Chapter 30: The Price of Pride

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Labelling POVs again, I'll be switching a lot here and progressing through the plot at the same time...




She sensed the others dispersing, but her meditations were not done; there was still much to do. The camp went still and the air cold. After a few hours she felt his presence. He took a seat near the campfire somewhere to her left. She sensed him reaching out to her, like an invisible helping hand - poised in the air. She hesitated for a long time, not taking the proffered hand. He simply waited, patiently, didn't say a word.

She considered the implications of taking up the offer. Eventually deciding against it, she can't risk him knowing what lurks in her mind. It would be an affront to nature from his perspective and her emotions were more tattered than her mind right now to deal with that situation. She returned her focus to putting herself back together instead. The hand remained, regardless - so did the presence behind it.

There was an unmistakable weight to Halsin's magic. Even those least inclined to magic cannot help but take notice. It alone was like an anchor, a buoy of sorts. It was an additional moor to reality like her quarterstaff. That was enough for her, and she was grateful for it. He seemed to notice and withdrew to her periphery. Taking up a less imposing distance.


Some more time passed, and she heard Halsin converse with someone. It was Astarion and she couldn't follow the conversation, since it was in Elvish. Nyx could speak common and the Tufani vernacular, she knew some Drowic, but that was the extent of her linguistic skills. From the responses she presumed Astarion was telling him about the events leading up to Halsin finding her here. The conversation become light-hearted. Ending with a chuckle from Halsin and Astarion departing with a dramatic sigh.

Nyx smiled to herself, Gossip mongering.


Another hour or so and Nyx finished. She raised her head and blinked at the grey twilight. Sun rise was a few hours away and she needed to sleep, urgently. She can't be dozing or feeble minded for today and neither was there enough time for proper rest. Today of all days, she needed to be sharp and alert. Fortunately, she had an emergency stash of very expensive and hard to come by Angelic Slumber. It was time to delve into that.

She rose and made eye contact with Halsin. She smiled and gave him a respectful incline of her head. He returned the gesture. Nyx and her backpack retreated to her tent.




Tav was weighting up who should accompany her into the creche. They stood in the gloomy hall, her companions waiting for her to stop chewing her lip. Lae'zel was standing next to Tav; the first self-appointed companion to join Tav. Nyx smirked. No one was going to challenge or deny her that either. However, it meant that Tav could only take three others with her. She settled on Karlach, Astarion and Shadowheart, leaving Nyx, Gale, Wyll and Halsin to essentially fret about the others. Fretting was already on Gale's agenda when he pulled Tav aside to discuss 'her plans'.


Nyx drifted over to Astarion, she hadn't even had a chance to speak to him properly yet - about, well, all that happened. Not that now was the time, but she needed to give him something. He watched her with a tilted head and appraising gaze. She narrowed her eyes at him with amused suspicion.

She had been 'informed' by an indignant Lae'zel 'that they knew, that she knew that he was a vampire, before they knew' - and Nyx had to keep all her wits about her to follow that statement after the previous night. She was relieved, in a way, that she didn't have to dance around it anymore and the others had extended the same amount of curtesy to him that they did to her. She was more disconcerted with the idea that she wasn't there to back him up when it did come out.


"You know," he started with a lull, "The others are already extra weary of me this morning and if you keep sauntering over like that - what are they to think, my dear?"

She gave him a flat look, crossed her arms and said, "They can think whatever they please, I don't recall inviting them to the negotiations."

His laugh settled her nerves and it seemed that, for now, they can continue their, budding relationship?

He lulled slowly with a smile, "And I do like to keep it that way."

Good, we are in agreement then.

He watched with interest while she rummaged through her pack. She retrieved the 'devious Dammon special' arrows from her pack, counted off five, returned those and handed the rest to him. He gave her a raised eyebrow and she motioned for him to take them.

He lilted dryly, "Do I at least get a better discount this time?"

She snorted, "No need. Think of it as an investment in your lives seeing as you are quite literally venturing into the belly of the beast back there", and she hooked a thumb over to the basement stairs.

He chuckled wryly, "Touché, my sweet. I will see that your investment is returned with high appreciation", and a suggestive grin spread on his face while he wrapped his fingers around the bundle.

He stowed the arrows and she quipped, "See that you do, else I'll come find you and I won't be kind."

