cursed oak awakened!", Tav punctuated the line and switched back to the previous battle tune.


"Stopping by the water's edge, it did not enter. Staring down at them, with furor.", she could see some of the crowd hold their breath.


"Vines BURST from the murky waters!", different people startled this time, "Grabbing one of the travellers, and reeling them in for the slaughter." Tav looked over at Nyx, who inclined her head, laughter in her eyes. The crowd followed the interaction and gasped.


"The others shouted, 'Not today old fiend!', for that is our friend.", she looked down at the children again. Some had serious faces, set with determination at the word 'friend'.


"Pulling, huffing and puffing the travellers held onto their friend", she paused for dramatic effect and to give her time to prepare her fingers for the following change in rhythm towards victory.


"Fires roared! With the slice of a great barbarian's axe!" Tav didn't even have to look at Karlach who cried 'Yeah!' from her seat, fist in the air. Tav smiled since she couldn't have asked for a better-timed input and she watched the exited faces, "Released the vines from their friends' back."


Some whooped as Tav slowed the melody down ease the story to its end, "The friend was freed, and they all hurrahed", the children providing the necessary noises for that.


"Coming back from the swamp, as there was a Grove to save.", Tav spoke the last words slowly and deeply. She played the tune for a little while longer, then strumming a last few single notes to end the story and its song.


Tav looked up with a smile and the audience cheered. She stood and bowed with a flourish. She gestured to Nyx and Karlach, who each received their round of applause as well. Karlach guffawing over her shoulder at Nyx who grinned back as they continued to clap their hands. The attention returned to Tav who bowed one last time.

The majority of the people dispersed after the show, some drifted about to ask Tav a few questions or to commend her storytelling. Tav noticed Karlach speaking to some fans as well, but true to form, Nyx had made herself scarce. Tav could only shake her head and smile.

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