He purred with a now wicked grin, "Ooh, promises, promises. I might just not do that to see what unkind things you'll have in store for me."

By the Abyss, Nyx grinned at him.

He looked past her and provided, "I am needed, my dear", then continued towards the others. He paused next to her and said, "I'll see you later, darling. Do wait up for me."

She greeted smiling, "Good hunting", and he strolled onwards.


--- --- ---

Astarion POV


The Githyanki creche was exceedingly uneventful. What did Nyx call them 'stuck-up broody Gith'? That was putting it mildly, he scanned the reproachful expressions of nearly every gith in sight.

He lilted next to Karlach, "What delightful hosts. I don't understand why we didn't come here sooner. I want to name my children after them."

Karlach guffawed and Shadowheart snickered. All three of them garnered a glare from Lae'zel while Tav was speaking to yet another 'very important Githyanki'.


Shadowheart mused out loud, "Can vampires even have children?"

Astarion gave her a grin, "It has been known to happen on occasion. Very rare occasions, mind you. Quite a number of things need to be just so", he gestured with both his hands, two forefingers pinched to a thumb, "I won't bore you with the details, darling. Besides, vampire children, like most children are too much work. Not to mention smelly and noisy. Ugh, no", he finished with a disgusted expression, shrugging his shoulders.

Shadowheart nodded with a slight frown then quipped, "Especially for one as allergic to work like yourself."

"I'm already breaking out in hives at the thought of it", he sighed inspecting his nails.

They chuckled while following after Tav and Lae'zel again.


--- --- ---



Trepidation clung to Tav while Lae'zel climbed into the zaith'isk, she had been apprehensive of the whole contraption from the start. She had doubts about Dr. Ghustil Stornugoss' explanations regarding the machine, who was its inventor and operator. She did not agree with any of it, especially going through with the purification process, but Lae'zel insisted. She was so adamant that it was her duty and her right; she willingly submitted herself to go first to prove to them that the device was indeed the cure to the parasites in their heads.

Tav agreed with Karlach's sentiment that it looked to be an extraplanar torture device rather than a cure. Yet she dreadfully watched as Lae'zel settled herself into the machine and Ghustil turned it on. The machine was a disturbing mesh of synthetic and organic parts. It throbbed like a heart, several tubes beating in tandem. Its large fleshy mandibles hovered over Lae'zel's head. The machine whirred.

Searing psionic pain infiltrated Tav's mind at the same time the zaith'isk cleaved into Lae'zel's. Shadowheart caught Tav's elbow when she nearly toppled with the joint pain she experienced. It didn't take long for them to realize that this machine was fully capable of killing. Karlach and Astarion both imploring Tav to convince Lae'zel to stop and get out. The machine was killing her.

Through Lae'zel's Githyanki praises to Vlaakith as well as Ghustil encouragement, Tav's mind glimpsed past the pain, and she swam for the briefest of moments between the memories of all the Githyanki it had purified before. Their final moments painted in desperation, torment and the ultimate betrayal at the hands of those who they trusted the most. They revealed to her the machine's true purpose; to extract and preserve the memories of the Githyanki unfortunate enough to have been infected, then snuffs them out once their collective knowledge had been harvested.

Tav strained through clenched teeth and poured what she had witnessed into Lae'zel's mind before she could be made undone by the machine's power. Tav felt Lae'zel's dual rage and anguish at the revelations. Tav convinced Lae'zel to help her destroy the machine and together their tadpoles resonated in unison. They countered the power of the zaith’isk using their psionic synergy to wield the memories it had stored against it like a weapon. Lae'zel broke free from the device's grip when it overloaded under their combined assault. Lae'zel half flung herself from the machine and was half thrown by its subsequent explosion.


The doctor cried out as though she had lost a child when she looked upon the broken, charred remains of the zaith'isk. Claiming that Lae'zel remained infected, since the purification was prematurely interrupted. Tav's mind was still reeling from the aftereffects of the machine, yet mercifully with Shadowheart's assistance they managed to convince Ghustil that the purification was indeed successful and that the machine exploded due to a malfunction of some sort.

The Githyanki inventor didn't interpret the failure of the machine to reflect its poor design, but rather its immense power. Tav leaned into her megalomanic assertions and convinced her to investigate potential modifications to the device so that it doesn't rip itself apart again with its own potency.

While the zaith'isk's creator immediately occupied herself with fanatical declarations of new designs and improvements. Tav and the others swiftly saw themselves out. Tav and Shadowheart assisting Lae'zel out of the room to receive aid anywhere else but the room with the psychopathic physician.

Tav could barely fathom the paradox: A physician who had so little regard for the value of life? Even worse, the lives of her own people!

I knew Githyanki were callous, but this?


They found a secluded room, or rather a corner that was demarcated by a wooden post with ropes fastened to the wall. It created a square room once the curtains were drawn. They set Lae'zel down on the bare-bone furniture. She was clearly deeply shaken by the turn of events, but trying to hide it. Tav assumed it would be regarded yet another 'weakness' to be punished in Githyanki culture. Karlach kept watch and Astarion discreetly cut the curtains loose then drew them halfway across the rope providing a modicum of privacy. Tav was astounded by the simple, yet thoughtful gesture on his part. She couldn't believe that in this instance a vampire spawn, of all people, had more compassion for a Githyanki than her fellow Gith had themselves.

Perhaps this is what Nyx had seen in him too.


--- --- ---



Gale definitely had fretting on the brain while he paced around the circular hall and fussed at the seams of his robes. The waiting was taking a particular toll on him, especially when Tav moved out of tadpole-telepathic-contact-range. Wyll was discussing Halsin's life philosophies while they were seated on one of the fallen beams scattered around the sanctum. Nyx was meditating on the ground.

She heard Gale huff when he paced past her for the umpteenth time, "How can you be so relaxed?"

Nyx sighed more than exhaled her breath and replied, "Sit down and I'll teach you. It'll not only be good for your nerves, but also for everyone else's as well."

Wyll and Halsin chuckled at Gale's displeased scoff.

She too, was worried for the others more than usual. And if she was being very honest with herself, worried about Astarion, but there was little she could do about it presently. Thus, she distracted herself by being ready, hence the meditation.

Besides there remains cleaning up to do in my mind.

That reminded her of those vile braces. She stifled a shudder. She decided to distract Gale with that and asked his opinions on how the braces she was shackled with could have drained her magic and not his. His pacing slowed and his thinking face replaced the anxious one. He started to theorize about the possibilities. Nyx listened for as long as she understood. Once he was well underway with magical related jargon she returned to her meditations. Wyll and Halsin took over making non-committal noises of engagement during his conversational hypothesizing. Nyx smiled to herself.


After a while Gale and Wyll announced that Tav and the others were at the basement exit, but the Githyanki guards were refusing their departure until they've spoken to a 'Kith'rak Therezzyn'. Nyx and Halsin shared a concerned glance.

This didn't sit well with any of them. The group collectively agreed that it felt like a trap, and yet they needed to willingly walk into it, or provoke an entire Githyanki creche.

Abyss take them!, Nyx was immensely annoyed. She fully sympathized with Gale's desire to storm the castle, but prevailing reason prevented that fatal scenario from actualizing. Instead, Nyx and Halsin had to painstakingly wait while the others formulated a plan telepathically.

This wait felt longer than the hours prior.

The inevitable decision was made; Tav and the others were to have their audience with this Kith'rak Therezzyn. A very optimistic perspective from the trapped group was that they'll simply exchange pleasantries over 'petit fours and cake' then leave. Nyx snickered, since that line was clearly Astarion's. Other outcomes mostly centred around various ideas on how to escape a Githyanki death-trap, preferably without loss of life or limb. 'The chances of which were slim, and the mood became grim' - Tav's bardic rhyming tended to go up a notch when she was severely stressed, Nyx observed.

Nyx's stomach was churning into knots as well.

She was running through multiple scenarios, retracing the rooms of the temple she explored to find some alternative route, or resource to use. The only thing she could think of was to ask Gale whether there was a way to extend the range of their telepathic connection so that if things do go belly up, then the four of them on this side can attempt a break in to assist with the other's breaking out.

They ran out of ideas and there weren't any other options available. Thus, Tav and the others left once again.


Nyx's nerves were jittery. She was further horrified by Gale and Wyll's retelling of what Tav had relayed happened at the zaith'isk and everything else they've witnessed. This included the brutality and ruthlessness with which the Githyanki treat their own kin - often with lethal consequence if orders were not obeyed or when one was seen as weak according to their strict dogmatic principles. Given this it seems that Githyanki culture only values a life as far as its utilitarian use.

It is tragic. A tragic and heart-wrenching indoctrination of an entire race, Nyx thought bitterly while she rubbed her forehead. Her thoughts latched onto it and followed up with more unsettling questions as to, Why? Why do that you your own people? It must be to someone's benefit... But who?...

This line of questioning is not helpful to the current issue Nyx, she reprimanded herself. She was at the verge of pacing herself.

Abyss take it!, she was furious, I hate this. This inability to do anything.

Black tendrils brushed against her racing mind.

You stay out of this! I am far from powerless!, they receded at her declaration.

Nyx took a deep breath, determination settled on her features and she turned to the others. She recognized a similar expression on Gale, Wyll and Halsin alike.

Nyx addressed them, "So, where or how are we going to help them?"

Gale answered with a familiar twinkle in his eye, "I have some ideas. How do we get to that device I saw on the roof last night?"

Nyx's face split to mirror Astarion's predatory grin, "Follow me."


--- --- ---



This is a disaster! A diplomatic incident of catastrophic proportion if I'd ever bared witness to one!

Tav's white-knuckled fists clenched her hand-crossbows as she stood over the dead body of Kith'rak Therezzyn. Lae'zel was heaving at her side, sword held in front of her, dripping with blood.

Tav tried. Tried so hard to get them out of the Kith'rak's increasingly interrogatory line of questioning. Not to mention the suffocating level of hostility towards her team when she continued to deflect or deceive her way out of straight answers. Answers about the artefact. All the while the Dream Visitor implored her not to give any.

Tav surveyed the room. Karlach had hacked the Kith'rak's personal guard-wolves to pieces. Shadowheart had assisted Tav and Lae'zel with Kith'rak Therezzyn, who was a formidable fighter - as expected. Astarion had liberally pelleted the heavily armoured guards at the door with the arrows Nyx had given him.

Savage arrows, judging by the amount of blood that surrounded each guard, their armour dented inwards at the impact areas like it were tin sheets instead of Githyanki armour. She watched as Astarion yanked them out of the bodies, inspected the damage to the bodies and the arrows then decided to stow them again for reuse. While Shadowheart tended to the others, Tav also noticed that one of the guards sported a set of puncture marks on his neck.

She had spoken to Astarion this morning about his vampirism. Specifically, about why he didn't come forward with it sooner. He brushed it off as usual, remaking that 'it didn't come up naturally' and he corrected her assumptions by stating that he was a 'vampire spawn'. He explained the 'important differences' to her.

Although she thanked him for that, she was more concerned about how or rather who he was feeding on and whether that included anyone in camp. She was grossly annoyed at his amusement of her 'accusing him of using Nyx as his personal blood bank' - his words not hers. However, he did begrudgingly confirm that Nyx had been clear on the matter of not sharing her blood with him, but there was that scheming smile on his face. The one he gets when he was not telling her everything. Nevertheless, they agreed that he won't feed on innocents - moot as it was seeing that he had been doing so since Nyx 'found him out' anyway. He did make a point of mentioning to her that he was 'looking forward' to being able to use 'all his weapons' during battle.

Tav glanced at the Githyanki guard again. She looked at Astarion, shook her head and sighed.

He met her eyes and grinned knowingly, "He's just as dead, my dear."

Tav pinched the bridge of her nose and before she could reply a voice boomed across the room making them jump out of their skins.


--- --- ---



Halsin had convinced the giant eagle mother not to peck their eyes out, or their insides, seeing that her nest was right next to the device Gale was interested in.

Nyx queried again, "Are you sure we can tamper with this thing safely?"

"Yes, yes. It is absolutely fine. I know what I'm doing", Gale replied with his head and hands inside a panel at its base. A device that alarmingly represented a weapon.

Wyll reminded him of what happened the last time he said that, to which Gale defended himself by stating that 'the last time' was a mere miscalculation and that 'this time' would be different. Nyx set her mouth in a line when she recalled the story he told her about the disappearing walls on his dormitory floor - that too was a miscalculation on his part... Gale recruited Wyll to assist him with the 'transmutation of the crystal lattice' within the device. Nyx didn't like the sound of that, but extenuating circumstances.

Gale continued, "Before we do that, my good warlock. Nyx would you mind?", he gestured to the large circular ring on the device and made a motion with his hand as though he were turning it.

Nyx looked up at the large wheel, she flexed her fingers, extended her magic and turned it with one hand in wide circular gestures. Its crystalline rod swivelled so that the pointy bit now faced the temple - and the same wall that Astarion was inspecting last night. Nyx narrowed her eyes, How odd.

Gale and Wyll proceeded to adapt the energies within the crystals to pick up on the psionic vibrations of their tadpoles. Nyx shared raised eyebrows with Halsin while they watched the two of them work. Gale reached towards the device, twirling his outstretched hand around in the air, realigning the energies. He scowled and lowered his hand.

Wyll probed, "What's wrong?"

Gale grunted, "It is working, but not well enough. The channel of energy is too - dispersed", he motioned with his hands stretching them out and away from one another.

Halsin asked, "Can't you increase the flow?"

"No, it picks up on what is available. And short of us turning into actual mind flayers to increase the psionic energy through the crystal, I don't see how we can do that."

Nyx puzzled on how she would expand her magic's reach when she can't increase the amount she used.

Magic is like water, or at least mine feels that way, she thought on how she controls hers - How would I adapt mine to 'capture' more of something with limited supply?... I would extend it, to cover a larger area... like trying to catch all the fish swimming around in a lake rather than just catching one at a time...

Nyx ventured, "Can't you widen the net to capture more of it then? Like you would with fish coming down a wide river?"

Gale gave her a long look. She could see his gears turning then his face lit up, "Brilliant! Of course, a disk around the main receiver will funnel the diluted flow into a more concentrated beam!", then the explanations divulged into bafflegab accompanied by exaggerated hand waving. They all frowned at him.

"Oh, my apologies...", he made a slight bend at the waist at seeing their faces, "Uh...", he thought on it for a moment with his hand on his chin, stroking his beard. He looked around and snapped his fingers then pointed to the wheel again.

"Nyx", he addressed her, "Would you be able to pull the steering wheel off of its column entirely?"

Nyx gaped at the enormous wheel he wanted her to remove as though she would be picking a daisy and gave him a flat look. "I'll try", was all she could offer.


--- --- ---



First the Githyanki Kith'rak, now an Inquisitor. Lambs to the slaughter, that's what we are. By the Hells, Tymora's luck be true.

Tav stared up at the towering doors to the Inquisitor's Chambers, and who-knows-what-else that lied waiting beyond the doors. Tav was trying to suppress her quivering; adrenaline, anticipation and dread surged through her still. She took a shaky breath and reached for the door handle. Just as she placed her hand on the handle something screeched loudly in her head,

Hello? Tav? Are you receiving this?

"NINE FUCKING HELLS!", Tav cried out and recoiled from the door, doubling back crashing into Lae'zel. The others had their weapons in their hands ready to attack whatever had assaulted her. Lae’zel helped her to her feet and Tav clutched her chest, waiting for her heart to settle.

What. Was That? It had a familiar voice under the screeching.

She cautiously extended the tadpole's telepathic powers to the hovering psionic energy, Gale?

Bless the Weave, it worked!

Tav sighed then spoke the words out loud while she addressed Gale at the same time, "It's Gale." The others frowned at her like she was crazy, "Heh, I've not officially lost my mind? Please tell me you're the real Gale."

What other Gale would there be?, then she presumed he was speaking to the others on his end and to her at the same time as well when he stated, I've reached her.

Tav laughed, "It’s a relief that I'm not losing my mind. Hold on h-", she started to ask but Gale pre-emptively answered.

Err, let's call it Wizarding ingenuity with the help of some friends - and a huge crystal... Crystals. Hm?... They are telling me to ask you if you're all still intact - preferably not bleeding either.

Tav smiled and notified the others on her side, who wore confused faces, "Gale says he is able to reach me through some wizardry and some crystals.", then she answered Gale, "Yes, we are very much still intact and not bleeding - anymore. But it's not for a lack of trying on the Githyankis' end."

Marvellous! No, wait, What!? Oh, no don't tell me. It was Astarion wasn't it? He did something to incite their wrath didn't he? What did he pinch? I do hope it was more than a coin purse...

Tav laughed and grinned widely looking at Astarion, "No, Astarion wasn't the instigator."

Astarion scoffed disgraced and muttered something about 'the wizard better watch his back when I get out of here' and Tav informed him, "Astarion says he has retribution plans for you though", and they shared a grin.

Hmmm. He may want to reconsider those plans. I know his weaknesses now. Hm? Oh, yes. Ahem, Nyx says to 'stop fooling around'. And. 'How do we bust you out of there?'

Tav smiled and quipped, "Nyx is our steady compass", the other's chuckled at that. The lingering smirk on Astarion's face didn't go unnoticed by Tav either.

Tav explained to Gale that after defeating Kith'rak Therezzyn, over a fatal misunderstanding regarding their Gith artefact, they have been called to the Inquisitors' Chambers. The outcome of said interaction was yet to be determined. It may or may not go well, since they had been praised for being able to kill Kith'rak Therezzyn in the first place, but there was little hope for their limbs to continue to remain attached to their bodies.

Not on our watch. We will find a way, the parting sentiment from Gale's group made Tav's shoulders and heart realms lighter. It was a priceless boost to morale and she recognized the newfound resolution in the other's expressions as well.

Tav regarded the doors and set her jaw in determination. She straightened, Tymora as our witness and patron: We are getting out of here, the odds be damned.


--- --- ---



Nyx was probing the recessed wall with her magic, but her whiskers can't go through solid objects. It needs some way in, a crack in the stonework, a hole in the seam, Something.

Wyll queried behind her, "What are you up to over there?", she heard him stepping up behind her.

She answered without looking away from the wall, "I think there is a doorway here, but I can't figure out how to open it."

Wyll sidled next to her with furrowed brows, looking the wall over. He noticed the same medallion affixed to the wall with Lathander's sun; however, it was a dud, it doesn't do anything. He asked her another question, "What makes you think there is something here?"

Nyx backed away from the wall to point at her observations. She made a swooping motion with her hand, "This is the only part of the walls in the courtyard with a protruding, decorative, archway demarcating a singular recessed wall." Next she pointed to the floor, "The symbol of Lathander is present both as a mosaic on the tiles, and that knob on the wall."

Wyll's nodding gaze followed her, Gale and Halsin listened from the stairs. Nyx turned around and pointed at the crystal device, "And that thing is very conveniently positioned to point at the recessed wall once you turn the wheel."

The other three blinked at each piece of the puzzle then considered the wall.

Halsin's deep voice jarred them out of their collective puzzlement, "If we can't find an obvious way through. Let's make one."

They turned to him, each with an askance expression.


--- --- ---



Vlaakith, the undying lich queen and ruler of the Githyanki lived (or unlived) up to her name and reputation. Even as a magical projection, she was foreboding and her power undeniable. Lae'zel was crouched on bended knee in front of her queen's glowing gaze, but Tav was not going to bow to a tyrant - no matter how powerful they were. She took a page from Nyx's book and gave a respectful incline of the head.

Vlaakith was not pleased. Vlaakith demanded respect and Lae'zel demanded it be given by Tav. On shaking legs Tav declined as respectfully as she could, since inciting the wrath of any goddess remains unwise. Shadowheart, Astarion and Karlach were steadfast next to her; giving Tav their much-appreciated silent support. Vlaakith reprimanded Lae'zel for not teaching her attendants the proper ways.

Lae'zel apologized, yet stared in awe while her queen addressed her personally and dangled the promise of purity over her.

Next, the deathless queen addressed Tav regarding the artefact. Tav declared herself keeper of the artefact. Vlaakith denied that she could possibly hold such a privilege and explained that it had been corrupted. Lae'zel immediately offered to cleanse the artefact. Tav listened, chewing her lip as the queen elaborated that an agent of 'the grand design' had infiltrated the artefact and must be removed. This agent was a threat to the Githyanki, compromising both the astral prism and its ability to prevent the return of the Illithid empire.

The dream visitor. It must be, Tav's assumptions of them being linked was confirmed.

However, Vlaakith overplayed her hand with one last statement - by offering ascension to Lae'zel for ridding the artefact of this agent.

Vlaakith is too desperate.

Armed with this insight, Tav begrudgingly agreed to enter the astral prism. She took a steading breath, collected her courage and stepped into the prism's portal to face the Dream Visitor in person. Then to decide their ultimate fate.

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